All Chapters of Alpha Calle's Cursed Mate: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
60 Chapters
Chapter 41: Alpha Calle
I couldn't believe my eyes when I walked into the school clinic and saw Daphne lying motionless on a bed. Her clothes were torn and tinged with blood, and her face was pale as snow. She looked like she had been through hell herself. My heart ached at the sight of her; I felt so helpless, and there was nothing more that I could do for her at this moment other than simply be by her side."If only I had protected you better..." I crouched beside her, cradling her in my arms, as hot tears streamed down my cheeks onto hers—salty, stinging droplets of sadness that seemed to soak away into an eternity of blackness. My throat ached with the weight of all this sorrow, but still. I could not stop weeping for what I had done—or rather, for what she did because of us.All around me were trying to console and comfort me, but I couldn't hear them over the howling of my wolf within. It felt like a part of myself had been ripped away and that nothing would ever be alright again without her by my side
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Chapter 42: Suzette
I woke up in a cold and smelly prison cell. My head was throbbing and it felt like I'd been drugged with something to make me weak. There were no windows or doors - just four walls of damp stone stretching far above my reach into the darkness.My first thought was that this had all been some kind of mistake. surely they couldn't be keeping me here? But then reality hit home as I realized where exactly I was; there would be no escape unless someone opened those heavy iron gates for me... and who knew when that might happen?I reached out my mind, searching for a way to use magic to break free from this place. So I reached for the soul stone hanging on my neck. But upon not touching anything, I looked down and frowned. “Shit! I forgot the Daphne slut has destroyed it!”My heart was racing abnormally and I was close to panicking when I walked back and forth, wrapping my arms around my body. “There’s still a way,” I muttered, then raised my chin, singing the same chanting song I use in
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Chapter 43: Beta Degen
Anger ran through my veins as I followed Alpha Calle's scent down the hallway toward the garden. The wind chilled despite being summer and clouds began to shelter the night sky as if they were foretelling what was about to come.When I reached the garden, I saw Alpha Calle standing near a tall tree that resembled a fierce guardian angel keeping watch over all of us. As I approached, I felt my anger boiling inside even more—the realization that it was all true becoming clearer with each step closer I took toward him.Before I could even open my mouth to speak, however, Calle turned around and faced me with an almost sad expression in his eyes."She already told you, isn’t she?" Calle started, his voice filled with a mix of regret and sorrow.“Yes.” I clenched my teeth. “Would you mind telling me all the details?”He stood silent for several long moments before finally speaking, his voice low and steady in contrast to mine. "Daphne—she is my mate,” he admitted straight into my face. “Th
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Chapter 44: Alpha Lennon
I took a sip of my morning espresso, letting the strong yet smooth flavor slide down my throat. My gaze roamed around the dining hall to find any signs of distress in other pack mates, but all I found were peaceful and contented souls—all except for one man who was walking towards me with an anxious expression plastered on his face."Good morning, Alpha." It was Beta Jaime, who had returned from an overnight patrol only a few minutes ago. He looked haggard, yet determined. There were dark circles under his eyes that told stories much darker than what could be seen by looking away from them."Beta Jaime," I said without taking any time for greetings or pleasantries—I already knew why Jaime wanted to speak with me this early in the morning. "What can I do for you?"Jaime took a deep breath, as if gathering enough courage to ask something crucial or dangerous. Finally, after some hesitation, he blurted out, "It’s Yvette—my wife. She disappeared five days ago, and I just came back home af
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Chapter 45: Alpha Lennon
I gasped as I tried to get up. My vision turned blurry when she approached, a dagger gripped firmly in her hand. My air was cut off when her hands grabbed my neck tight, her nails almost cutting my skin.She was squeezing my neck when I spoke, "What if I said no?" Her grip on my neck tightened more, her face right in front of me. I felt the unpleasant sensation of her nails scratching my skin as she tried to choke me."You can't. Your father and I made an agreement that you would do everything he told you. You have to do as I say," she croaked as she pressed harder on my neck.This witch was insane! And never had I expected that all this time, her loyalty still belonged to my jerk father! He was already dead but still, he would not want to leave me alone!"You have to die. It's the only way," she snapped as my vision almost turned black. My whole body grew cold and numb, and she choked me. "You're a threat to our pack, Alpha Lennon."I tried to struggle, but my strength was failing me
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Chapter 46: Alpha Lennon
I returned to the pack home, trailed by Beta Degen. But Beta Jaime was the first person I looked for as I stepped through the entrance. His absence was strange, as he was always there to meet me like a receptionist. I scanned the room and growled. "Where the hell is Jaime?""Alpha!" A servant came rushing over, bowing slightly, and continued to speak. "Beta Jaime left with luggage earlier this morning," the servant explained respectfully. "He asked me to pass along his apologies. He mentioned something about needing time away from the pack.""So, he's not coming back." I chuckled bitterly. Jaime thought he was important enough to just leave without any explanation. Well, the pack would be better off without someone who couldn't handle their responsibilities. It was time for me to find a new beta, someone who would be loyal and dedicated to our cause.With that thought, I turned to Degen. "Gather the warriors together, and we will begin to plan for the upcoming war with Calle's main pa
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Chapter 47: Alpha Calle
I sat alone in my office, grief and desperation coursing through me. I had lost the only woman I'd ever loved; she was gone from this world far too soon. And now even my friendship with Degen seems to be falling apart due to a misunderstanding between us.With a heavy heart, I looked up at Amelia, who stood tall before me. "Do whatever it takes to bring Daphne back."Amelia replied softly, "Alpha Calle, as much as it pains me to say this, one can only heal those that are still alive or hold onto life's fragile threads.""Then find someone who can!" My voice shook the walls around us like thunder, and Amelia quickly bowed her head to show that she understood. Then she ran off to do my task.For a long moment, I just sat there in my silent office, filled with an unspeakable mixture of emotions—anger, sorrow, regret, and hope. As much as I wanted to bring Daphne back, I knew it was beyond my power to do so. All I could do was wait and pray that Amelia would find me the help I needed befo
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Chapter 48: Daphne
I felt uneasy as Calle and I ventured back to the pack. I could feel my mind fading like there was a gap in it that couldn't be filled. It didn't make any sense, since when we left the pack hours ago, everything seemed normal. The last time I knew, I was fighting Suzette, and then everything turned black. When I woke up, we were in a strange place.Calle glanced at me but said nothing during our journey back home. He knew something else was wrong with me beyond just being confused.Finally, after what seemed like hours of walking through unfamiliar grounds, passing strange-looking sites, and entering portals created by Amelia's magical portal, we arrived at Alpha Khalid's Pack in South America. The birds chirped and sang to one another. I could picture a group of lute players strumming lutes in a flurry of notes as they played their songs. The air, on the other hand, was sweet and fruity, with jasmine and honeysuckle, lilacs, and roses. I inhale the cool spring air and smile. The grou
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Chapter 49: Alpha Calle
I arrived back at the Blood Moon pack, but my relief was tainted with a feeling of uncertainty. I had just spent two days transferring the more innocent pack members—including Daphne—to Alpha Khalid's pack, and while I knew I had done the right thing, part of me couldn't help but feel like I had betrayed my pack since I had left them vulnerable in the process.As I made my way closer to my territory, I could feel the tension radiating off them like a dense fog. Their eyes were cold and focused, a stark contrast to the warmth of their voices and the cheerful banter moments ago. Taking a deep breath, I let the smells of the forest and the pack wash over him. The musky scent of wolf musk, the sweet and dry scent of wood, the freshness of the trees and grass, and the metallic tang of blood filled my nostrils. I knew that a battle was coming soon.I set off at a steady pace, my men in tow, each of us wearing heavy cloaks to ward off the chill of the night air. As we grew closer to the pack
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Chapter 50
DaphneMy eyes fixed up in the sky, and I could see two figures locked in combat. A fiery red figure darted in and out of the clouds, and I knew at once that it was Calle. The other wolf's dark coat was matted with blood.A deep growl emanated from my throat as I watched him claw at Calle’s eyes. Soon, he went for his neck, his bared teeth gleaming as the rays of the moonlight caught them.The light reached me, waking me from my trance, and I shifted almost immediately. Never in my life had I shifted into wolf form this fast or this easily. I was born for a purpose, and I would fulfill that purpose no matter what the cost.I raced towards the dark wolf and sank my fangs into his leg. He shrieked in pain and..."Calle!!!"***I jolted awake, my pulse pounding in my ears. I looked around the room frenetically, but to my disappointment, Alpha Calle was not present. Still, I was certain this was the same room he and I had shared just last night. But that couldn’t be right. Had he and I sp
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