All Chapters of A Taste of Temptation: The Chaste CEO's Midnight Knock: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
319 Chapters
Chapter 121: She Hates My Face
In order to prevent Liam from feeling like she was being difficult, she paused for a moment, then simply responded with "Yes," before setting her phone aside and going to sleep.That night, she somehow dreamt about the moment her father confessed to having an affair and fathering an illegitimate daughter."Yes, she's about the same age as Suzy. She became pregnant within a year of your pregnancy.""If you're willing to accept them into the family, we can stay married. I assure you that moving forward, I will only stay faithful to the both of you. I won't seek another woman.""I wanted a son, but you couldn't give me one even though you're my legal wife! Fine, if you won't agree to divorce, then prepare to be a widow!"Back then, Suzy was still a child. Melissa had her back turned, so Suzy couldn't see her expression. What truly stuck with her were those three sentences from her father, and the disdainful and repulsive look in her father's eyes when he glanced at her.Later on, her moth
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Chapter 122: Liam Return to Northorn City
"Miss Burns has some serious issues! You can't choose your appearance; it's all in your parents' genes," Wendy scoffed. "If I ran into someone who wasn't my relative but resembled me, I'd embrace her like a sister! That's fate for you."Blood relations...Wendy's casual remark made Suzy furrow her brows."What's wrong?""Nothing." She shook her head.Before Suzy could say anything else, her phone rang.Glancing at it, she saw it was Alec calling."Hello?""Tell me everything about the whole situation, and I'll help you think of a solution." Alec got straight to the point. "I thought about it yesterday. Miss Burns has a lot of support within the Park Group. No matter what her motives are for trying to frame you, not many people will believe you! Your chain of evidence has to be solid enough to leave them speechless.""Yeah, I know.""Mr. Park already knows about this. It's clear he's in a tough spot, torn between preserving your friendship and..." Alec paused, "...and Miss Burns' cruc
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Chapter 123: She’s Not That Kind of Person
For Suzy's sake, he could even put aside the projects in New Valley!Liam got out of the car. It was clear he hadn't rested well last night; there was a hint of fatigue on his handsome face, and his eyes were tinged with exhaustion."What's wrong?" Grace also noticed her son's unusual demeanor and went over to ask him."Nothing, I have been very busy with work lately, so I slept late." Liam couldn’t be honest with his mother. He turned his gaze to Sophia standing beside him. "Miss Burns, I need to talk to you privately. Is it a convenient time now?"Sophia nodded, smiling. "You arrive just in time to give me a ride to the office. I won't need to drive today! Mrs. Park, Liam is here to fetch me to work, so I'll go with him.""Go ahead!" Grace was particularly happy to see this scene. She was delighted that her son finally showed some interest in Sophia.With his mother around, Liam naturally refrained from saying much more. "Let's go then.""Okay, come back to visit me after work.""A
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Chapter 124: I Beg You
Liam clearly didn't want to entertain her remarks, his brows furrowing."Do you think Suzy likes you?" Sophia suddenly threw out the question.He pursed his lips. "That's irrelevant to this matter.""How is it irrelevant? It's entirely relevant! She clearly has no feelings for you, yet she's willing to sign agreements with you for money, betraying the fundamental values of marriage. What else wouldn't she sell?""Sophia!"For the first time in their many years of acquaintance, Liam called her by her name with such severity.The atmosphere in the car seemed to freeze, and neither of them spoke further.Sophia turned her head to look out the window, striving to maintain her composure and avoiding a real argument with Liam at this juncture."We should leave. Your mother must be watching from behind, let's not let her see any disagreement between us," Sophia lowered her tone, her plea evident.Liam glanced at her through the rearview mirror.Sure enough, Grace was still watching from the e
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Chapter 125: Find Mr. Park
Wendy was also left speechless by the retort, stealing a glance at Suzy."Give me some time, I'll definitely find it.""How long do you need? Far East Corporation isn't playing around! I may give you more time, but they might not be willing to wait for us!”Suzy clenched her fists. "Ten days.""I'll give you three days at most! If you can't find it, I'll have to publicly announce that it was you who leaked the technical drawings," Desmond cut to the chase.With three problematic situations already facing the company this year, and now this issue with Suzy, he was considering ways to turn his luck around. It truly felt like a cursed year!As he stormed out, Wendy lightly tugged at Suzy's sleeve."What should we do? Can we make it in three days?""I'm not sure," Suzy admitted, not knowing where to even begin at this moment.Sophia definitely wouldn't admit it herself!The difference in power between the two sides was staggering.It could be said that there were no circumstances favorable
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Chapter 126: I Won’t Side Sophia
Suzy recognized Jeffrey's good intentions in wanting to assist her, but she lacked anything of comparable value to offer him in return.When Jeffrey noticed her hesitation, he instinctively reached out and grabbed her wrist. Suddenly, Suzy felt herself pulled backward, stumbling before finding herself in a firm embrace. Startled, she looked up to see Liam. How had he arrived so suddenly?"There's no need for you to trouble yourself, Mr. Palmer. I'll take her from here.”Jeffrey glanced at Suzy, then at Liam. "Are you... Suzy's boyfriend?""No, he's not," Suzy quickly denied before Liam could respond.For a brief moment, time seemed to freeze as Liam remained silent, merely moving his lips slightly without saying a word. Despite Jeffrey's desire to inquire further, Liam had already taken Suzy into his car.The car had traveled a distance before Suzy spoke up, "You can drop me off at the next intersection.""I'll have Transcend Enterprises' investigation department look into this matt
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Chapter 127: Are You Considering Resigning
Liam furrowed his brows."To prove innocence, you need evidence. It's not something that can be solved just because Mr. Palmer believes in you.""I know, that's why I'm going to collect evidence now." After speaking, Suzy tugged at the car door and furrowed her eyebrows. "Could you please open the door?""According to what you have said, we'd need either a voice recording of Sophia admitting it herself or direct evidence of her instructing you to send the technical drawings! "There's no point in going to Great Wealth Corporation; they're insisting that they created the technical drawings themselves."In the industry, Great Wealth Corporation's behavior wasn't unprecedented. Everyone knew what kind of company it was. Suzy wouldn't gain anything by going there, and if someone with ill intentions captured video or photos, it would only provide further evidence of her association with the company."Can you make her admit it?" Suzy turned to look at him."... No.""So, all of this is use
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Chapter 128: Too Ruthless
Liam understood that she was extremely stubborn; the more she resisted, the less she was open to reason.He took a deep breath and spoke softly, "Why don't you join me for lunch first? I'm sure you didn't have a proper breakfast this morning, and skipping meals could give you a stomachache."As he spoke, he was about to start the car engine again.Suzy wiped away her tears. "I'm not hungry, I want to get out of the car!""Although the agreement doesn't specify that you must work at Park Group, it does state that if I need you, you have to be available at my beck and call," Liam said helplessly, resorting to using their contract."... The agreement mentions 'need,' not specifically having meals together!" "Then come back with me to Easter Bay to fulfill my needs."Suzy nearly bit her tongue off in disbelief."Let's just have lunch." ...Park Group Legal Affairs Office.After finishing up a document, Sophia noticed a notification on the company’s internal server. She raised an eyebrow
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Chapter 129: I Want to Protect You
" You believe in the principle that the innocent will ultimately prove their innocence, but you can't overlook the possibility that Suzy has been portraying herself as the victim all this time! Don’t you realize the harmful effects of gossip and rumors?”Sophia chuckled at his exaggerated expression and waved her hand dismissively."That's perfect. Since Mrs. Park is back, I can use this time while they're conducting the investigation to take a break. Please don't disrupt my plans."Clive looked at her for a while, sighing deeply."You spoil Liam too much! At this rate, when will he ever appreciate you?""I'm not doing this for his sake. I genuinely care about Mrs. Park; she's like a mother to me."Clive nodded, then suddenly asked, " By the way, why don't you talk about your father much? He and your mother must have had a loving marriage, right? Only then could they have raised such a gentle and considerate daughter like you.""...Yes, they are very loving." However, they weren’t ma
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Chapter 130: Paternity Test
Throughout the meal, Suzy wanted to ask Liam about the meaning behind his earlier words several times, but she ultimately decided to keep her thoughts to herself.Top of FormNow, she needed to focus on finding evidence instead of letting these random thoughts affect her.After dinner, Liam received an urgent phone call and had to leave.However, he made sure to drop Suzy off at Wendy's place first and reiterated that she must move back to Easter Bay by tomorrow at the latest.Upon returning to her room, Suzy found her thoughts scattered and disorganized, unable to grasp any sense of clarity.Suddenly, her phone rang.It was a call from Melissa."Have you returned from your business trip?" "Yes, but things are hectic at the office. I haven't had the chance to come see you yet."Melissa chuckled. "You focus on your work. If you're busy, you don't have to come see me. I'll be fine!"Suzy didn't tell her mother about what had happened. It was unnecessary to burden her with more worries.
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