All Chapters of Set me Free, Alpha: Chapter 131 - Chapter 136
136 Chapters
Hundred and Thirty
DIMITRIThe policemen, looking grave and worried, were holding a whispered conversation in a corner of their office. I wanted to yell at them to get a move on at finding Grace, then I remembered that they had already sent out some officers a while ago for that exact same purpose.Gosh! I was gradually loosing it.I sighed, massaged my aching temples. There was no way I could rest easy while the Grace and her accomplice were running loose. What if Alexis decided to have a another go at Valeria?My eyes got caught on a photograph of Grace lying between some documents in a file. Her features were exactly like Valeria's and I wondered how somebody so innocent looking, someone sharing the exact same body with another so kind and good, could be so devious."Mr Dimitri." The policeman splayed his hands over the table and fixed me with a steely stare. "This is a very serious case you have brought to our notice-""Of course I know that," I interrupted. "Why else do you think I'm here?""My poi
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Hundred and Thirty-One
VALERIASomeone was beside me. I could hear the sound of deep, heavy breathing, could feel the featherlight touch of hands moving over me; checking my temperature with a hand placed on my brow, adjusting the covers of the bed I was lying in, fluffing out my pillows and so on.I struggled towards wakefulness. It was hard to do because I had a feeling I had been in the darkness for long, too long. But I did it. I opened my eyes. Although her figure was hazy at first, I saw Amelia staring at me. She gave a loud gasp of surprise, a sigh of relief and promptly burst into tears."Oh Valeria," she cried, tears streaming down her cheeks. "You are awake. It's been two whole weeks and I thought you would never-"Her next words were drowned out by renewed sobs. I felt myself tearing up too. My heart burst with love for this woman who loved me as her own, who loved me to the extent that she had exposed her own daughter.She wiped my tears with her fingertips. "Don't cry," she said, even though
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Hundred and Thirty-Two
DIMITRII had to wait until a minute before Stan, the pudgy policeman from the other day walked into the office. He was poring over a sheaf of papers in his hand."What news?" I asked, leaning forward eagerly as he took his seat."Just going through what I have here." He indicated the papers he held. "I have been going through documents like this all day and they all say the same thing." He stopped and sighed. "It's like we are dealing with a ghost, so to speak, Mr Dimitri. On paper, Grace is basically still dead. Her death certificate, the day of her death, the doctor's proposed cause of death all tally. To everyone else, she died four odd years ago.""But she didn't. There has to be a loophole somewhere in these so called evidence you have collected since she isn't actually dead." My eyes narrowed. "Or are you suggesting that I'm mistaken?""I didn't say that.""Good because I saw her myself. Also, I was not the only one who saw her, you know. There were others too. You can intervie
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Hundred and Thirty-Three
VALERIAI opened the door and there was Vance standing there, wearing a tight smile eyeing me dubiously."Hello," he said. "Can I come in?""Of course."I threw the door open at once and I could have sworn I heard him exhale in relief. Just before he came, I had been wondering what to do with myself. It was so nice to have company, even if it was just Vance and even though I knew Dimitri, who I was trying my damnedest not to think about was the one who had sent him. I smiled a little as Vance walked past me into the living room. It was no wonder he had looked wary when I had opened that door. He had probably been expecting me to throw him out or to tell him off like I had done Dimitri."What have you been doing with yourself since you got back?"With his hands thrust into his pockets, Vance turned to face me.I shrugged. "Just resting. Mostly."Was he going to talk to me about returning to Dimitri's house? I sincerely hoped not. To my relief, he didn't pursue the subject. After I had
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Hundred and Thirty-Four
VALERIA"For goodness sake!"The furious exclamation came from directly behind me as I got close to my office. How has he materialized so quickly? When I had stepped out from the elevator, I had not gotten a glimpse of him. I had been sure I would make it to my office without the 'discussion' which would in reality be an argument that was sure to follow. It turned out he had seen me after all.Now I could hear him stomping after me. A second later he had my wrist in a grip that was firm enough to be uncomfortable, but not firm enough to hurt."Move," he growled when I planted my feet and stared at him mutinously."Move," he repeated.I didn't. There was no one observing us yet, but even if they were, I would not care. They knew there was something between us anyway and I was done having Dimitri have his way. He simply dragged me along. With his superior strength, I was powerless to resist. He shut the door of my office immediately we were in. With his back to the door so I could not m
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Hundred and Thirty-Five
VALERIAI opened the door and Dimitri was standing right there, at the front door of my house. I had not sent for him. I had not invited him. He had not told me he was coming and I had certainly not given him permission to. Several times I had clearly told him that I didn't want to have anything to do with him, and yet here he was."What are you doing here?" I bit off."Valeria, we need to talk," he said.Talk. I knew that was what he was going to say before he even opened his mouth."Leave now," I ordered.He gave no indication that he had heard me. I hurried to close the door in his face. My bare foot slipped on the tile. I put out my hand to grab something to regain my balance. My hands touched nothing but air and I went down. The force of the fall knocked all the breath from my body and I just lay there, panting, gasping for breath, riding the waves of pain that came from my waist region which had taken the brunt of the fall. Dimitri, calling my name frantically was at my side in
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