All Chapters of A Taste of Temptation: The Chaste CEO's Midnight Knock: Chapter 281 - Chapter 290
300 Chapters
Chapter 281: She Missed Liam
He didn't want to impose his desires on Suzy.Whether it was years ago or now, he still didn't want to.With Liam's capabilities, keeping Suzy by his side would have been easy, even without lifting a finger.But he couldn't bear to see her hurt in any way. He wanted Suzy to be happy, and if her happiness didn't include him, then he chose to disappear."But she's hurt you so much! Even I can't stand it! Liam, just say the word, and I'll find out who her husband is. If necessary, I'll threaten her to make her come back to you, to make her pay!""Don't." Liam's voice finally broke, unable to hide the sadness. "I truly love her, but I also need to let her go."...Suzy didn't return to the construction site but went straight back to the hotel.She opened the door to her room, didn't even take off her bag, and lay down on the bed.Liam's voice kept replaying in her head...Honestly, she missed him. She even wanted to record those few short words he had spoken, so she could listen to them w
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Chapter 282: Suzy’s Daughter
"...You really love your husband, don't you?" Ryan said with a forced smile, trying to mask his disappointment.He realized it was unlikely he could ever take that place in her heart."Mr. Paynes, I don't want my life to have big, dramatic changes. I just want to be an ordinary person.""And does your husband love you the same way?"Ryan couldn't let it go.Suzy remained silent for a long time before she softly replied, "No one loves me more than he does.""Alright, I understand."After hanging up, Suzy set her phone aside, feeling completely drained. All her courage had been used up during her confrontation with Clive.Every second of it had been excruciating!Suzy was terrified that Clive might notice something, that he would realize she was lying.She would never seek out Liam again, but she still loved him....Back at the restaurant, Ryan returned looking dejected after the phone call.Clive, knowing he had ruined the meeting, poured him a full glass of wine. "It's been a while. W
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Chapter 283: Liam Is the Father of Suzy’s Daughter
"Yeah, she has a daughter. She's very pretty," Ryan said, looking at Clive. "You didn't know?"As soon as Ryan finished speaking, Clive jumped up with a bang, knocking over a glass on the table, which shattered on the floor."She has a child! She actually has a child! Are you sure?!" Clive felt his mind go blank as if struck by lightning repeatedly.Could it be... what he feared?"I'm sure she has one. What's the matter? Tell me!" Ryan was desperate to know, feeling left in suspense.He had thought introducing Suzy to Clive would get him some advice, but instead, it ended on a sour note, and he still didn't know anything."Do you know how old her daughter is?""I think... about two years old."Clive's mouth twitched slightly.Two years old...That meant the child definitely wasn't Liam's.They had been separated for four years and hadn't seen each other since. Liam had tried various ways to find out about Suzy but had no luck.Clive, who had been so agitated just moments before, now de
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Chapter 284: Suzy’s Weakness
Hearing this, Ryan was stunned.Because while others might not know, Ryan did! He had seen Suzy's daughter, and she did indeed look very much like Liam.In that instant, Ryan could already conclude that it was true—Suzy's daughter was Liam's.Fortunately, Clive didn't notice Ryan's expression. He just nodded to himself and then sighed in relief, "But luckily, they’ve been separated for over four years, and her daughter is only two. So, she can’t be Liam’s."Ryan kept quiet."Hey, do you have a photo of Suzy's daughter?"He noticed Ryan was distracted and waved a hand in front of his face. "What are you thinking about?"Ryan smiled awkwardly. "Ah, nothing, just some work stuff. What did you say?""Do you have a photo of Suzy's daughter? I’d like to see her.""..." Ryan's handsome face froze for a moment, then he stiffly shook his head. "No, she only posts work-related things on her social media.""Oh, never mind then. I'm not really curious about what her daughter looks like, as long a
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Chapter 285: Sophia Is Back
Meanwhile, at Northorn City Airport.An international flight landed right on time.A woman pulled her suitcase out of the terminal and stood at the airport entrance, removing her oversized sunglasses.She looked at the blue sky and white clouds in front of her and smiled slightly."Northorn City, I'm back."After all these years, Sophia finally set foot on this land again! She had given Liam time to heal from his heartbreak over Suzy, trying her best not to upset him or appear in front of him. But the result was that he suddenly announced his marriage!And the bride still wasn't her.How could that be?If she could break up Liam and Suzy four years ago, she could defeat any woman trying to take Liam away from her four years later.Sophia didn't believe that after spending her entire life pursuing Liam, she wouldn't succeed.After pausing for a moment, she took out her phone and called Clive. "I'm back.""Back where? In the country?""Northorn City." Sophia laughed. "Liam didn't even te
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Chapter 286: Isn’t She Only Two
Clive quickly responded, "It's not her, so don't go after her again! You people even caused her mother's death, and you had no qualms about it."Even though Clive didn't support Liam and Suzy being together before, thinking it was irrational and that it would affect Liam's career, he never intended to use such extreme measures to force Suzy away."We didn't cause her mother's death. Her mother died from an illness brought on by emotional instability.""You and I both know the truth! We've been friends for years, and I've kept this from Liam, covering for you. That's all I can do. Don't expect me to be involved any further."With that, Clive hung up.Sophia stared at the now dark screen of her phone, her frown deepening.Something wasn't right!She felt Clive's reaction was clearly protective of Suzy. When they met abroad, he didn't show any favoritism towards her. Now, he was adamant about leaving Suzy alone.This could only mean that... Suzy had reappeared recently.Something must hav
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Chapter 287: Your Daughter Can Be My Daughter
With a previous marriage, it wasn’t unexpected that she had a child.In fact, the moment Ryan found out about Suzy's connection to Liam, he no longer needed any confirmation from anyone else.The resemblance between the father and daughter was undeniable to anyone who saw them.Suzy felt herself losing her balance. She could pretend to be strong and invincible in any situation, but when it came to her child, she couldn't let the Park family find out about her."Why are you telling me all this? What do you want?" Suzy's eyes sharpened with suspicion, her gaze piercing into Ryan.He raised his hands in a calming gesture. "Don't jump to conclusions. Yesterday, Clive and I talked a lot. At one point, he asked for a photo of your daughter, and I told him I didn't have one.""You have a photo of my daughter?"Ryan shrugged. "I don't, but if I wanted one, I could easily check the surveillance at Dreamland Hotel, couldn't I?"Suzy kept quiet."But I didn't do that. I also discouraged Clive's
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Chapter 288: I’ll Wait For You
He was well aware of the company's recent projects and their profits. He also made every effort to retain talented employees, always coming across as approachable during conversations.His love for play was just a facade.It made people less guarded around him.Suzy knew she couldn't afford to get too close to a man like Ryan. She was aware that her own abilities and strategies couldn't compete with his."Mr. Paynes, I think you believe I'm worth pursuing because you don't know me well enough." Suzy composed herself, smiled politely, and subtly distanced herself from him. "Clive probably told you about my history with Liam, but did he mention... that I was the one who broke up with him? I initiated the divorce because I fell for someone else.""He did mention that you left Liam for another man," Ryan said, stopping her from speaking further. "But I don't believe it."Ryan felt he had never misjudged anyone before!He had observed Suzy carefully. He wouldn't pursue a woman lightly, esp
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Chapter 289: Outdo Liam
Clive nodded, still looking a bit dazed from his hangover, with a lingering headache.Ryan watched him go into the bathroom to freshen up, glancing at Clive's phone on the table.There were several missed calls from Sophia.Ryan knew who Sophia was! She had made significant contributions to the Park Group, earning a reputation in the business world. He also knew about her feelings for Liam.Ryan paused, then walked over to Clive's phone, opened the contacts, found Sophia's number, and noted it down."I'm planning to leave tomorrow. I've already booked my flight," Clive suddenly said, coming out of the bathroom while drying his face with a towel.Ryan was startled but relieved Clive hadn't seen him with the phone."You're not staying a bit longer?""No, there's a lot to do at the company. Liam, the workaholic, has taken on several big projects, including some requiring international travel. I need to go back and help."Ryan raised an eyebrow. "He's going abroad too?""Not sure, but his
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Chapter 290: Can’t Afford to Lose Suzy
The truth was that the Park Group had enough influence in the business world to easily shut down a company like Ryan's."Liam isn't the type to be a sore loser, is he?""...He can't afford to lose Suzy."...After making her fourth call to Clive without an answer, Sophia had to accept that she had lost an important ally.Without Clive acting as her informant around Liam, things were going to be more difficult.Sitting on the sofa in her hotel room, Sophia carefully considered where to start investigating Liam's marriage.His wedding announcement had been too sudden, and even his parents didn't know who the bride was. With no useful information from Clive, she had to rely on herself.Suddenly, her phone rang.Sophia walked over, barefoot, and saw that it was Victor calling. She frowned in annoyance but picked up the call."Dad.""I heard from your mother that you're back in the country. Where are you? I want to see you!""I'm very busy with work right now, no time to meet. I'll contact
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