Blood Contract with Alpha Werewolf의 모든 챕터: 챕터 41 - 챕터 50
61 챕터
41. Search For(2)
Laura and Ned both looked surprised to see that Massimo had hidden a huge secret room behind his bookshelf. The walls of the room were made of gold, shining brightly as they were exposed. It was obvious that Massimo had invested a considerable amount of the family's gold coins in this room.Laura walked in first and looked around the grand room, unable to help but marvel at the sight. "This old fox has been keeping so many of the family's gold coins hidden away. It's amazing how he could be the leader for so long," she exclaimed."Let's go inside and search for clues," Ned suggested.In the left corner of the room, they found Massimo's collection of weapons. There were countless swords and knives, as well as more advanced weapons such as cannons. Ned walked closer to inspect them."It seems that Massimo has a deep interest in weapons. Where did he get all these? How does your family have such
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42. Guess
As Ned and Laura prepared to leave, a thought suddenly struck Ned. Remembering the day he discovered Massimo's escape, he had fled through the window. This significant detail had slipped their notice, and they hadn't yet searched for any clues.Before Laura could react, Ned walked straight to the window. Following his lead, Laura also approached the window. Ned carefully examined the escape route and discovered some tell-tale signs.He realized that the escape marks were not made by a human, as only a werewolf could have left such traces. He quickly shared this observation with Laura.Laura was shocked to hear this. Could it be true that their family leader, her father, was not human? She found it hard to believe, imagining who they had been living with all these years. Especially knowing Massimo's extremely vicious methods, it made her more convinced of Ned's claim that her father might not be human.
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43. Halen Naumes
But Ned, with his telepathy, couldn't help but sense Laura's thoughts. He changed the subject, asking, "According to the escape traces, where could he have gone?"Laura, hearing his words, silenced her inner murmurings.Trying to redirect their focus, Ned proposed, "There's plenty of gold in Massimo's darkroom. Should we retrieve it for him?"Laura, however, was not in the mood to consider such matters, nor did she care about such trivialities.Noticing her indifference, Ned chose not to pursue the matter. As he was about to speak, Laura interrupted, "What should we do now? We don't have a clue where he escaped to, and we can't seem to find him anywhere."Ned responded calmly, "Let's investigate further tomorrow. I'll attempt to use my mana to track him."The two stood silently by the window for a moment, lost in their own thoughts.
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44. Trapped?
As Ned looked at his father's furious face, he spoke with fear, "It was Halen, he told me we should go to the forest to ride horses and search for the seven-colored grass." Upon hearing Ned's explanation, the chief of the Naumes clan's anger dissipated slightly, as the brothers had always had a close bond in his heart.Suddenly, Halen's personal servant standing nearby spoke up, "Chief, when the second prince and the young prince left today, we heard the young prince begging the second prince to accompany him to the forest to search for the seven-colored grass. He said he loved it very much and wanted the second prince to ride horses with him there."Upon hearing this, the chief's anger flared up again. He slapped Ned on the face and shouted, "You idiot! If anything happens to your brother, I'll make you pay! Get out! Get out of this family!"Ned, hearing the servant's words, shook his head continuously, his eye
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45. Moonlight Chant
The mysterious man continued walking with Ned, and Ned asked, "Do you know the Naumes family?"The man stopped in his tracks, and the wind blew his black cloak, revealing his masked face. He had been aware of Ned's unpopularity within the Naumes family for some time and had been watching him closely. He had even followed Ned and Halen into the forest, observing silently. His plan to make Ned follow him willingly had been well thought out.Upon hearing this, Ned was overjoyed. He quickly walked up to the man and said, "Can you take me back? I'm lost and can't find my way back."The man flashed a devilish smile and said, "Of course, just follow me."Since Ned didn't know the way back, he followed the man, who led him on a increasingly treacherous path through increasingly darker surroundings. The eerie atmosphere made Ned feel uneasy, and he approached the man, saying, "How much longer do we ha
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45. Moonlight Chant(2)
Under the glow of the ritual, a brave explorer willingly became the first to attempt the fusion. His body began to transform, his hair growing wildly until it covered his entire body, and his teeth sharpening to a lethal point. In the end, he emerged as a powerful werewolf, Alpha.With the success of his experiment, other explorers followed suit and also transformed into werewolves. This new species began to establish their own tribe, led by Alpha, and explored the new world together.Their bodies became stronger, their senses sharper, and their magical powers, gained through the mysterious ritual, made them formidable combatants. Together with the Dark Elves, they guarded the forest.As the first werewolf, Alpha possessed immense power. Skilled at disguising himself, he understood human nature well due to his former life as a man. He hid among the crowd, searching for werewolves he could cultivate.
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46. Yield
As Ned lay there, his thoughts wandered to his palace, filled with his prized possessions. Every night, he would admire them, reliving memories of riding and shooting arrows with his brothers. What he missed most was the cuisine prepared by the royal chef, a woman who doted on him and always sneaked him delicious treats, keeping them from his brothers.The mere thought of it made Ned's heart ache, and he found himself yearning to break free from his imprisonment, to burst out of the cave and shout to the world, "Let me out! I want to leave this horrid place! I want to go home!"As a werewolf, Ned's senses were heightened, and he was immediately alerted by a rustling sound in the trees. "Who's there? Come out and don't hide!" he barked.A red-cloaked female werewolf emerged from the shadows, carrying a basket. She approached Ned cautiously. "Don't be alarmed," she said, "My name is Loba. I am the medic of the wer
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47. Reunion
As Alpha increased his magical powers, Ned felt as if his heart was being crushed, rolling around on the ground in agony. Seeing his torment, Alpha demanded again, "Can you kill or not?""I... I... can't!" Ned moaned, unable to speak coherently through the pain. Unimpressed with Ned's stubbornness, Alpha summoned the Eclipse Spear - a weapon forged by moonlight, capable of piercing enemy armor and defenses. With a swipe, he impaled Ned through the chest."Aaaah!" Ned screamed as his blood spilled out. Unable to bear witnessing this anymore, Loba intervened. "Leader, please stop. Give him another chance.""Mind your own business, or I'll deal with you too," Alpha snarled, ignoring Loba's plea."Think about it, Alpha. He's your first test subject. If he dies, we don't know if your research will work," Loba whispered.Alpha paused, finding Loba's words persuasive. He withdrew the spear, leaving Ned severely injured. "I'll give you one more chance. Tomorrow, you must kill someone using th
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Ned immediately clamped his pink hands on her chest and sucked her intoxicatedly between her legs. Under the double stimulation, Laura fell back on the bed, pinched the iron arm around her waist with his small hands, and let out an uncomfortable groan. Ned controlled his hands firmly. The struggling little body buried its head in sucking the tender pistil between her legs, mixed it with the tip of her tongue, and then put her big thing inside.Ned sucked her eagerly, thrusting hard, filling Laura, stimulating every unknown sensitivity in her, inducing Laura to burn for him, forcing her to twitch uncontrollably in his arms, making her moan incomparably beautiful."Hmm -" After a groan, Ned fell to the side.The two of them looked at the ceiling. Laura was the first to speak, "You haven't come back all day and all night, and when you come back, you know how to do it with me. What do you mean?" Laura said with a slightly angry tone."I'll go back to the forest to think about how to find
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Laura glanced at Ned, but he remained silent. Without waiting for his response, Laura ran directly towards the source of the sound.Ned reached out to grab Laura, but by then, Laura had already rushed ahead."We can try," Laura raised her hand to signal the guard.The guard glanced at Laura and thought she seemed competent, so he said, "Alright, we're just missing a man now. Anyone else signing up?"Laura raised her hand again to signal the guard, who emphasized once more, "We still need a man. Miss, you can go for the interview now, no need to raise your hand.""No, the man behind me can do it," Laura explained, pointing out Ned's position.All eyes turned to Ned, who felt embarrassed but walked forward embarrassed. The guard looked Ned over and patted his shoulder, "Alright, it's you."Ned felt reluctant, but seeing Laura's enthusiasm as she prepared to follow the guard, he didn't say anything and silently followed. As they walked, Ned used his magic to alter his face slightly, conce
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