All Chapters of A Taste of Temptation: The Chaste CEO's Midnight Knock: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
311 Chapters
Chapter 151: Awaiting One's Doom
"What does this mean? Didn't the company's upper management say they would investigate thoroughly?"Wendy's fury was evident, her eyes wide as if she were ready to pounce on someone.Compared to her anger, Suzy didn't say a word, just staring intently at the screen.He had said...They would find out the truth and clear his name."Suzy, don't scare me, say something!" Wendy thought Suzy was simply too upset. She quickly reached for her hand, only to notice that Suzy's hand was trembling slightly.Suzy was typically composed. It was Wendy’s first time seeing Suzy in such a state."I'm fine."After a while, Suzy forced a smile at Wendy."Don't pretend you’re fine! We'll go to the company tomorrow. I'll go with you! Damn it, why would they just assume it's you without evidence!""Don't get involved in this matter," Suzy said in a serious tone, lowering her voice, "You worked hard to get into Park Group, don't let my situation drag you down.""What are you talking about? Do you think I wou
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Chapter 152: Promise to Marry Sophia
Liam paused abruptly, without saying a word, as he took Alec's phone and glanced at it.The announcement was glaringly bold, with a firm and cutting tone."Mr. Park, this...""Notify the website immediately to take down this announcement."He was aware that Suzy must have seen it. It had been a while since she hadn't reached out to him. It appeared that the small amount of trust he had worked hard to build had also been shattered.With one troublesome matter after another, Liam realized that he needed to swiftly resolve the issue regarding Sophia.He boarded a plane from the airport. During the journey, he attempted to call Suzy, but there was no answer.After a moment of hesitation, Liam dismissed the idea of sending her a message.Given the current situation, it was likely that his mother had involved his father as well. She seemed determined to make Sophia her daughter-in-law, and for that purpose, she was willing to do whatever it took.Liam didn't know the exact reason behind her
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Chapter 153: Let’s End the Contract
In William's eyes, this was already the biggest compromise he would make for Liam.He never expected his son to rebel like this. Even during Liam's teenage years, he never caused any trouble. But now, all because of Suzy, his actions shocked everyone in the Park family.Liam didn't respond to his father's remarks but simply stated he was boarding and hung up. On the journey back, he remained silent, his dark eyes fixed on the window. The atmosphere around him felt chilly, leaving everyone wondering what he was thinking....As soon as the company announcement was made, the HR department contacted Suzy."Miss Chase, please come in within three days to process your resignation.""So, the reason you're firing me is because, after investigation, you've concluded I leaked company information, is that it?" Suzy's tone was assertive, far from that of someone being dismissed for wrongdoing, which made the HR representative seem a bit unsure after her strong rebuttal."This decision comes fro
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Chapter 154: Let’s Get Divorced
Liam pressed his lips tightly together. Although he didn't speak, the atmosphere plummeted to its lowest...Suzy had never seen him like this before, and she instinctively took a step back.Seemingly realizing he had startled her, Liam's handsome face softened slightly, his voice becoming low and hoarse."I don't agree.""Mr. Park, I understand that this situation has put you in a difficult position, so I'll handle the rest myself. I haven't done anything wrong, and I'm sure I can find a way to prove it." However, with Park Group's decision to terminate her, she would undoubtedly find herself on the opposing side in arbitration or court proceedings in the future.So, Suzy wanted to clarify her relationship with Liam first."Suzy, come home with me." Liam's tone was gentle and patient as if coaxing a stubborn wife who had run away from home, a stark contrast to his earlier coldness.This situation unfolded right at Wendy's doorstep, making Suzy aware that she couldn't stay there with
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Chapter 155: She’s Unworthy
Suzy furrowed her brows. She wasn’t concerned about that!"I know, you've mentioned it before.”If Liam had feelings for Sophia, many things might not have occurred. However, it appeared that Sophia still harbored resentment toward her."Let's eat first," Liam murmured, barely audible, closing the topic again.He realized that Suzy wasn't in the right frame of mind to listen to him at the moment. She wasn't capable of making rational decisions, and the mention of termination and divorce came out too hastily. So, he chose to ignore them....Two guards stood outside Grace's hospital room, vigilant for any more impulsive actions from her.Confident that Liam wasn't at the hospital, Sophia sneaked in to visit Grace."Mrs. Park, why did you do something so silly..." Sophia hugged Mrs. Park as soon as she entered. "If Liam doesn't want to marry me, that's okay. Please don't pressure him anymore. And please, take care of yourself! I don't want to lose someone who has always cared for me."
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Chapter 156: Make Suzy Leave
Sophia didn't respond to Grace's "plea."She simply lowered her eyelids, appearing convincingly torn."Mrs. Park, if we do this, Liam will resent us... He might be even more reluctant to marry me, and we might not even stay friends.""I understand, I understand everything! You don't need to do anything. Since I’ve promised you this marriage, I'll handle everything ahead." Grace naturally understood Sophia's concerns.If Sophia intervened too much in breaking up Liam and Suzy, even if she were to marry Liam later on, Liam would still harbor resentment towards her as his wife! He would see her as a troublemaker, thinking she had ulterior motives.This wouldn't be conducive to the development of their relationship as husband and wife in the future!However, if Grace were to handle all these dirty deeds, it would be different! Liam couldn't keep holding a grudge against his own mother.Sophia succeeded in her goal today: she manipulated Grace into aiding her plan to separate Liam and Su
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Chapter 157: Your Mother Looks for My Mother
"Mr. Park, I understand you're trying to be fair, and I appreciate that. But I'd prefer to deal with this issue by myself."Liam found the term "Mr. Park" rather unsettling."Suzy, we are husband and wife."...Observing her silence, Liam felt an indescribable sensation. They stared at each other for a long time, neither breaking eye contact. Finally, Suzy spoke, "Liam, the gap between us is just too big.""I am willing to get closer to you to fill the gap."Suzy shook her head. "Can you really disregard your parents for me?"Liam pursed his lips, wanting to respond, but remained silent.Suddenly, Suzy's phone rang.Glancing down, she saw her mother's number.She answered immediately, and Melissa’s voice came through. "You mentioned you registered your marriage with someone named Jeffrey Palmer. So why did a woman called Mrs. Park visit me today, claiming to be his mother, and asking my daughter to stop contacting her son?"Suzy's heart sank."Mom...""Come see me right now.”With th
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Chapter 158: Only Suzy Chase
"He's Wendy's cousin, and he's been quite caring towards me.""Cut ties with that Mr. Park.” Melissa thought of the woman who had just come to her, and her anger flared up.Grace displayed an arrogant demeanor, acting like she was above Melissa.No matter what, Melissa would never allow her daughter to marry into such a family."I'll handle this matter, Mom. You don't have to worry. The Park family won't bother you anymore.""Do you think I care about such matters?" Melissa looked at her, her tone filled with resignation and displeasure. "I care about you."Suzy lowered her head. She didn't want to bring up too much about Liam in front of her mother because there were still things she hadn't sorted out herself.Of course, Melissa noticed her daughter's avoidance."Suzy, do you have feelings for this Mr. Park?”Suzy was startled. "No, Mom!""Really?" Melissa's eyes kept scanning her daughter's face as if trying to see through her."Mom, we come from different worlds. As you've seen, the
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Chapter 159: File a Divorce
Upon hearing Liam's clear statement, not only did Sophia fall into silence on the other end of the line, but even Grace didn't expect her son to express himself so definitively in front of her!Grace’s greatest assurance was her son's filial piety.She believed her son was just trying to assert himself, but as long as she persisted, he would surely comply with her wishes."Both of you don't need to discuss anything privately anymore. It's pointless," Liam said before ending the call with Sophia.The atmosphere in the hospital room became quiet, descending to an icy silence.After a while, Grace moved her lips slightly, "For that woman, you're willing to disregard your mother's well-being?""Mom, I can compromise on everything else.""There's nothing else! I won't allow this Suzy woman to enter the Park family! It's either her or me!" Grace's emotions escalated, and before she could finish her sentence, her breathing became rapid.Her heart monitor emitted a piercing sound, prompting t
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Chapter 160: For One Woman
"What are you planning to do?" Suzy asked in a trembling voice.For Suzy, Liam's social status was ultimately too far out of reach, creating undeniable pressure and leaving her feeling insecure.Because even if she tried every trick in her book, she couldn't really hurt Liam; it was all futile. However, if he chose to retaliate against her, it would be effortless.Furthermore, she had to compete with Sophia, which was also proving to be a strenuous effort.Her reactive response hurt Liam a bit."I will never hurt you, nor your family.""My mother must avoid any emotional stress because of her illness. Please don’t meet with her." Suzy was now truly afraid to let Liam meet Melissa!That would be the end of her."Suzy, can you not..."Liam’s voice trailed off midway, the rest swallowed by silence.Suzy waited a moment before saying, "Go on.""Can you not think of divorce first whenever a problem arises?"Liam's voice was soft, filled with a mix of emotions, making it hard to pinpoint wh
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