All Chapters of My brother's Best Friend Made Me a Sinner: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
144 Chapters
Engagement Invitation
Arabella's POV"We're good," I answered briefly because Sean didn't look like he would return Ellie's greeting either.I felt uncomfortable and disturbed by the woman's presence, but I still tried to be nice to her. After all, I knew that Ellie and Nick were Sean's friends, while I was his girlfriend now.Despite her haughty words, Ellie didn't mock me as blatantly as she used to. Nick also seemed to greet me with a hand gesture, so I felt better.Nick turned to look at Sean, who was silent and then put his arm around his shoulders familiarly. "Hey, are we invisible to your eyes, Sean?" The man said, lightening the previously awkward atmosphere."You guys are troublesome. Can't you guys just leave immediately after meeting us here?" Sean said and asked back, looking at Nick coldly even though his friend seemed completely unfazed.The man laughed. "Come on, now that we've met, can't we chat for a while?" He turned to me while raising his eyebrows a few times."Bella, you don't mind cha
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Arabella's POVI walked into Sean's office after we said goodbye to Ellie and Nick. By the end of the meeting, they were no longer shy and openly showed that their status had moved on to fiancées when they stepped out of our office.I felt jealous, and Sean knew it, so he acted immediately by inviting me into his room first. He asked me to sit on the sofa, still holding my hand tightly."Ellie is annoying," I said, lowering the corners of my lips and pursing them. "Did he have to say something like that before me when I already congratulated him?""You know that he always does that when he sees you. "What she used to say to you was even worse," Sean said, which annoyed me even more because he didn't seem to defend what I said.I pouted even more because of that guy. "I know, but shouldn't she do that to me? She invited us over but instead mocked us and flaunted their relationship like it meant nothing."Sean didn't say anything after seeing my reaction, but his hand resting on my shou
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Engagement Party
Arabella's POVI stared at the vast party room in front of us, but it was also filled with many party guests and waiters standing guard on each side. They served some guests, taking drinks and snacks that were intentionally circulated."Very nice...." I said with admiration, unable to help myself when I saw the luxury that felt elegant and organised in such a way.The interior, the party decorations and the musicians filling the room seemed to be in perfect harmony. I also couldn't smell the odour of food mixed despite being in the same place, but it was replaced with the very distinctive scent of air freshener.On the invitation, it was written that the guests should wear a dress code with a similar theme so that it would not match the fiancées, Ellie and Nick. The servants also looked uniform and could be distinguished at a glance.Sean looked at me as we walked closer to the crowd. "Do you like parties like this?""I like it... but it doesn't have to be this similar." I hurriedly a
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Sean's POVI looked at Arabella, who looked happy as we danced a few more songs, following the beat and the other guests dancing around us. Although her movements were a bit stiff in the beginning, she could easily follow my dance steps with ease."You've gotten better at dancing, Bella." I complimented her, seeing her smile brighten at my praise.She shook her head. "Of course. I'm very good at learning things, especially if it's practised right away like this dance."I muttered under my breath, agreeing with her, though also stifling a laugh with a smile as Arabella seemed very cute in my current assessment of her.To me, she was an adorable lover, but that kind of thing was compounded when her lips seemed to be slightly downturned, and her rather sharp gaze was fixed on the woman who was having a social gathering not far from us.I looked in the same direction, seeing Ellie joining hands with Nick to greet guests on the floor we had all just danced on. Arabella still looked annoyed
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Lover's Quarrel
Sean's POVI made Arabella lean against my chest while she stared directly at the lovers' quarrel before us, gazing through the gap in the bushes. She looked so severe that I also wanted to peek in, even though I could hear their voices."You're messing with me, aren't you, Jack?" The woman shouted, pointing at the man with an angry gaze. With one look, I could notice her reddened eyes and the traces of tears on her cheeks.We were far enough away from the bustling party venue, but if anyone else was around the park, they might have heard and decided to stay away or come closer like we were doing now."It's been four years, Jack. Four years, I waited and remained patient!" The woman said again and took a heavy-sounding breath. "But you have no intention of taking our relationship to a serious one. You make me sick!"The man looked guilty. I could see their relationship was more dominant from the woman's side, not from the man being cornered. She apologized in a soft voice."I'm sorry,
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Special Night
Arabella's POVI was shocked when I saw Sean, who suddenly knelt and showed me the beautiful ring in the box in his hand. I looked up at him, receiving a kiss on my hand before he slid the ring onto my finger.He said something lovely, but I was too stunned by our current situation to say anything. "Sean... I, I still can't believe it."I felt my fingers trembling, looking at him, who remained kneeling and chuckling at my reaction, but I didn't blame him because I was so nervous that I couldn't believe it."It's real, Bella," Sean said softly and slid the ring onto my finger, perfectly fitting the circumference of my ring finger. "Look."I felt touched and immediately went over to hug the man tightly. I jumped a little because I felt happy with Sean's sudden proposal. I released the hug, looking at him again, who was waiting for my answer."Thank you, Sean." I started my speech, holding his hand while looking at my ring-adorned ring finger before smiling back at him. "Of course, I wan
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Wedding Concepts
Arabella's POVI felt happy to see Sean's face for the first time when I woke up from my sleep. He was still sleeping with his face facing me while his hand was on my neck as a headrest."I'm so lucky to be with you, Sean," I whispered as I looked at him.I never get tired of looking at his face all the time. He was very handsome, and no one could beat his good looks and charisma as my lover.Sean had also been very attentive last night, making me feel delicious but comfortable before we climbed back into bed. He never forgot what we had to do after the hot activities to rest well.I touched his face lightly, wanting to stare at the man's face again longer while touching him, but at that moment, Sean opened his eyes and caught my hand that was on his cheek and held it in place. He smiled a little."Good morning, Bella. Did you sleep well?"I nodded as I returned his smile. "I slept well. Good morning to you too, Sean."I lifted my head automatically so he could raise his hand as he st
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Road Trips
Arabella's POVI was excited because today would be different from any other day. I stared at Sean with widened eyes, covering my mouth that opened in shock after hearing his sudden words."Are you telling the truth, Sean?" I asked, not believing my first hearing that I had to hear it again. "You're not joking?"The man smiled, pushing my hand away so that I would realise that I had to close my mouth, but I kept looking at him. He repeated his words happily. "No, what you heard was real. I made an appointment with him a few days ago, and she agreed to meet us at him shop."I jumped, let out a slight sound full of excitement and hugged him tightly. I felt like I could cry for meeting one of the famous designers I liked in person.He understood me and granted my wish to a level far different from what I had imagined. This happened after I discussed wearing that designer's dress for our wedding."Sean... what should I do to repay you?" I asked after breaking the hug, looking at him inten
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A Pleasure Surprise
Arabella's POV"We're going to have our wedding at the same place as Nick's, but I'm going to expand it again," Sean said when we arrived home after our walk.I still felt tired, but I eventually pushed that feeling aside to listen to Sean's explanation better. "When did you plan this?" I asked."A few days ago, it seems or yesterday? I've asked Nick for a favour so we can rent the place right away for the next week." The man seemed relaxed explaining it to me, but it surprised me.I looked at him intently. "You said... one week?""Yeah, is it too soon for you?" He asked, instantly looking worried after hearing my question.I shook my head. On the contrary, I was feeling very excited about the timing of our imminent wedding, not in a month, but even less than a week when a few days had passed.I had initially been dreading this kind of fast-paced wedding, but after talking things over with Sean for some time and meeting Tya to make the dress I would wear when I got married, I felt our
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Hidden Plans
Sean's POVI swallowed, trying to listen to the words of the doctor who explained what Arabella should do for her pregnancy between the sharp eyes that didn't stop looking at me."Miss can take the supplements downstairs. This nurse next to me will take you." The doctor ended his explanation with a shady smile.We said goodbye to the doctor before following the nurse to pick up Arabella's supplements. I was trying to remember what I should do to help my beloved during her pregnancy, so I forgot about the threatening figure in front of me."You!" Dallas unhesitatingly grabbed the neckline of my T-shirt and pulled me hard. His piercing eyes clearly showed his desire to kill me when we arrived at the hospital's lower parking lot."You animal! You're not even married to Bella, Sean!"I said nothing, knowing that there was no point in adding oil to the fire that was raging before me. My neck felt constricted, but I still had room to breathe, so I didn't try to protest.Arabella tried to st
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