All Chapters of Rejected Silent Lone Wolf: Chapter 221 - Chapter 229
229 Chapters
Kevin's POVI could hear everything Ella was discussing with Gabby from where I was. To an outsider, Liam and I looked like we were having fun sipping juice and watching the kids have fun but what we were actually doing was far from it. We were being detectives the way Ella was.It wouldn't be easy for Ella to quiz Gabby and ask her the name of the school her daughter attended if we were there. It would be awkward so we had to leave so Gabby could be fooled into thinking that she was having a harmless woman to woman chitchat with Ella instead of feeling like she was being interrogated by a family.I knew that Ella was going to ask about Melody's school the moment she had the opportunity to and she didn't disappoint me. I smiled as I listened to the women talk, knowing Liam was also doing the same."Dad!" Neo chuckled as he ran towards me, breaking into my concentration.Damn, I hadn't gotten to know the school Melody attended. I wasn't bothered too much about that as I knew I would ge
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Ella's POVI took in a breath of the fresh air with more delight than I intended it to be. We were finally going home and it was a delight. It wasn't like the boys had consented to go home. If left to their wishes, we would all have had to sleep over at Gabby's house but nature had plans for them. I would have loved to blow nature a kiss if it had formed.An hour later, the boys and Melody had all fallen asleep while still watching TV and we had to pick them one after the other, carrying them out on our backs. They hadn't stirred as we picked them off the chair and carried them on our backs. I wanted to laugh at them, amused at how deeply they slept. The excitement of the day had finally hit them and it had hit them hard.We had thanked Gabby for her hospitality and she had thanked us for honoring her invite to the party. We had apologized on behalf of the boys for making her stay so late but she had told us not to bother that we didn't have to apologize for what her daughter was also
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Ella's POVThe boys were back at Gabby's house. They had asked to spend the evening with Melody two days after the party and I had willingly agreed. I had my own reasons for wanting to go to Gabby's house and was glad the boys brought up the offer before me. I needed an excuse to be with Gabby and the boys always came in handy but they would see through me and know I was up to something if I asked them to go to Gabby's house first.I had been forced to take them out yesterday so it wouldn't be known that I had lied the next time they were around Melody and Gabby."Nathan. Neo. Nick." Melody screeched as she opened the door and saw them. "It's so good to see you again.""You too, Melody." The boys said.The kids took their time embracing one another while I stood there watching them. Moments later, Melody glanced up and bowed her head to me with a smile."Thanks for letting them visit, Mrs. Allen." She said.I smiled at her, feeling the need to run my hands through her hair but refrain
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Ella's POVGabby thought we were both shopping at the supermarket buying groceries but in actual sense, she was the only one doing the grocery run while I was out here on yet another investigative duty.I had to confirm if the marks I saw were due to a neighborhood watch or a Melody watch. I had to know if the spies (if there were any) were watching Melody or if they were patrolling the neighborhood as they wanted to make it seem."Don't you have anything to buy?" Gabby said as she glanced at me and noticed that I hadn't thrown anything in the shopping cart I was pushing forward. The children were walking in front of us while we were walking behind them, pushing the cart after them."Oh!" I muttered, snapping out of my thoughts.I had been so lost in thoughts that I didn't realize that we had passed all the sections and were heading towards the cashier and I hadn't bought anything. I could understand why she was looking at me with arched eyebrows and curiosity in those eyes of hers."
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Ella's POVIt was a Saturday, a beautiful one at that. The weather was bright and the boys wanted to play. We were at Gabby's house again but it was her idea to have them brought to her house. It felt like she had gotten attached to the boys as much as we had gotten attached to her daughter.We were all sprawled out on a mat in her living room, watching the TV and munching popcorn. The show was interesting but I couldn't enjoy it. I was on edge and I knew the others were too though they were trying to hide it better than I was. We hadn't seen the man who was spying on Melody after that day that I had seen him at the supermarket but I wasn't going to be fooled that he wasn't around us. He was still watching though he had learnt to hide himself from us, I was sure of that.Nothing had happened while Liam was busy taking the kids home back from school and it had been easy to get laid back but we wouldn't do that. That was exactly what they were trying to do. It was easy to fool yourself
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Ella's POV"Don't worry. She will be fine." I said to Gabby who sat beside Melody and crying her out loud, looking worried."I hope so." She nodded, looking at me with red eyes. She sniffed and then looked away. "Thank you.""It's no problem." I said to her, shaking my head. "Melody is as important to me as she is to yours." I said to her, meaning it.It wasn't a lie. If Melody died or something happened to her, it would be that our mission here was a failure and Kevin wouldn't get his ten years back. It would be annoying if I wasted the trip here and didn't get what I wanted."You are an angel, Ella." She said, smiling at me as she rubbed gently at her daughter's hand, as if she was willing her to wake up right there.I nodded, my throat stiff as I couldn't find it in me to speak. I knew I was a good person and could lay everything I've got down for people but calling me an angel was a long stretch.If only she knew why I was actually concerned about her daughter, I wondered how she
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Ella's POV"Stop!" I shouted as I jumped off the seat I was perched on, flinging the syringe off her hand and away from Melody's skin.Gabby gasped at my action, looking at me like I was crazy but before she could talk, the nurse beat her to it."What are you doing?" She asked me.I scoffed. "Shouldn't I be asking you that?"She sneered at me. "Trying to treat a patient. What else would I be doing in a hospital ward as a nurse who is on duty?""That only matters if you are a nurse."She flicked her gaze to Gabby. "Who is she? Does she need to be here?"I chuckled at her obvious attempt to get me thrown out of the room so she could have her way with her mission.Gabby looked torn and she was probably wondering what my problem was as I was acting unusual. "What is going on?" She asked, staring at me."She is not a real nurse." I said, pointing at her. "I can bet on my life that she is here to harm your daughter. She is probably one of those or the one who did this to your daughter."Gab
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Liam's POVI was sure Gabby would be suspicious of us at this rate and knew that there was something wrong with the way we were going frequently to her house for a visit but she didn't say anything.Well, she hadn't said anything yet. She was busy fussing over her kid and making sure another episode like that didn't repeat itself. I was worried for all of them but I was tired of everything.It had been silent in the school and while taking them to school and back from it that I couldn't help but wonder if the witches hadn't found out where Melody schooled or just didn't want to involve the other kids. I suspected that it was the latter. With how meticulous they were, I doubted that they hadn't made their research to find out the school Melody went to.I could bet my position in the pack that they knew everything about the little girl and didn't want to attack when she was around other humans. Like us, they didn't want their identities to be risked out in the open to the human world. T
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Gabby's POVStrange things had been happening and I was getting confused. I was still wondering how Melody could have forgotten a memory of her getting injured in the garage. She hadn't remembered going in there and definitely couldn't remember what had happened to her. I still wondered what happened to her and couldn't deny that worrying about it kept me up all night.I was grateful that Ella was around and with me almost everyday. She was a huge support to me and I couldn't imagine that I had gotten to know her before all these started happening.I would have been scared and driven out of my wits if I was alone to deal with these alone. I wished Melody's dad was here but his program wasn't ending until the next two months, barely days before Melody's birthday party.I couldn't wait to see him again and draw in his comfort. I hadn't told him about what was going on as I didn't want to distract me from his studies. He would only be worried and might rush home in a panic, forfeiting hi
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