Semua Bab My Boss’ Secret Is My Undoing!: Bab 151 - Bab 160
348 Bab
Chapter 151
The other two men were now pale with fear; they finally understood how terrifying Frederick truly was!Timothy sent them here and told them it was just to deal with a small fry…But this guy? He was a demon! Even Buddha would piss his pants at the sight of him!One of them raised his hand. "I’ll talk, but I have conditions!" Frederick looked up. "Oh, really?"He smashed the man’s head with a single slap; blood and brains splattered everywhere."Trying to bargain with me? Your life isn’t worth a single hair on my leg, and you think you can make demands?" Frederick sneered.The last man standing was drenched in his companions’ blood, shaking in terror. His legs were trembling as he stammered, "I-I’ll talk! No conditions! Just spare my life!""Alright," Frederick replied.The man swallowed hard. "Actually, Master Timothy’s real target isn’t you, it’s Jennifer! He’s interested in your medical skills and wants to capture you for research. This way, he can weaken Prospera Corporati
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Chapter 152
"Because I've heard Mr. Z's name," Frederick said, sending the man to his death with a single palm strike.So, it really was someone from Organization V. These guys just wouldn’t quit! As soon as he had the chance, Frederick would deal with Mr. Z.Behind him, Melanie was still in shock, her body covered in a sheen of sweat. Her eyes now sparkled with admiration and affection.Frederick was incredibly strong! Was this the true power of the legendary Dark Monarch, Hades?"Lord Hades, you saved me! From now on, my life and my people are yours to command!" Melanie said, swaying her alluring figure and looking at him with adoration.Frederick replied with a small smile, "I do have something for you to do. I need all the information on the Campbell family within three days.""No problem! Leave it to me!" she said, twisting her seductive hips as she eagerly accepted the task.Frederick then found a secluded place to refine the Earthbane Parasite. The Skybane Parasite and the Earthban
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Chapter 153
"The night at the bar was actually my second test," Jennifer said with a small smile. "If you had taken advantage of me then, I would've kicked you out of the company the next day!" Jennifer wasn’t someone to be trifled with. Anyone who tried to cross her would face dire consequences."The third test was a reward for helping the company handle the Campbell Pharmaceutical incident." Jennifer had heard endless praise for Frederick over the past few days. Besides Jasmine, many employees from the PR department of Prospera Corporation had witnessed his heroic deeds and reported them to her enthusiastically."So, does this mean you’re agreeing to come with me to the Lesters' banquet tomorrow?" Frederick asked, overjoyed by this unexpected turn of events.Jennifer turned her back to him and said indifferently, "Yeah. Let’s just say I owe you a favor. But let me make one thing clear. If you or your mother expect me to do anything unreasonable, I won’t comply. Now, leave."Her words wer
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Chapter 154
With things as they were, Frederick and Sylvia had no choice but to go to the Lester family banquet.After more than an hour's ride on the electric scooter, they finally arrived at the estate of one of the Great Four Warrior Clans, the Lester family.The sprawling mansion stood imposingly; it followed the principles of mysticism, with buildings positioned in the cardinal directions.At the entrance was a lineup of modern luxury cars. The members of the Lester family who came and went exuded an aura of superiority."Well, if it isn't Hector? I heard you've been running a combat school these past few years and making a fortune!""Ms. Sophia! It's been a while! Congratulations on winning third place in the Drakonia Beauty Contest Southern Region preliminaries...""Hey, Colin! Haha, your kid's made it into Aflon prowess? That's impressive!"The butler at the entrance, who was checking invitations, seemed to be a savvy person. He could strike up a casual conversation with any member
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Chapter 155
Zander’s punch could've left Frederick crippled for years. But as Zander's fist was mere inches from Frederick's eye, Frederick's hand clamped down hard on Zander's wrist. His strength was like a mountain pressing down on the ground, leaving Zander unable to move.Zander's face turned red with effort. "Are you... Are you also a Savant Grandmaster?"Frederick didn't answer. Instead, he snapped Zander's arm, causing the latter to collapse in pain."Anyone who insults my mother must die!" Frederick said dangerously."Zander? Damn it! There's trouble!" The Lester family’s guards immediately surrounded them. Just as they were about to attack, two figures suddenly appeared."Hold it, everyone! There can't be any bloodshed at the master's birthday banquet!"It was Frederick's uncles, Tyrell and Barrett, who stepped forward with crossed arms. Seeing Frederick, they chuckled."Well, well! Look who's here!""Since you're here, why not take a seat and have a meal before you go? We don't
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Chapter 156
One congratulatory message after another sent Sylvia's initially upbeat mood plummeting.She looked ashen. The Lesters were throwing around millions worth of malachite items—especially Tyrell and Barrett, who even brought up malachite stores and mines! It was shocking.Sylvia glanced at the unassuming malachite pendant, and felt a pang of embarrassment. "Oh, my son… I've embarrassed your father."Frederick was taken aback, lost for words."Hey? Isn't that the third branch over there?" Tyrell seized the opportunity to mock them. "Everyone else’s gifts have been presented. I wonder what precious gift you've prepared for Father?""What? Is that the useless Cyrus's wife and son, who were cast aside twenty years ago?" someone said.Their words were like a bombshell, instantly causing a commotion.All eyes turned towards them. The Lester family's patriarch, Atticus Lester, now looked uncertain.Sylvia stood up nervously, and said respectfully, "Greetings to all the Lester family. I
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Chapter 157
In an instant, the entire hall was illuminated by the shimmering malachite beads.Atticus was stunned, tongue-tied in amazement. "This is...the Peerless Elegance, one of the world's top seven malachite treasures!"The Peerless Elegance was valued at three billion. It consisted of nine glassy emperor-green malachite beads and 204 diamonds totaling 41.58 carats. The malachite was flawless and round, and there were no impurities. It was said to have been kept by the wealthiest tycoons abroad, rarely seen in the world. "What if it's fake, Father? That kid just said it's garbage!" Tyrell shouted.Atticus picked it up. He examined it carefully, and even used a magnifying glass. He muttered to himself, "This is definitely authentic! Nine top-grade glassy emperor-green malachite are extremely rare. Finding an identical piece is like finding a needle in a haystack!""Why do you have such a valuable item?" Sylvia looked at Frederick in astonishment. "I had no idea you had such a precious i
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Chapter 158
"Well, then you're in for a disappointment," Frederick said calmly as he picked up his utensils. "My wife is the most beautiful woman in the world. She's not like those women plastered with makeup."Jocelyn crossed her legs, and mocked, "Hah, boasting is easy! The most beautiful in the world? How beautiful can she be?""Just a few billion times prettier than you," Frederick retorted.She grew angry. "You're all bark and no bite, Frederick! I bet you don't even have a girlfriend! You probably watch too much TV and fantasize about turning every female celebrity into your wife, right?"Adler also chimed in, "Yeah! If she's really that good-looking, why didn't you bring her to the banquet for us all to see?""Because I'm afraid you'd all be jealous," Frederick said casually.In truth, he lacked confidence in his own words. Jennifer had actually stood him up, and he couldn't figure out what she was up to.Jocelyn smirked. "Frederick, these feeble excuses might work on children, but t
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Chapter 159
"Wow, what a babe!" Adler shivered. He had experienced many exceptional women, but this was the first time seeing such a flawless beauty. Even the hotties in the short videos he often watched were ugly compared to her!"Honey, sorry for being late!" Jennifer, carrying her handbag, approached Frederick slowly and linked her arm with his. Her every move and smile seemed to mesmerize those around her.As her gaze fell on others, her expression turned into icy—as if she was warning strangers to stay away.Everyone was stunned. Was this really Frederick's woman? No way!Frederick was dumbfounded for several seconds. Then, he hurriedly said, "Ms. Yo... I mean, Jen, darling!" Jennifer turned her gaze to Sylvia, and immediately greeted her warmly. "Hello, Mom."Sylvia was all smiles, and she gushed, "Jen! Fred has mentioned you to me a few times, but you're even more beautiful than I imagined! Fred is so lucky!"Jennifer flipped her dark curls, and smiled gracefully. "Don't say that.
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Chapter 160
"You want me to return to the Lesters too?" Frederick was surprised."That's not all. I want you to strive for the support of the intermediary faction. I want you to become the new heir of the Lesters," Jennifer said slowly, emphasizing each word. "Frederick, you have to remember! This is your only chance to change your fate! It's also your only window into high society! Seize this opportunity, and not only can you stand on equal footing with me—you might even surpass me!"For some reason, Jennifer genuinely hoped Frederick could measure up to her standards. She was a woman who admired strength, and she never paid attention to men who were beneath her in status and power. Of course, except for Frederick—he was an exception."What do you want me to do now?" Frederick asked expressionlessly."Enter the family, impress Master Lester, and develop your own strength! Finally, become a Savant Grandmaster. You need to break free from your old low-level perceptions and habits, and enter
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