All Chapters of Blood Contract with Alpha Werewolf: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
61 Chapters
31. The Unknown Feelings
Ned returned to the rooftop and used magic on the wolf. Not only did he wake up the wolf, he also used magic to make its central nervous system more excited, injecting some power into it to make its attack stronger. He was about to take it to the door of Kathy's room, when he happened to see it. Laura was already standing there, as if waiting for herself in advance.Laura entered the room and saw Kathy sitting on the ground blankly, looking at the corpses with blank eyes, feeling a little proud."My good sister, I'm here to give you one last big gift to send you on your way."Kathy didn't react at all after hearing this, and waited quietly for her death to come. Laura didn't want to talk nonsense to her anymore, so she asked Ned to put the wolf in.Ned unlocked the wolf, and the wolf broke in and locked onto Kathy.Kathy howled in fear as she watched the wolf open its mouth wide open at her. Laura did not stay with Ned longer, leaving a direct message: "You deserve this, enjoy it, and
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32. Strange Feeling
Laura looked at Ned's clothes, the mess all over the floor, and the marks Ned left on her. She felt at a loss, as she really didn't want to end her life with Ned. She couldn't breathe properly and opened the window to let in some fresh air. Looking at the garden outside, she felt a little better.Laura went to the garden to clear her mind. She was wearing a blue dress that matched the blue wind chimes below, creating a beautiful landscape.She walked barefoot on the grass, feeling joyful for the first time in a while. Since Kathy died, her world had been quiet.She no longer had any ties to the Legoza family. She walked to the swing and sat on it, leaning back and closing her eyes to feel the wind on her face. Although she wasn't as happy as she was after her revenge, it was a relief for her mother and made her feel a little better.She didn't want to think about anything right now; she just wanted to clear her mind and enjoy the feeling of embracing the world.Suddenly, she felt a fo
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33. Strange Feeling(2)
Afterward, even though neither Laura nor Ned mentioned the contract again and they went on living their daily lives as usual, Laura couldn't help but keep track of the days left until her departure from Ned.On that particular day, she was busy packing her jewelry box in the room, eyeing its contents with a pensive gaze. The unassuming pieces she wore everyday paled in comparison to the extravagant jewelry the two sisters had once owned, but she had long since given up on such vain pursuits.She wiped the box clean, her movements silent and methodical. Ned watched her from the doorway for a moment before quietly turning away.In the town, Ned took extra precautions to conceal his identity, donning a hat and a face mask that covered his features completely. He set out in search of a jewelry store, wandering for quite some time until he stumbled upon a particularly elegant establishment. It dawned on him that he wanted to find a piece of jewelry that would surpass anything Laura had eve
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34. Peaceful Life
When Laura didn't respond to his words, Ned smiled, turned over, and left the room, leaving Laura alone on the bed lost in thought. Laura got up and looked at the direction Ned had gone. She silently stared, with unspoken words choking in her throat.Uncertainty about the future and fear of loss made her choose silence. She was afraid that once she spoke, she would regret mentioning the contract. So she chose to silently watch him leave. Then, Laura lay on the bed with a blank stare, not knowing how to give Ned an answer.If it was really true like he said, she indeed had nothing to offer in return. But memories of her time with Ned flashed through her mind.Watching him complete his revenge plan step by step, getting accustomed to the good news that followed every time he went out, she had gradually become deeply dependent on him. Now, Laura was at a loss, feeling as if a heavy stone was blocking her chest. She felt suffocated and wanted to go out for a walk.That night, she went to
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35. Loba
In the evening, a beam of white light flew into the castle, signaling Ned's return. Laura, who was eating a purchased egg tart in her room, offered him one upon seeing him."Try it, maybe you'll like it. The taste is a bit different from what you're used to," she said, holding it up to his mouth.Ned, being a carnivore, was not particularly interested in the sweet treat, but he gladly accepted it from Laura's outstretched hand. He felt a sense of warmth towards her and increasingly believed that she was his destined partner, though there was still something missing.When Laura saw that Ned didn't react immediately, she assumed he didn't want it and said, "If you don't want it, that's fine. I'll just eat it myself." But Ned quickly grabbed it from her and said, "Who said I don't want it? I'll have it," with a slightly disgusted expression. As he took a bite and chewed, he realized the familiar taste and seemed to understand something."Laura, I have something to do. Wait for me here. Y
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36. Jealous
Laura opened the window and looked out at the moonlit night, suddenly remembering how she had enjoyed the scenery in Ned's arms that evening.She missed that feeling deeply.Then, glancing down, she caught sight of Ned and Loba embracing and laughing together in the courtyard below.She watched them from a distance, unable to make out their words but sensing a closeness between them that made her heart ache.She was furious, but managed to conceal her emotions as she waited calmly for Ned to enter her room. Her gaze fixed on the pearl earrings on the dressing table, and she couldn't help but imagine Ned giving a similar pair to the other woman. The thought was too painful to bear.Meanwhile, Ned stood at Laura's doorway for a long time, pondering Loba's words. If he confirmed that Laura was his destined partner, the bond would be irrevocable.However, h
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37. Jealous(2)
After a while, Ned straightened up and ended the fight, lying on Laura's body, sucking in the unique taste of each other. Laura was very tired at this time, but she still couldn't help but ask, "Don't you have another woman? Why are you here with me? According to the contract, you can do whatever you want with me, but I don’t understand your current intentions." Laura asked Ned with an angry tone. "What other woman, what are you talking about?" Ned looked confused. "Did my eyes deceive me, or did I see you embracing another woman beneath the castle? I saw everything, and you don't have to hide it from me," Laura said with a jealous expression, immediately regretting her words as she realized she had n
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38. Visit Old Place
Laura had a dream.Or rather, it felt like a dream.She abruptly opened her eyes, as if waking up, and met Ned's gaze. At the same time, the imposing figure of Massimo Legoza, the hated leader who had slaughtered her entire clan, emerged in her mind. In Laura's heart, this man was the father who had dragged her and her mother into the abyss.She never believed that her mother had an affair with a guard, nor did she believe Massimo's clean slate. Besides, Laura remembered what Kathy had said when she was being tortured by him: her mother was tortured by that demon and thrown into the forest by the guard.Knowing this made her heart ache even more, and it was a lifelong pain for Laura. Therefore, she was determined to uncover the truth and find her mother at all costs.Among all the people she had dealt with, she had forgotten about him, but now it seemed that ev
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39.Disapear in the Forest
  As they walked, Laura shared with Ned the legends she had heard about the forest. "My family's elder once told me that the roots of the trees in this Dark Forest hide evil powers. Merely touching them can plunge one into a realm of darkness, never to return to the light.   Yet, this forest is also a sanctuary for mysterious elves, who dwell in darkness and gain wisdom and strength through communion with the trees. Looking at it now, it indeed seems different," Laura said.   Ned listened attentively and smiled. "I often practice my magic here in this forest, as it's the best place to absorb moonlight at night. I'll show you where I usually practice. It's not as scary as your elder described, and there are no mysterious elves. Legends are just legends, and this forest is just a place without sunlight."   As they walked, they arrived at Ned's regular practice spot, which wa
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40. Search For
 On the top floor of the castle, Laura and Ned discovered that Massimo's door required a password to enter. However, Laura didn't know the password, so she couldn't unlock it. Ned, being a werewolf with incredible strength and seemingly unlimited power, decided to ram into the door. With a resounding crash, the door fell to the ground, and a cloud of smoke billowed up and dissipated. Laura waved her hand to clear the smoke and exclaimed, "So this is how his room looks like." Massimo's bedroom was a spacious and impressive chamber, filled with a sense of grandeur. The walls were adorned with exquisite murals depicting a mysterious story that seemed to transport one to another world. The floor was covered in smooth marble, each tile was inlaid with intricate patterns. Elegant porcelain display cases were placed in every corner, showcasing unique pieces of art. Ned walked up
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