All Chapters of Alpha Calle's Cursed Mate: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
60 Chapters
Chapter 51: Daphne
"What do you mean they left?" I asked Lennon. We were sitting on a hunter-green velvet couch, watching the fires in the fireplaces beside us, kicking off our shoes, and feeling the cushions sink under our bodies. "Why would Alaine leave you?""I don't know," Lennon muttered, shaking his head. "I treated them like my own family, but Alaine has found someone, so she rejected me and brought her family to whoever that jerk was." The sadness in his eyes spoke volumes as he continued to share his heartbreak. "And then my parents decided to look for them because I was too distraught to do it myself. They wanted to make sure Alaine and her family were okay, and maybe even convince them to come back. But on their way back here, my enemies ambushed and killed them without any mercy.""N-no…" There were so many questions in my mind, but they couldn't be put into words. All I knew was that Jaime was dead, and I didn't know how to process the devastating news. We departed on bad terms, but now all
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Chapter 52: Daphne
Daphne As I passed an open door, a familiar voice stopped me in my tracks—it was Lennon. “She seems to be awake now! How will I mark her?” He seemed to be talking about me, and he sounded angry. Confusion coursed through me as two other voices joined the conversation. The woman's deep alto reverberated through the stale air, almost like lightning. "I told you the magic of memory covering was temporary. You should have done your part,” “Will Daphne submit to Alpha Lennon so easily?” The man bellowed, his voice carrying a familiar baritone timbre. "There's no other option than to move him before it's too late." My stomach lurched at their words. They were planning something terrible for Calle! I gathered all my strength and took a peek at the small space between the wall and the door. My heart sank upon spotting the two people Lennon was talking with. ‘ Amelia? Beta Degen?’ Reina muttered in a high-pitched voice. She appeared to be as confused as I was. ‘Am I hallucinating, Daph
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Chapter 53: Daphne
I hugged Calle back, tears streaming down my face. I knew what he was referring to. "It's okay," I said, reassuring him through tears. "We'll get our powers back and defeat Lennon together."He nodded, wiping away my tears. Then he took a deep breath and stood up. His voice was strong when he spoke again. "Yes, we will indeed. But first, we must figure out how to save the pack before any of that can happen."He went over to his coat and pulled something out of it. It was a book with the title 'Knowledge of Witch Souls.' I tilted my head, curious about the book he had found. "Who's book is that and how were you able to bring a book with you all this time?""I've been bringing this since I left Khalid's pack. It's invisible unless I grant it to be seen. This is the perk of having a company of witches around you."The mention of witches seemed to cast a dark cloud over us both. I could tell from the look in his eyes that he was just as heartbroken as I was, remembering the tragedy of Ame
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Chapter 54: Daphne
"Kyla!" Her green eyes looked like they were going to pop out of her head, and her face was a rictus of fear. "Please tell me what's bothering you, Kyla. Is this about your conversation with Kurt that both of you wouldn't tell me?"At first, she hesitated, but I was so eager to know the truth that I asked her again. "I won't stop asking you about it until—""I was the one who injected the potion into Alpha Calle, which is why both of you are still paralyzed by it."I was taken aback. My eyes widened in surprise. So, this was the truth she had been hiding all along. I felt a chill run down my spine as I heard her story."That evil Lennon blackmailed me. He said if I didn't make a potion to harm our Alpha, he would kill Aunt Amelia, who was also imprisoned by him. I
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Chapter 55: Daphne
DaphneLennon snapped his fingers, and the pack of wolves behind him began to move forward like pawns. The ground shook, and I used the tremor to my advantage. With a wave of my hand, the very earth below our feet seemed to become alive with energy. Giant roots sprouted from the ground, wrapping around Lennon’s men like tentacles. The men fought against their bonds, but it was ineffective because my force was holding them fast."Enough!" Lennon shouted in shock as his voice reverberated off the forest walls all around us and then there was a strange silence. He stumbled back, glaring at me incredulously as he stepped forward, his dark eyes flashing with rage and determination. "What is this?! How are you doing this?"“I’m drawing on the power of the Moon Goddess, just as she has taught me," I replied firmly, my voice echoing in the silence of the bright sky. I felt a rush of strength course through me—this was a power that had been dormant in me for far too long, and now it was bubbli
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Chapter 56: Lennon
LennonI was dying. I could feel the lifeblood oozing out of my deep wounds, and each breath seemed to be my last. I had been crawling for hours, trying to escape the traitors who were after me. But in my weakened state, I had finally been caught and badly injured in the process. Now, there was no escaping death.My voice cracked and echoed through the empty night air, its plea for help unanswered. I lay helpless on the ground, surrounded by the fading warmth of my blood. Then, I heard them - a chorus of female voices, faint but getting ever closer. At first, I thought it was a dream, a trick of my mind brought on by the loss of blood. But no, I was lying on the cold earth outside a village entrance I had never seen before.The women came into view, stepping out from behind the gates in a rush. An otherworldly light illuminated their hands as they moved in perfect unison. With each passing second, the wounds on my body slowly healed until not even one scar remained.These women were n
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Chapter 57: Lennon
LennonThe next day, I woke up alone in my den but five beautiful nymphs had come to remove their clothes so I could choose the woman I would sleep with next. They were all eager to please and each one was more ravishing than the last; from fair-skinned goddesses with long, voluminous hair, to dark-haired beauties with sparkling eyes.I felt like a king as I looked around me at all these beautiful women ready to serve me. It was truly a sight to behold and one that made me feel powerful. I slowly got out of bed and walked over to them, looking them each in the eye as if determining which of them would be my chosen companion for the night.Finally, after much consideration, I chose one of them who caught my attention straight away: an exotic beauty with almond eyes and long curly hair that framed her face perfectly. She blushed shyly when our gazes met and I couldn’t help but find it adorable.That night, we made love under the stars and I felt a connection with her unlike any other I
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Chapter 58: Alpha Calle
Alpha CalleI walked through the portal, feeling its electric energy tingle in my body. I emerged on the other side to find that South America had become a wasteland. People lay dead and dismembered everywhere; their blood soaked into what were once lush grasslands now barren of life. The trees were burnt black, smoke still rising from them like an ominous warning to all who dared venture near this cursed place.But there was one living being here: Alpha Khalid stood tall amongst it all, his silver hair blowing in the wind as he surveyed his pack's destruction with sadness and rage etched onto every line of his face. He gave me an exhausted look before addressing me without words: "You've returned!"“Of course," I replied firmly. "Let's go!"The fight had taken its toll, and I was exhausted. Sweat ran down my face as I blocked a werewolf's assault with my shield and slashed another one open with my sword. I could feel the shock that surged through me when I heard Alpha Khalid shout fo
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Chapter 59:  Alpha Calle
Suddenly, an eye of swirling air opened up as if it had been drawn on with a great lash, and then a hurricane rushed across the battlefield and made us all cover our faces to protect ourselves from the flying mud and chunks of trees. When it faded, Kurt and Kyla stood in the middle of the circle of bloody ground. They looked around with horror before their sights slowly fell on me. The dirt was churned up where they stood, and clots of grass were bent and tangled around their feet."Alpha Calle!" The twins rushed toward me. "You need to take this!"Before I could speak, Kyla put a small vial in my hands. Its liquid content glistened with an otherworldly glow, pulsating with an energy that seemed to hum in my palms. I only stared at it as Kurt spoke. "Daphne already regained her powers after drinking the elixir. She has probably defeated Lennon by now.""Please, Alpha, drink this before it's too late," Kyla pleaded.I took the small vial from Kyla's hands. The weight of their expectati
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Chapter 60: Daphne
Sitting by the river, I reflected on the wonderful occasions I had shared with my packmates, such as playing in the meadow, hunting, and rushing through the forest. I also thought back on the dark times, like when a maniacal alpha and black witches besieged our pack. But through it all, we stuck together and emerged stronger than ever before. It seemed like ages ago since those memorable times, and yet it felt like only yesterday when all of this started. I sighed heavily and closed my eyes for a moment. Suddenly, a voice called out to me through our mental link. "Luna Daphne, come back to us quickly! Our pack is under attack from rogue wolves. We need backup immediately! Alpha Calle is..." Her voice was like a cry coming out loud even though it can only be heard within minds linked together. "Kyla?" I croaked as panicked thoughts raced through my head, sending an adrenaline rush coursing through me. "Did you say rogue attack? Wait, where's Calle?" My muscles tensed up, and before
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