All Chapters of A Taste of Temptation: The Chaste CEO's Midnight Knock: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
315 Chapters
Chapter 131: Don’t Blame Mr. Park
Suzy naturally wouldn't tell Wendy who she wanted to have the paternity test for. She wouldn't say anything until everything was settled. In the evening, when Wendy returned home from work, she saw Suzy packing her luggage again and quickly asked, "What's going on now? You brought up the paternity test earlier, and now you're packing up to leave. I just can't figure you out!"Suzy put down what she was doing and smiled."The hospital needed the paternity test. I'm moving out because... the company wants to investigate me thoroughly, so I need to move to a designated location.""They are going too far! Once you've proven your innocence, I'll accompany you to the company to demand an explanation. And if they refuse to compensate you for the stress they've caused, we'll take legal action!"Wendy had always been a naive and straightforward person, her determination to protect Suzy evident in her expression."I will find evidence to prove it."Suzy pursed her lips, hiding her true feelings
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Chapter 132: What’s Is a Mistress
"I won’t blame him." "Mr. Park rushed back to Northorn City overnight because of your situation. Things are in a state of emergency here in New Valley. He mentioned he'll be back in a few days, which proves he's also keen on getting to the bottom of this." Suzy smiled, looking at the computer screen, feeling somewhat puzzled.Was Liam's swift action aimed at clearing her name? Or was he worried about the potential impact on Sophia's reputation once the truth came out?And what did he mean by "I want to protect you"?She pondered for a moment but didn't dwell too much on it.Feeling prepared, Suzy got up from her desk and headed straight to the Legal Department."Hello, is Miss Burns in the office today?" she asked a legal department staff member as she stepped out of the elevator.It was obvious the staff member knew about Suzy and Sophia's situation, her eyes lighting up with a mix of curiosity and excitement, tinged with a hint of caution."What do you need her for?" "I'd like to
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Chapter 133: Quit Playing This Game
Without waiting for Suzy to react, Sophia immediately reached out in pain as soon as she saw Liam. "Liam, help me... I'm... bleeding..."All eyes turned towards them simultaneously. True to Sophia's words, her body was covered in large patches of blood, which was quite alarming to witness.Liam immediately called for an ambulance and then went over to scoop Sophia up and leave the office.He did all these without exchanging a word with Suzy, not even making eye contact.After they left, Sophia's assistant hurried in, glanced at the bloodstains on the floor, then at Suzy, looking bewildered.What was going on here? Did she just step into a crime scene?Suzy hadn't expected that her act of self-defense would lead to such serious consequences!It was Sophia who had initiated the violence...As more and more people from the Legal Department gathered, John came over. "Everyone, get back to work. Mr. Park has made it clear that this matter is off-limits for discussion! No taking photos or s
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Chapter 134: It's Absurd to Say Out Loud
"I'm not playing around.""But you shouldn't take Suzy seriously! Mrs. Park has already decided that you will marry Sophia. Aren't you afraid of upsetting her again? Even if Sophia doesn't have a place in your heart, what about Mrs. Park? She's your biological mother."Liam didn't respond, just pursed his lips tightly.He stood tall, partially obscured by the darkness.The light outside the emergency room suddenly went out, and a doctor emerged, removing the mask from his face."Who's the family member of Sophia Burns?"Clive immediately walked over. "I am! How is she?""The patient had excessive bleeding due to the surgical wound tearing. It has been re-sutured, and she will be out soon.""So, she's not in any life-threatening condition?""Well, she still needs to be closely monitored. After all, it's an abdominal surgery. If it leads to an infection, it could be problematic." After saying this, the doctor left.Clive breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing that she was okay.Turning a
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Chapter 135: A Deep Kiss
If those she cared about didn't believe her, it was pointless even if others were to believe her.“At times, I truly admire Suzy. She manages to keep Liam’s heart tightly locked towards her, whereas I seem oblivious and solely focused on assisting him with his career.”"He will appreciate your kindness sooner or later. Besides, with Mrs. Park supporting you, what's there to fear? With Suzy's status, she'll never step foot into the Park family and will never be recognized by the Parks!"Sophia didn't say anything, but she understood better than Clive that the only way to restrict Liam at this point was to please his mother! Liam couldn't possibly ignore his mother in the end and insist on being with Suzy! ...After leaving Sophia's office, Suzy went directly to the paternity testing center that Wendy had recommended to her.Normally, such a violation of protocol wouldn't be allowed, but luckily Wendy had helped her plead her case.After arranging everything, Suzy received a call from
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Chapter 136: Suzy Met Grace
Liam finally released Suzy's lips, leaving her breathless. Her lipstick was smudged from their kiss, giving her flushed lips a heated appearance."Suzy, back in junior high, I thought you were quite clever." Suzy kept quiet at his comment.Liam lifted his hand to tousle her hair. "I have a meeting. We'll talk more at home tonight." He was prepared to leave.Suzy hurriedly asked, "Um, how is Sophia doing now?" Despite being the one who pushed her, Suzy still couldn’t stop thinking about the matter due to all the blood she witnessed."Don’t worry, she’s fine.”“Alright.”Watching him disappear into the office, Suzy couldn't help but wonder what Liam meant by his earlier words. He said they were married, and his relationship with Sophia was merely superior-subordinate. It seemed like he was stating his stance regarding Sophia to her. However... He still had the 0825 tattooed on him, and he still used Sophia's initials for the entrance password. Could it be that Liam suddenly real
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Chapter 137: It’s All a Lie
"My son has always had an obsession with cleanliness and never liked anyone entering his room before. It seems like his personality has changed a lot over the past few years."Grace changed her shoes and strolled into the room, casting a quick glance around. Suzy's heart skipped a beat as she noticed her clothes in Liam's bedroom...Fortunately, Grace knew her son valued privacy and personal space, so she just sat down on the living room sofa without venturing further.Suzy quickly poured her a glass of water and brought it over, resembling a servant.After all, she had previously worked as a personal assistant before, so serving someone was something she was used to doing."Thank you." Grace smiled. "Carry on with your work, you don't need to mind me. I'll just wait here for my son.""Sure thing, Mrs. Park."As Suzy was about to leave, Grace stopped her again. "Hey, can I ask how long you've been working here?""Not long, about two months.""Have you ever seen my son bring any girls h
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Chapter 138: No One Is Fit to Be My Daughter-in-law
Suzy instinctively covered her heart with her hand.She asked herself.Did she invest her feelings in him?"Hello? Suzy?" Wendy called out to her several times from the other end.Suzy snapped out of her thoughts. "I'm here.""Promise me, you won’t go for a man who is already in love with someone else okay?”She smiled and lowered her eyelashes. "Yeah, okay."…As Alec was handling the tasks in New Valley, and since Liam couldn't make it there, he remained occupied at the company until nine o'clock in the evening.Seated in the car, Liam unfastened the top button of his shirt and loosened his tie with his slender fingers."Mr. Park, are you heading back to Easter Bay?" John asked, turning to him."Yeah," he replied, then remembered something. "Did you drop her off?""Yes, Miss Chase is at Easter Bay."At the thought of Suzy, Liam smiled slightly.This woman continuously brought up his relationship with Sophia. If he were to look at it from a different perspective, did that mean she car
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Chapter 139: How Did You Find Me
If it weren't for Sophia insisting on giving Liam some time, Grace, who had always been headstrong, would have wanted to announce their marriage openly.Seeing her son remaining quiet, she finally issued an ultimatum."Before the end of this year, you must be engaged to Sophia! If you're too busy with work, I'll take care of everything."...In the hotel, Suzy and Wendy chatted for a while before hanging up the phone.After years of being busy with work, it seemed like she hardly ever had moments of leisure like this.Looking at the ceiling, she recalled Sophia's words and remembered her resentful expression at that time. Sophia acted like Suzy was the one who stole their father since childhood.The mother and daughter were adept at playing this game of accusing others.With a wry smile, Suzy had just picked up her phone when she saw a voice message from Jeffrey.After hesitating for a moment, she chose to answer."Suzy, I have good news! My friend has been helping you trace the number
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Chapter 140: It Was My First Time That Night
Suzy blinked for a few seconds before nodding. "Um, yes she did."Liam stretched his long legs and walked straight into the hotel room, closing the door behind him.Despite having many intimate moments with Liam before, Suzy still felt a bit flustered when Liam unexpectedly cornered and enveloped her in his distinct presence."What are you doing?" "Don't listen to those words."Looking into his eyes, Suzy surprisingly sensed anxiety!"...It's none of my business." She tried to create some distance between herself and Liam. Being this close made it hard for her to breathe.But Liam seemed to deliberately close the gap every time she tried to move away.Finally, she heard him let out a shallow sigh."My mom, she was kidnapped once and went through a period of self-isolation after being rescued, which led to severe depression and frequent suicidal tendencies."Suzy hadn't expected Grace to have gone through all that! When Suzy saw Grace earlier, she thought Grace had a cheerful and tal
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