All Chapters of The Unwanted Wife: Revenge After Divorce : Chapter 101 - Chapter 105
105 Chapters
Chapter 101
AMELIA Bright and early the next morning, I was at the mayor's office. I was so excited to be there, hoping we were to immediately start preparations for the yearly project. "He is expecting you," the secretary said immediately I introduced myself. "Please step into his office. He will be right with you." I nodded my thanks, confidently marched into his outer office and immediately stopped short. Already seated in one of the chairs, smirking and looking very pleased with himself was Noah. After recovering a little, I took a seat as far away from him as possible. I ignored him, but couldn't help noticing that he kept smiling sheepishly. What was his doing at the mayor’s office? And why did he have that dirty look of his? Minutes later, the door to the mayor's inner office opened. He appeared at the door and smiled at us. "Mrs. Amelia. Mr. Noah. Please, come right in. I was making some urgent phone calls just now. Sorry for keeping you both waiting." I frowned. I thou
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Chapter 102
AMELIA I was nervous, but again, I took my time to painstakingly go through the contents of the bag I was carrying. I brought out the bulky file, taking special care not to crease the edges. A glance at the wall clock told me I still had a little time left before leaving to meet with membegs of the board. I flipped through the file again, checking if I had not forgotten anything essential for the meeting. The proposal, which I had worked on throughout the previous day and mainly during the night, was good, at least to me. I just hoped the board would not be biased like the mayor had promised. A hand fell on my shoulders. I flinched a little and almost dropped the files. Before they could slip from my grasp, Damian's hands shot out from behind me. He grabbed it, closed it and handed it over to me. "I startled you," he said. He came to stand in front of me so he could look me over. "You look stunning... and very smart." I looked at my clothes: a dark blue pantsuit and match
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Chapter 103
AMELIA I couldn't sit still for long. I stood with my hands clasped together, offering a silent prayer to whatever force was out there. I had to get this contract. I just had to. Even the universe had to agree that I deserved a break after all I had been through. I couldn't let Noah take this one thing from me again. I had to get this. Noah's voice interrupted my musings. "Scared already?" he smirked. "I think I understand how you feel. You must feel like a fish out of water. You shouldn't have tried to fit into where you obviously don't belong in the first place. Next time, stick to accepting your husband’s award on his behalf. Women have no place in the business world.” I said nothing, but my eyes did the talking. His taunts were probably a way to overcome his nervousness about the board's decision. I knew he was nervous, too, and I had seen it on his face when the board commended my proposal. I had to get this contract so I could shut him up once and for all. I
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Chapter 104
AMELIA I had felt happy before, but it had been a long time since I had felt this. I was literally brimming with joy. I hoped of winning the contract but didn't think it would come so true. The moment I walked through the door, I threw myself into Damian's arms. My decision to put some distance between us was temporarily gone as he hugged me tightly. For now, I just wanted him to share in my joy. He was still in my embrace for a moment, and then his arms went around me. I was smiling so much my cheeks hurt. "I take it the meeting with the board went well," he murmured against my hair. "Oh. Yes. It was-" I paused for breath. "It was surprising." "Surprising?" He took my hand and led me to the sofa. "Tell me about it. How was it... surprising as you say." "What I meant was I never expected things to turn out the way they did. So, Noah proposed the building of an art gallery. My proposal was for the building of an-" "-amusement park. Yes." He smiled fondly. "I saw you wor
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Chapter 105
NOAH "Tell me, Lucy, who have you been visiting lately?" Her look of surprise was very believable—almost. I knew very well that Monique never gave untrue information. Her vast information network was always accurate. If she said Lucy had been paying frequent visits to this, Mr Thompson, then Lucy was doing just that. "Talk to me, Lucy," I said. “Have you suddenly gone mute?” "I- I don't know what you are talking about," she said with a slight shake. "What is all this talk about visiting people? Who am I supposed to have visited?" "You visited a Mr Thompson," I said. "Yeah. I can see from that look on your face that you already know who I am talking about. So what's this about you and Thompson? Oh, wait. Before you answer that, tell me how you manage to visit this guy regularly. You always claim you can't do anything, move or go anywhere because of your pregnancy, so tell me how you find the time and strength to sneak off to visit people." "Oh... that." "Yes. That," I s
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