All Chapters of Set me Free, Alpha: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
134 Chapters
VALERIA"I think that went well... or what do you think?" I asked Noah as he bowed the last person in the media team out of his office and shut the door.He turned to me with a smile. "Are you kidding? Well is an understatement. The meeting was perfect. It went without a hitch. With the conclusions we made with them this evening, the media is going to be all over the Rosy project like a rash."Noah's confidence was infectious and after a while, I found myself smiling too. Rosy was about to begin publicity for the project that week. Noah was in charge of handling the media. I was the one running around and handling things on Dimitri's end."I know it's going to get a lot of publicity of course, with you on the team."Noah inclined his head. "I must say, I am flattered by your faith in me.""It's just that I can't help worrying a teensy bit," I confessed.He nudged me playfully. "A teensy bit?""Okay. Maybe a lot more than that. I've invested so much in the project. I want it to go smo
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Hundred and One
VALERIAI paused in my work to watch him. He had scarcely put down the phone before it was ringing again. He spoke. He argued. He jotted some figures on the piece of paper he had in front of him and still I watched him, my own work forgotten.Dimitr had been busy these days, busier than usual. The Rosy project was scheduled to be announced to the public in two weeks and because of that, Dimitri was working around the clock to make sure that it went off without a hitch. Still, he found a little time to check up on me.Like now.He paused in his conversation to look at me and smile a little. His own way of checking if I was okay. I returned his smile and bent over my computer once again, to hide the worry I was sure was etched on my face. Especially since my conversation with Rosy, I had been thinking more often that I ought to tell Dimitri about what I was, to tell him that I knew what he was too. As the days passed, the secret got harder to bear. It was like a physical weight that was
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Hundred and Two
VALERIA"Come see me again soon," Grandma Reese called as I walked to the door with Ivy. I waved to her. "Of course, gran. I will."It brought a smile to my face, looking at her and seeing how happy she was. Ivy and I had spent an hour with her. It has completely made her day. Ivy shut the door behind us, and the two of us were alone in the hospital's corridor. I took her arm and walked her to one of the lounge chairs provided."Your grandmother is positively glowing tonight," she said with a fond glance at the door she had just shut."Never mind about my grandmother. Let's talk about... you and Vance."I elbowed her in the ribs. She winced. My grin grew wider."What about me and Vance?" she said rubbing her ribs."You two are getting so close. It's almost like you are two halves of one whole."Ivy laughed and blushed. "Well...""Well what?" I started to nudge her again, but she evaded it this time. She held on to my hand. "Vance and I are close," she admitted. "He's actually very
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Hundred and Three
DIMITRII drummed on the desk of my study table, being uneasy in my mind, very uneasy. I couldn't believe how trusting Valeria was. Seriously, how many near death experiences did it take for someone to be wary? For the average person, I supposed it would be just one. For Valeria, the number was near limitless. I was doing all I could to protect her while she was doing nothing at all to protect herself. This made me badly want to double the security I had around her.But I knew that this move would be fraught with difficulties. Valeria would not take it well at all if I were to tighten the security around her or further restrict her movements. We would most certainly have a row about it. I did not want to upset her, but something just had to be done about this.Her story about this Alexis guy sounded quite suspicious what with how he showed up a key moment. Then there was that story about him loosing his chance at getting interviewed at my company.With a sigh, I walked over to the win
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Hundred and Four
VALERIAI knew who was at the door before I called 'Come in'. With a sigh of amusement and exasperation, I sat back to watch a smiling Alexis walk into my office with a folder held under his arm. "You came to see me... again."If Alexis noticed my emphasis on the word 'again' he gave no indication that he had done so. After hiring him, I had given Alexis a position with the tech team working closely with Dimitri. For some reason he was always coming to see me even though his office was two floors down from mine. Even with the elevators, it would still be tiring to keep constantly keep moving from his office to mine. Alexis did not seem though which was weird. Very weird. Just today, he had come into my office about six times and it was not even noon yet."Hi, how's it going?" he asked for what felt like the umpteenth time that day. "Fine. I guess." I waved him into a seat. "You have a question for me?"I wanted him to get straight to the point. He had a tendency to want to stop an
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Hundred and Five
VALERIA"You knew!" I yelled at him. "All this time."Dimitri sighed. His puzzled expression disappeared. It was replaced with a sort of weariness and... sadness. I felt a pang of pity for him. Why? I didn't want to feel that way. Besides, what had he to be sad about anyway? I held on to my anger like a shield to keep my other emotions at bay. To my annoyance, most of my anger immediately dissipated when he said, "You're right. I'm sorry.""You're-"I flinched when he walked past me, thinking he wanted to touch me, but he only went to close the door."We wouldn't want anyone overhearing us now, would we?""Is that all you have to say for yourself?" I said."No. There are a lot of things I've been dying to say to you. The first is that I'm sorry, really sorry. But the truth is you were the one who put me in this position. I all but told you that I knew what was going on with you. Still you kept your discovery from me. You left me no choice but to keep pretending just the way you were
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Hundred and Six
VALERIAI hid a grin as I stood by, watching Rosy giving instructions in terse, clipped tones to a member of her staff. The woman gave her a response which was obviously not pleasing to Rosy judging by how irate she was looking. The woman left, looking harassed. Rosy sighed, pressed a hand to her temples like a woman at her wits' end. She snagged a glass of champagne from a passing waiter. She barked an order at him. He hurried away, rather red in the face.I hid a grin. It was all very easy for her to tell me to always control my temper. Now she was having trouble doing it. It just showed you it easier to give advice than take it, though I had to admit that she had a legitimate excuse for her behaviour. Today was the day of the long awaited project launch. We had all been working around the clock for this day. We were all on edge in varying degrees, but Rosy looked like she was about to fall off the edge. For the past few hours, she had been biting off the head of anyone unfortunate
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Hundred and Seven
DIMITRII moved slowly around the house, thinking. Why couldn't I shake off the thought that there was something off about Alexis? That was the question I kept asking myself.Yes, I wasn't entirely comfortable with the way he kept hanging around Valeria like a faithful lapdog, but I didn't think that was all. There was something, something I couldn't quite put my finger on. It felt like there was something about him that I ought to have been able to pinpoint before now. Valeria had kept insisting that he was positively harmless, but if we had to face it, her instincts for spotting danger were not in any way to be relied upon.I decided that the only way to put my mind at rest was to do something about this... hunch I had. I went into my study, went through my contact list until I found the phone number of a private investigative agency I had had dealings with in the past. I went straight to the point as soon as the owner picked up my call. I gave him Alexis's details and told him that
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Hundred and Eight
VALERIA"It was an absolute success," I said. "Of course it was," said Sasha, dropping into the chair next to Alexis. "There was absolutely no way the Rosy project launch could be have been anything less than a success, not with the work we have all been putting into it." She turned slightly to face Alexis. "You were not here in the early days of the project. We were all working like... machines. You won't believe how hard we worked.""I think have an idea of that. I worked my ass off the day before the launch," Alexis said, laughing. He armed imaginary sweat off his brow. "I take it the boss is pleased.""Oh yes. Of course he is." Sasha gave me a questioning look. "Isn't he?"Alexis looked at me expectantly too. I supposed it had become common knowledge that I would be the one in a better position to know of Dimitri's moods and thoughts."He is pleased," I assured them. "He couldn't fail to be, not with all the massive attention the project has been getting these past few days.""T
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Hundred and Nine
VALERIAI was finally getting my wish. How many times had I lain awake with the thoughts of seeing firsthand what a werewolf pack looked like? The answer was- more times than I could count. Yet, I was nervous, so nervous. My fingers kept twisting nervously in my lap the closer we got to his pack.Dimitri turned to me. "In about ten minutes, we'll be there."I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. Dimitri stared straight ahead but placed his hand on mine. I held on to it tightly like a lifeline. I couldn't help thinking that in less than ten minutes, I would be really part of Dimitri's world. I had a million questions and a million concerns. What if his pack wouldn't accept me? I didn't really know how packs worked, so though Dimitri was in a position of authority, I couldn't help wondering if it was in his pack's place to decide if I I was unsuitable for him."We're here," Dimitri announced exactly 9 minutes, 27 seconds later.I knew the exact time because I had been keeping my eyes
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