All Chapters of The Unwanted Wife: Revenge After Divorce : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
105 Chapters
Chapter 071
DAMIAN "Oh sir. You are back." Molly dropped the rag she was using to clean the cooker. She hurried over to me. "Hi. You're busy here I see." She nodded, eyed the grocery bags I had just laid on the counter and reached for them. I shook my head. "Don't bother. I will take care of this. Go home. You have the evening off." "Really? Thanks Mr Damian." I watched her hurry out the kitchen door. I turned to the bags of groceries I had picked up on the way to work. "Here I go," I muttered to myself as I rolled up my sleeves and began unpacking the groceries in preparation for making dinner. On the menu tonight was Amelia's favourite meal and of course, fried chicken. She was partial to fried chicken. I didn't hurry the process, partly because I had come home from work much earlier than usual to cook, and also because I wanted the meal to be finger-licking perfect. Minutes later, the kitchen was filled with the aroma of delicious food. An hour before Amelia was due to come ho
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Chapter 072
AMELIA Why did life have to be so damn difficult? That was the first thought I had the moment I opened my eyes the next morning. Right now, my life was not only difficult, but complicated too. I heaved a sigh and practically had to drag myself out of bed. I did not feel well rested. Not one bit. With battling feelings of guilt, confusion, sadness and more guilt, I had gone to sleep really late last night. And then to top it all up, I had fallen asleep with an image of Damian's hurt expression in my mind's eye. The emotional torture continued this morning as I padded barefoot into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I could not stop thinking about what had happened last night, about what Damain had said. I wanted badly, so badly, for things to go back to the way there were before between Damain and I. I missed our closeness, our camaraderie. I missed the intimacy. All I had to do was close my eyes and it would seem as though I could feel his hands sliding along my- "Ow!" I le
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Chapter 073
DAMIAN "And why can't you ever give me any practical advice?" I snapped at Anton. He opened his mouth, shut it, opened it again. "How on earth am I supposed to do that if you haven't told me what the problem is yet. I'm not a wizard. Neither am I a mind reader." After a moment's reflection, I realized that Anton was actually right. I hadn't told him anything yet. All I had told him was that I was on the verge of loosing it. I took it for granted that everyone knew my problem. How could they not when I wore it like a batch, day in and day out? I forced myself to stop drumming on the table. To keep them still, I laced my fingers together. "The problem is Amelia," I began. “She’s driving me crazy and trust me, I’ve seen all kind of crazy.” "Aaah. I should have known. She seems to be the only one who can manage to get you this worked up. What has she done this time?" "It's more like what hasn't she done? Ever since her mother left, we have gone back to square one. The first
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Chapter 074
AMELIA It was like it happened in slow motion. I watched it happen, but I was so surprised that I could not do anything about it. I felt Colin's hands leave my shoulders. My leg throbbed as my knee buckled without his support. As I turned quickly to know why Colin had just stopped supporting, Damian punched Colin in the face in full view of the busy street. Right in front of the reporters. Right in the front of the whole world, because sure as hell, those cameras were streaming what was happening, live. For a long moment, I was speechless. The force of the blow made Colin stagger back a step. He cried out, clapped a hand to his face. Colin's face contorted in rage as he yelled, "How dare you?" Damian growled something intelligible, made a fist and advanced. Colin began to charge forward. My paralysis broke then and I stepped in front of the men. "Stop!" I cried. "What the hell do you think you're doing, Damian?" "Step aside," Colin barked from behind me. "Colin. No. P
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Chapter 075
ANTON. I watched him work. It was a miracle that he was able to even function with how upset he was. I could see that he was just simply going through the motions, working with a doggedness that was kind of scary. I’d never see him that way, not even when he was on the verge of losing everything. What had happened, Amelia, had sort of created another version of him that I didn’t know quite well. This version terrified me; staring at what seemed to be the clone of your best friend isn’t exactly a welcoming sight. With a sigh, I continued my search on the computer in front of me. Damian had made me promise to help him out with the 'Colin situation' as he called it. Seeing how worked up he was, I had been forced to agree. Now I was waiting for him to finish up work so we could go somewhere else to discuss his next course of action. Damian had also insisted that I looked up everything I could find on Colin on the internet, which was what I was currently doing now. So far, I ha
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Chapter 076
AMELIA I cracked my knuckles, put on an apron but stopped moving. Someone was behind me. I turned to see Molly staring at me in surprise. She had a weird expression on her face but I smiled back. "Good morning, ma'am," she said. "You'll be wanting breakfast. I'll get it started." She started to move towards the cooker. "Oh no. I'm making breakfast for myself and Damian this morning so you don't have to bother." Molly stared at me in surprise before nodding and moving on. She was no doubt thinking that things were now being done differently around here which was true. I had woken up this morning with a desire to cook for Damian as I used to. It was the least I could do to apologize for my behaviour yesterday. I finished making breakfast fifteen minutes before he was due to come downstairs. I set the table, dished out the food and settled down to wait while sipping a cup of coffee. Damian walked into the kitchen a few minutes later. He was already dressed and looked much
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Chapter 077
AMELIA "Leaving, ma'am?" I turned to Rose. "Yes," I answered, smiling briefly at her. "I have somewhere to be now." She nodded. “Have a great day, ma’am. I’ll leave the report on your table.” “Sure.” A minute after that, I left the bakery. It was half past 5. I wanted to pick up my dress before heading home for dinner with Damian. On my way to the dress shop, I registered the fact that I was driving in the general direction of the shopping mall I owned. Since I didn't have jewellery to match the dress I had ordered, and the dress shop hadn't had any jewelry I liked, I figured it would be an excellent idea to get some jewellery from the mall first before going to pick up my dress. Damian would certainly be speechless tonight. I was sure of that. I would look a vision in that dress. I was picturing how different necklaces and earrings would go with the dress when I looked in the side mirror and saw a car with rolled up tinted windows right behind me. I didn't know why,
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Chapter 078
AMELIA Just when I felt my lungs were closing up because of the lack of air, I found I could breathe again. Someone had yanked the bag off my head and shoved me into a hardbacked chair. I took in deep, rattling breaths. I blinked rapidly as my eyes tried to adjust to the very dim light in the room. Struggling against my restraints was useless because I was still bound tightly. My hands were already numb from the lack of circulation. Finally, I could make out the figures of six men most of which were standing in a loose circle around me. I whimpered and flinched when one of them stepped towards me, but he did that only to savagely peel the duct-tape off my mouth. I cried out in pain. The area around my mouth seemed to be on fire. The man who had peeled the duct tape off made a threatning gesture and I fell silent. These people had to be kidnappers. They could be a gang who kidnapped wealthy people in the city. Being the wife of Damian had made me a target. The thought made me
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Chapter 079
DAMIAN I brought the car to a stop inches away from the entrance steps to the building. The doorman jumped out of the way even though he had not been in danger of getting hit. "I'm afraid you can't park here, sir," he called out as I marched up the stairs. Ignoring him, I threw the glass doors open, stormed up to the reception area, pounded my fists on the startled receptionist's desk. "Where the hell is he?" I asked. She blinked. "Sir?" "Your boss. Where is he? Take me to see him right now." "Do you have an appointment?" "To hell with that!" I yelled. The massive lobby suddenly became very quiet. "Tell me where his office is. What floor?" Someone tapped my arm. I turned to see a man dressed in a dark suit right beside me. Two other men in security uniforms detached themselves from those watching and hurried forward. "I'm afraid I'll have to tell you to leave, sir," said the man in the suit. “You’re disrupting the peaceful environment of this company.” I slap
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Chapter 080
DAMIAN My head buzzed. My eyes ached and I could hear my stomach rumbling. I had been staring at the same set of files over and over again, trying to discover any leads the police might have missed. So far, I had not found anything helpful. I turned to Anton to ask if he had better luck than I did but he clearly didn't look like he did. With his head cradled in his palm, he was nodding off to sleep. I sighed. I didn't blame him though. We had been up all night, searching for leads to Amelia's kidnap. I hadn't slept a wink. I was conscious of the fact that with every passing second, Amelia sunk deeper into danger. I hadn't gotten a ransom call yet and I wondered why. If her abductors wanted money, why wouldn't they call me? All I needed was a number, any amount to get Amelia back and safe. I nudged Anton in the ribs. He stirred sleepily, and opened one bleary eye. "Anton, why do you think Amelia's kidnappers haven't asked for a ransom yet? Isn't that what they must be afte
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