All Chapters of A Taste of Temptation: The Chaste CEO's Midnight Knock: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
311 Chapters
Chapter 161: Pressure
William raised his hands, about to act impulsively.However, when he saw the determination in his son's eyes, he suddenly backed down.Even if he were to kill Liam today, he knew Liam wouldn't compromise."Son, your mother's life is in your hands now."...Liam would rather his father hit him, and curse at him, but when he spoke with a pleading tone, Liam truly didn't know how to respond."She had a difficult time giving birth to you. I still remember her crying so painfully in the hospital and insisting she must save you!" William looked at him, his gaze heavy. "I understand you're reluctant to give up. You love that girl deeply, but Grace is your mother! She brought you into this world, she risked her life for you! Are these things less important than the girl you love?""Isn't there any way to make her accept Suzy?" In fact, Liam was persistent because he felt that his mother simply hadn't yet understood Suzy.Once she truly got to know Suzy, she would like her!William sighed."
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Chapter 162: Break Up with Liam
Suzy stood next to the bench in the garden, considering speaking several times, but in the end, she remained silent."Do you truly believe that, with your abilities and resources, you can prove that Miss Burns framed you?" "I believe justice will prevail.""You, your family, and your friends may believe in your innocence, but no HR department in any investment bank will believe you! If you're dismissed for this reason, no one will care whether you're innocent or not."Alec had just spoken the entire truth.After years in the workplace, he had seen all sorts of schemes and plots!It was not uncommon for a superior to intentionally create trouble for a subordinate due to personal grievances. As a result, those unlucky ones might bear the burden for the rest of their lives, while luckier ones may only witness their superior receiving a mild reprimand from management before the subordinate leaves the industry due to the company's overall reputation.Top of FormRegardless of the outcome,
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Chapter 163: All Because of You
Suzy reflected on the situation and realized that Clive was speaking the truth! While she was being harassed by Steven from Far East Corporation, Liam unexpectedly showed up and rescued her!Amidst the chaos, Suzy hadn't dwelled much on why Liam had shown up right on time, nor had she considered it!"And, after the incident, Liam, to prevent others from gossiping about you, gave up the opportunity to use this incident to pressure Far East Corporation. “He was worried that if Far East Corporation got upset, they might further disclose the incident of your harassment." Clive paused, looking at her. "I think you should know that once a girl's reputation gets tarnished, it can have lifelong consequences."That would mean she'd carry a peculiar stigma for the rest of her life! Despite her innocence, she'd become the subject of gossip, with some fabricating reasons, such as accusing Suzy of intentionally seducing Steven.Having spent a considerable amount of time in the workplace, Suzy un
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Chapter 164: Got Involved with Mr. Park
She didn't catch the rest of what Sophia said, then Liam's voice came through."My mom woke up. I'll call you back after I settle things on my end.""Okay."Suzy gazed at her phone's dark screen, experiencing inner chaos like never before.Actually, it would've been better if Clive hadn't looked for Suzy and told her all those things because she was already determined to divorce Liam and end their relationship!However, after hearing what Clive told her, she suddenly didn't know how to bring up the topic of divorce with Liam anymore.He had been incredibly attentive to her needs, even in the face of his mother's objections; he remained steadfast and refused to back down. On the other hand, it was always so easy for her to initiate a break-up.Just like Liam had said...Whenever she encountered something, she just wanted to give up completely and draw clear boundaries.She lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling, every moment spent with Liam replaying in her mind.His tenderness, his tho
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Chapter 165: He Never Thought of Giving Up
Suzy's head throbbed from Wendy's shouting. Just as she was about to explain the situation, Wendy's attention shifted."Did you two sleep together?""Um...""How is he down there? Is it huge?" Wendy blinked, clearly curious.Suzy hadn't expected her to ask that and instinctively froze. "Huh?""What's with the hesitation? I've told you before, I'm curious about how Mr. Park performs in bed. He looks so reserved like he's warning everyone to keep their distance with his handsome face.“Do you think a guy like that might have a hidden side? Maybe he's particularly... proactive when it comes to intimacy?"Proactive...Liam could be considered proactive, right?"Wait a minute! Wendy, I'm talking about something serious here.” How did the conversation suddenly turn to this kind of topic again?Wendy stuck out her tongue and grinned. "I have no other way of finding out, so I have to ask you! But back to the point, if the person you’re being conflicted about turns out to be Mr. Park, I sugg
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Chapter 166: I Won’t Marry Anyone Else in My Lifetime
It was clear that Liam hadn’t given up; even Wendy could see it. Suzy might have been the only one who didn't get it."So, are you saying I shouldn't divorce him?""Of course not! If Mr. Park hasn't brought it up and he's still holding on, why give up?" Wendy patted her shoulder. "I can see it too. Your path together won't be easy, not just because of Mr. Park's mother, but also because of your own mom's reservations. “But since you're together, give it your all. Even if... even if it doesn't work out in the end, you won't regret it when you look back, right?"Suzy pressed her lips together, her voice slightly hoarse."But my mom's illness...""Suzy, you've spent your whole life being responsible, earning money, supporting the family, paying for medical bills. It's time for you to live for yourself!"Suzy blinked, remaining silent for a long while.…When Grace woke up again, the doctor was contemplating putting a sign up in her room to remind others not to agitate her. After anothe
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Chapter 167: Can You Pick Me Up
Sophia and William succeeded in lowering Grace's blood pressure and heart rate after much persuasion. Finally, the monitors stopped showing deficits. After she fell asleep, Sophia left the ward. When she looked up, she spotted Liam standing at the corner of the corridor, smoking a cigarette. His tall figure blocked half of the moonlight from the window, casting a long shadow. Sophia sighed and walked towards him."Whether you believe it or not, I genuinely care for Mrs. Park. If you truly don't want to marry me, I won't force you! But you've seen Mrs. Park’s condition. If you were to continue being stubborn, even the doctors can't perform miracles."Liam paused, slightly turning his head to glance at her. "Don't bother trying to convince me.""I know it's futile, so I'm just giving you advice." Sophia continued, "The doctors said your mother can't handle stress, and you don't want to break up with Suzy. The only option left is for me to accompany you and put on a show. We'll pret
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Chapter 168: You Don’t Want to Divorce Anymore
The air seemed to freeze in an instant.After waiting several seconds without hearing his voice, Suzy tentatively spoke, "Liam?""I'll come pick you up now." "Okay."After hanging up the phone, Suzy felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders! It was as if suddenly, no obstacle in her path could make her fear or worry.She felt a sudden sense of determination. As long as Liam didn't back down, neither would she.With this decision made, she felt much lighter!Suzy had spent the entire night without sleeping, yet she felt surprisingly energetic. She got up, changed her clothes, and freshened up before applying a bit of makeup.As she stepped out of her bedroom, Wendy was still yawning and stretching, looking disheveled. She stared at Suzy in surprise."Where are you going?" "Liam is coming to pick me up." Wendy stood there, stunned for almost a minute. "So? Have you come to your senses?"Suzy nodded. "Yes, you're right. It's time for me to live for myself. He has give
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Chapter 169: You Still Have the Energy to Do That
"What did he say?""He told me everything he knew, but he made it clear that he wasn't advising me to be with you." Suzy knew that as a good friend of Liam's, Clive was probably looking out for Liam's best interests.She had been neglecting Liam's efforts, showing no response or enthusiasm. In Clive's eyes, she was probably not worthy of Liam. He probably thought it was too painful for Liam to be torn between her and his mother."Don't listen to him.""I won’t, but you should be grateful to him. Otherwise, I might still choose to avoid the problem and use divorce to solve our current troubles." She pursed her lips. "Now you can tell me, why did you choose not to tell me and do things silently on your own?"Liam's gaze darkened, and his lips parted slightly."If you had known earlier, you would have definitely kept your distance from me."Suzy froze abruptly.This was something she hadn't expected.Liam actually understood her so well!Yes, as soon as she sensed that a man had feeling
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Chapter 170: We Cannot Coexist
Liam's gaze darkened."I'll find a way to make Mom accept Suzy.”"There's simply no way! Your mother is set on Sophia. Didn't you hear what she said at the hospital?" Liam glanced towards the bedroom. "There must be a way," Liam muttered, though he hadn't figured it out yet.William remained silent on the line for a long while before lowering his voice. "Just now, Sophia pulled me aside and made a suggestion. To stabilize your mother’s condition, she wants to pretend to be in a relationship with you in front of your mother. “I don't want to deceive her, afraid that one day the truth will come out, but if you insist on not breaking up with that Suzy, this is the only way to ease the situation. Think about it."With that, William hung up the phone.Liam stared at the screen of his phone and frowned.Deep down, he knew there was no convincing his mother, and temporary solutions were the only way to handle the current situation. Still, he couldn’t shake off this feeling of imminent di
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