All Chapters of A Taste of Temptation: The Chaste CEO's Midnight Knock: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
306 Chapters
Chapter 171: I Want to Trust Him Once
Liam was still somewhat surprised as he observed Suzy's uncompromising demeanor.He had never seen Suzy so adamant before.At work, although she wouldn’t get close to any of her colleagues, she wouldn’t hold grudges against them, focusing all her thoughts on work.However, thinking about it, it's not hard to understand! After all, considering the circumstances, it wasn't hard to understand! It was normal for her to dislike Sophia."Don't worry, once we can prove she's the culprit, the company will administer appropriate punishment.”"Yeah, I trust you."Suzy didn't want to constantly argue with Liam because of Sophia.After all, there were still many problems she had to deal with today, and Melissa was one of them.…Standing outside the hospital, Suzy looked up at the building, pondering how to break the news to her mother.Grace couldn't accept their relationship while Melissa wasn't in the best of health.After much deliberation, Suzy gritted her teeth and stepped inside.When Suzy
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Chapter 172: If Liam Stops Loving Me
Suzy tightly pressed her lips together, feeling a sense of powerlessness.She knew her mother would always say something harsh as soon as she opened her mouth! Over the years, it had always been like this, either threatening to cut ties or refusing treatment at the drop of a hat!"Do I not even have a choice?" Suzy's voice trembled, struggling with agitation. "Just because you made a wrong choice when you were young, you conclude that all men are like Dad?"Although she hadn't witnessed how her father had won her mother's heart when he was young, nor did she know the course of their relationship, Suzy didn't believe Liam would be such an irresponsible man!He couldn't possibly abandon his wife and daughter, ignoring them completely!She trusted Liam!"Are you questioning me?" Melissa was taken aback by Suzy's sudden change of behavior overnight. "Do you think I would harm you?""I don't think you would harm me. I just hope you won't let one bad experience affect you for years to come,
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Chapter 173: That Jeffrey Palmer Is Not Bad
"You're asking for the impossible!"Melissa’s demand was totally unfeasible.Suzy couldn't fathom when her mother started to measure the strength of relationships with money.The Park Group wasn't solely Liam's; it was the culmination of generations of the Park family's efforts, so he couldn't simply transfer the company’s name to her."I'm just using an example to tell you that no man would give up everything for you. They only make empty promises! If you were to ask Mr. Park for all his wealth, he wouldn't give it to you. Eventually, he'd leave you!""That's because if I were to ask him for all his wealth, he'd think I'm a greedy woman." Suzy believed that anyone would have their favorable impression of someone diminish upon hearing such a request.That shouldn't be the criteria for judgment at all!From another perspective, if she were Liam, upon hearing such words, she'd also think the other party had ulterior motives for accepting the relationship."There's no such thing as being
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Chapter 174: Sophia’s Resignation
As they were about to continue their conversation, they suddenly looked up and saw Sophia standing ahead.The direct gaze indicated that she had heard their conversation just now."Did the Park Group pay you to gossip?" "Sorry, Miss Burns..." The two female employees immediately stood up, bowing apologetically in panic.Sophia glanced at them. "You don't need to apologize to me. I'll report this matter truthfully to your department head, and you can explain it to him.”With that remark, she turned and headed straight to the CEO's office.Sophia had already checked with Alec and confirmed that Liam was in his office. So, she knocked on the door before entering.Hearing his voice from inside, she pushed the door open.Liam glanced up for a second before returning to the documents in his hand.His attitude towards her had changed drastically from when she first returned to the country! Although their relationship wasn't particularly warm back then, at least he treated her as a trusted c
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Chapter 175: The Intensifying Threat
"Have you finished?" "Liam! Are you really willing to forsake even your mother for Suzy?! It seems like you've been completely bewitched by her!"He didn't respond, merely stood up and opened the office door. "Please."Sophia was speechless.Her expression at that moment was nothing short of spectacular! A mix of embarrassment, awkwardness, and anger flooded her face.However, Liam remained indifferent, unwilling even to glance at her.After Sophia left in her high heels, Liam glanced at the resignation letter on the desk, then returned to his seat and called the HR department."Process Mrs. Burns' resignation. Yes, she's resigning voluntarily."...Liam had expected William to visit him, so when he returned to his office after his meeting and saw William, he showed no surprise.He was in the midst of typing a message to Suzy on his phone.“Don't argue with your mother. Once things here are settled, I'll go talk to her.”Liam knew Grace probably didn't say anything nice when she went
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Chapter 176: Retain Some Dignity
Liam frowned, unhappy with his father's abrupt decision regarding a person's future."I can only promise you that if Suzy ever becomes part of the core operations at Park Group, it will be solely based on her abilities.""Why are you so sure of Suzy's capabilities, yet you refuse to consider what Sophia has done for the company? Since your mother has chosen her as a daughter-in-law, she must be outstanding in many aspects.""Sophia has been compensated for her contributions to the company," Liam retorted, feeling no guilt towards Sophia. Although she indeed had contributed significantly to Park Group, she was also the one who received the most annual bonuses in the legal department!"I have already backed down, not because I am afraid of you, but because I fear for my wife, your mother's life!" William scoffed coldly, "Figure out the rest on your own."After saying this, he stood up and left the office.Liam returned to his desk and glanced at his phone, which displayed a message from
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Chapter 177: No Point Meeting Him
"He won't agree.”"Are you so sure?" Melissa raised an eyebrow at her daughter and sighed deeply. "You truly have my blood—your temperament is just like mine! I always thought that by constantly protecting and reminding you, you wouldn't follow in my footsteps. But it seems heavens love to play such cruel tricks on us when it comes to love."Suzy knew her mother was thinking of her father again.She also understood that her mother wouldn't harm her, but Liam had done so much for her, so she believed he wouldn't let her down."If Liam were the type to easily abandon his vows, he could have just fired me and be with Sophia. That would solve all the problems.”As Alec had said, Liam had a thousand ways to extricate himself, to clear away the troublesome matters at hand, to disregard her wellbeing, and to focus solely on the interests of Park Group, yet he hadn’t. Even when she herself had wavered multiple times, he had not consented, instead reassuring her with his weary voice.He disag
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Chapter 178: Our Home
Liam had grown accustomed to waiting for Suzy.He had waited all these years, so waiting a short while like this meant nothing to him.As the sunset's fading light dimmed, Suzy looked up at him.Years had gone by, but his face showed no signs of aging; he still looked youthful."You should smile more often, don’t always keep a straight face.""Mm, okay." Liam nodded, and only after Suzy had gotten into the car did he move to the driver's seat.Today, he hadn't brought along his assistant. The drive home made Suzy feel as if they were just an ordinary couple, returning home from work together, cooking dinner together, and then falling asleep in each other’s arms.Unfortunately...Liam was no ordinary man.Suzy wanted to ask about his mother, but after much thought, she decided against it.She didn't want to break the peaceful intimacy of their moment together.Upon arriving at Easter Bay, Liam changed clothes and headed to the kitchen, with Suzy following him."Let me cook today, you ta
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Chapter 179: Suzy is my Bottom Line
The implication was clear: she shouldn't sacrifice her last bit of dignity.After hearing this, Sophia smiled."You will beg me because your father has already decided to make a move against Miss Chase."Liam's face, usually composed, showed a hint of shock for the first time as he furrowed his brows deeply, "What did you say?!""Liam, you're not the same as you used to be," Sophia paused before adding, "You have a weakness now."Suzy was now his weakness!Once a person has a weakness, they are no longer invincible and will have their reservations.After Sophia left, Liam had just returned when he saw Suzy hurrying out of the kitchen, "Something happened to my mother, I need to go there right away! I won't be able to join you for dinner.""What happened?""I'm not sure of the details, the doctor called me. She got agitated again and had a heart attack."Liam, remembering what Sophia had just said, insisted, "I'll come with you.""No need." Suzy looked up at him."My mom hasn't accepted
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Chapter 180: Sophia’s Strategy
As if sensing her presence, Liam instinctively looked in a certain direction and immediately caught Suzy's gaze.“I'll wait for you.”After sending the message, he promptly opened his work application to review documents.Ever since Suzy came into his life, Liam no longer wanted to return to Easter Bay alone! He felt that it only felt like a home when it had its lady of the house.As he started his work, he was ready to pull an all-nighter, intending to take only a short nap in the morning before heading to the office. His main concern was any problems that might arise for Suzy that he couldn't handle immediately.Time ticked by, and close to midnight, Liam was surprised to see Suzy hurrying out of the hospital entrance!She saw Liam’s car and quickly walked up to knock on the window."Surprised? Bet you didn’t expect me to come out!"Liam smiled and stepped out of the car, "Yes, is your mother alright?”"There’s not much problem; she just had a heart attack after getting scared, but s
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