All Chapters of A Taste of Temptation: The Chaste CEO's Midnight Knock: Chapter 301 - Chapter 310
311 Chapters
Chapter 301: Feeling Uncomfortable
That pair of eyes would be enough to enchant many women.Combined with his outstanding background and work abilities, if he weren't a playboy, he shouldn't have trouble finding a girlfriend.Suzy just thought he had nothing better to do and was trying to mess with her.The less attention men pay to her, the more enthusiastic they become."Here!" Ryan spotted her figure, took off his sunglasses, and waved at her.Suzy sighed and walked towards him on her high heels. "You're up so early, I thought I wouldn't see you until noon.""Don't you need to be diligent when pursuing someone? If I were later, I'd be afraid you'd drive to work yourself."Saying this, Ryan handed over the breakfast in his hand.It really seemed like he was serious about pursuing her.Suzy didn't take it and kept her distance from him, "This makes me very uncomfortable, Mr. Paynes. I prefer the way we interacted before, and I don't want to change that.""But you said you'd give me a chance. Shouldn't I put in some eff
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Chapter 302: Liam Worked Hard to Reply to Suzy
Suzy looked up at him, her brows furrowing slightly.She understood the reasoning, but she really didn't want to see any casualties on the construction site."And do you know? Many workers are actually willing to die on the job."Suzy was stunned, finding this statement absurd.Ryan shrugged with a smile, motioning for Peter to leave so he could talk to Suzy alone. "If they were to die on the job, the company would pay compensation, which might be more than they could earn in a lifetime of hard work! Our compensation standards are much higher than other companies, and I’ve also insured the project, so you don’t need to worry about this anymore.""Isn't this just your personal view? Who would wish to die?""There are many people in the world who commit suicide. Is that just my personal view?"Suzy was speechless.Ryan smiled. "I know you’re kind-hearted. You want every worker to come to work safely and go home happily, but everyone’s situation is different. I've done my best for them, S
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Chapter 303: You’re on Suzy’s Side
After all, as a "driver," what common topics could he have with Suzy? If he forcefully tried to start a conversation, given Suzy's personality, she would probably delete him.She didn't like people suddenly getting close to her.Liam was well aware of this.He also knew how quickly Suzy could delete someone."Knock knock—"A knock came from outside the office.Liam finally looked away from his phone screen. "Come in."Alec was the one who opened the door."Mr. Park, I'm about to leave for Windsting City."He wondered if he should also book a ticket for Liam.Of course, Alec didn't dare ask this last part directly."Alright," Liam just gave a simple response and continued reading his documents.Seeing this, Alec figured Liam wasn't planning to go to Windsting City with him, so he put down the proposal he was holding and turned to leave.As he reached the door, Liam called out to him!"Book me a ticket for next Monday.""To Windsting City?"Liam glanced at him, frowning. "To West City."
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Chapter 304: I’m on Mr. Park’s Side
Alec smiled, maintaining his composed demeanor. "Miss Burns, I work for Mr. Park."As for whether Alec supported Suzy, it all depended on Liam. If Suzy was with Liam, then Alec could be considered on her side as well. The key point was that Sophia would never have the opportunity to be close to Liam.Sophia frowned. Since coming back to the country, her different encounters had made her more impatient, particularly when dealing with someone as elusive as Alec."Are you so sure that Liam will never marry me? Mrs. Park has already chosen me as her daughter-in-law. Mr. Lincoln, I advise you to think ahead and not be shortsighted. You'll regret it later."Alec pretended to listen seriously and even nodded. "Thank you for the reminder, Miss Burns."Sophia was speechless."Is there anything else? I need to get back to the office to deliver some files to Mr. Park."Since he mentioned work, Sophia couldn't hold him back any longer. Delaying work was a serious matter.Sophia's lips twitched in
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Chapter 305: Chatting with the Driver
After ending the video call, Suzy lay on her bed, staring at the ceiling.Suddenly, without so much work to do, having this time to relax felt rather unusual.She took out her phone to check the latest financial news, only to find unread messages on WhatsApp.They were probably sent while she was video chatting with Angela, and she hadn't checked her phone since then.Driver from Windsting City texted, “Hello, are you still awake?”Suzy remembered the driver who had sent so many gifts last time—food, drinks, and supplements. He was probably seeking a favor this late at night, so she felt she couldn't ignore him.She sensed that he was a good person, genuine, not the type with bad intentions. Moreover, his manner of speaking was quite proper and didn't make her uncomfortable.“I'm still up, what's the matter?”Driver from Windsting City replied, “You mentioned you're going to West City. I'm wondering if you're familiar with the place. I want to travel there and thought I'd ask you about
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Chapter 306: If Liam Can Do It, So Can I
As soon as Suzy mentioned that, she clearly heard the sound of a cup falling to the floor.It seemed to have shattered, the sound was crisp and clear."You're going abroad?"The driver was very surprised."Yes, I want to travel and see the world." Over the years, she had been solely focused on work, intent on making money, and had forgotten to stop and look around.She had even neglected her beloved child, which made Suzy feel very guilty.So, after resigning, she decided to take some time abroad to just be with her children, letting them fully experience motherly love.What she hadn't experienced growing up, she didn't want her children to miss out on either."Oh... that's great.""By the way, let me recommend some good places to eat in West City. You can check them out while you're there.""Sure."Suzy chatted with him for a while, sharing everything she knew.The driver just listened without interrupting, and at one point, Suzy thought he had fallen asleep!Finally, she got so slee
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Chapter 307: No One Could Compare to Liam
Ryan cooking breakfast for her himself surprised Suzy.But... she wasn't exactly touched."You don't need to compare yourself to Liam." No one could compare to Liam."I can't compete with him in terms of family background or status, but the one difference is, my parents won't stop me from marrying anyone I want." Ryan shrugged, looking at her. "In their eyes, as long as I bring back a daughter-in-law for them, that's enough. They might even be fine if I were to marry a man."Suzy didn't believe that.In wealthy families, outsiders were rarely welcomed.The Cinderella story only existed in fairy tales. In reality, every parent would want their child to marry someone of equal standing."Mr. Paynes, I'm not the best choice for you, really. Don't waste your time on me."Ryan's attitude suddenly became firm, his eyes on the breakfast in her hands."Whether it's a waste of time or not, I know for myself! I understand your situation completely. You just need to see what I'm willing to do f
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Chapter 308: It’s Clearly Liam
Over the years, Suzy had considered giving her son and daughter a complete family.But Liam was so captivating that no one else had ever moved her heart. As time passed, she completely gave up on that idea.Maybe if she didn't have two children, she might consider giving Ryan a chance, given how hard he worked to win her over. But with the kids, she couldn't.Regardless of whether Ryan could be a good stepfather, Suzy didn't want anyone to replace Liam as their father.Because of the divorce, Liam hadn't done anything wrong; he was innocent.Suzy knew this very well....This time, Suzy chose to stay near Jason Road for her business trip to West City.The only place that held nostalgic value for her there was her old school.It was a place that gave her the opportunity to study and see a world beyond her part-time job, a world she should have been part of at her age.It was there that she met Liam...After checking into the hotel and putting away her luggage, Suzy headed straight to th
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Chapter 309: He’s Already Married
"We... we're not..."Suzy's voice choked up, and tears started falling one after another.She couldn't believe it, truly couldn't...To think that someone had been quietly protecting her since junior high! She had always believed she was unloved."What? You're not together?" The owner was stunned. "But he came by just a year ago, funded us to keep the place open, and left his phone number, saying we could reach out if we needed more financial help."She had thought they were already a couple!"Ma’am... could you send me this photo?""Of course! You should go find this young man. He loves you so much, don't let him down! There aren't many considerate and caring men like him in this world. Don't miss out."Suzy silently lifted her head, her lips moved, and she finally spoke in a hoarse voice, "Ma’am, the next time he comes, please don't tell him I was here.""Why not?""Because of some reasons, we can't be together. I want him to forget about me and move on."The owner frowned, looking p
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Chapter 310: Going to West City
He was truly a devoted person.But the more devoted one was, the harder it was to move on.Thankfully, he now had his own new life and was married. Whether arranged by his family or not, he had a family of his own.Suzy saw a bench ahead and, feeling tired, walked over to sit down.Taking out her phone, she saw a message from Ryan and another from the driver from Windsting City.Driver from Windsting City texted, “Are you in West City?”“Yes, are you here too? I brought the receipts with me. If it's convenient, we can meet in West City so I can give them to you.”After a while, he replied, “I'm not in West City.”Suzy wanted to type a response, but her eyes felt uncomfortable from crying, and she had taken out her contact lenses. The screen was blurry, so she sent a voice message instead."Let me know when you can pick them up. I can also mail them to you."This time, the reply came quickly.Driver from Windsting City asked, “Have you been crying?”Suzy paused, realizing her voice must
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