All Chapters of My Boss’ Secret Is My Undoing!: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
392 Chapters
Chapter 171
"No way! I didn't hear that!" Stella insisted confidently.She absolutely refused to believe that the hotel would give them almost eight million worth of wine for free just because of Frederick!Malcolm chimed in, "I didn't hear it, either! How could the hotel possibly open three bottles of 1985 Romanee-Conti for free just because of this loser? Clearly, it's because of Mr. Harper!""Exactly! Mr. Harper is under the Loder family! How could we have missed that?"Everyone suddenly realized this, and nodded in agreement. This quickly became the consensus, and they all echoed the same thought. Even those who initially heard Frederick's name quickly changed their tune, claiming they misheard.Joshua, who had been a bit unsure, now believed it completely and laughed loudly. "Haha! Such generosity must be because the Loders' heir instructed it. Mr. Loder is too kind to spend so much!" he boasted."Of course, it's all because of you, Mr. Harper!""Even the Great Four Warrior Clans hav
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Chapter 172
"The Lesters? They're from the Great Four Warrior Clans, right?!"Everyone was immediately terrified. Instinctively, they distanced themselves from Frederick."Oh god! He really is bad luck!""He's messed with some shady people before, but now he's gone and provoked the Great Four Warrior Clans!""They're Savant Grandmasters! We better keep our distance, or we’d get caught up in the mess!"Cursing under their breath, everyone moved away from Frederick.Malcolm quickly spoke up, "Gentlemen of the Lester family, we're actually not familiar with this Frederick at all! If you want to take him away, please do so! We won't object!"Stella and the others nodded vigorously. "Yes, that's right!"Even Joshua, who had been knocked to the ground, crawled up like a worm and began begging for mercy."I had no idea you were part of the Lesters! I'm under Mr. Glen Loder! Please, spare me! Think about the Loders' reputation, and let me live!"Tristan sneered. "I have no interest in the lives
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Chapter 173
"What's wrong with the security in this damn hotel? The Lesters' Savant Grandmasters just waltzed in as they pleased! If anyone didn't know any better, they'd think this was the Lesters' own backyard!" Frederick snarled. Glen was still reeling from Frederick's kick. He was drenched in sweat as he apologized profusely, "I'm sorry, Mr. Lester! It's all the fault of our useless security team! They're so incompetent, they wouldn't dare stop anyone from the Lester family."I'll fire the entire security department immediately! They're all idiots! Even I can't stand them!"Jade watched the scene unfold with a mix of shock and dread.Goodness! Were these the almighty Great Four Warrior Clans she had always heard of? In front of Frederick, they were nothing but lowly lackeys!"Mr. Loder, both our families are part of the Great Four Warrior Clans. We've always coexisted peacefully. But today, when we're cleaning house. Do you really want to meddle?" Tristan said, his face contorted in rage
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Chapter 174
In an instant, the entire room froze. Joshua's smile turned into a grimace of embarrassment. "Mr. Loder, you must be joking! If it wasn't for my sake, why would you kill members of the Lester family? Is it because of that piece of crap, Frederick?"Slap!As soon as Joshua finished speaking, Glen's hand came down hard. The blow sent Joshua spinning on the spot. He saw stars, and blood gushed from his mouth and nose.The crisp sound of the slap startled Stella and Malcolm. Their bodies trembled as they stared in disbelief. What was happening? Glen was hitting Joshua? Didn't he step up to kill the Lesters for Joshua's sake?"S-sir, why...?" Joshua, bloodied and dazed, struggled to comprehend the situation."Calling Mr. Lester crap? You, a mere worm, dare to insult someone as great as him?!" Glen roared, his anger uncontainable. "Even I have to bend over backward for him! You ants really don't know your place!"His words were like thunder, leaving everyone stunned and speechles
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Chapter 175
Upon hearing this, Jennifer's face fell, and she slumped into her seat."Should we try contacting them again?" Jasmine asked with a worried expression."For what? If they're not answering our calls, it can only mean one thing—they've taken Campbell Pharmaceutical's call!" Jennifer sighed in defeat.After all the years of careful planning in the pharmaceutical market at Prospera Corporation, it was now on the brink of collapse. This would severely impact the group's revenue, and could even have chain reactions."Also, Campbell Pharmaceutical's official product launch is scheduled for ten days from now," Jasmine added. "They're not giving us any breathing room!""Our best course of action now is to launch our own new product before theirs hits the market. But developing a new pharmaceutical product requires billions of dollars in investment, and it's unlikely we'll be able to develop something that can compete with Campbell Pharmaceutical in such a short time," Jennifer said."Ms.
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Chapter 176
After Jennifer left, Jasmine didn't waste any time. She quickly arranged a product launch event for Frederick. The timing was exactly the same as Campbell Pharmaceutical.This news spread like a timed bomb, and exploded instantly.At Campbell Pharmaceutical headquarters, Mr. Z sat on the sofa. Timothy, the chairman of Campbell Pharmaceutical, could only stand by and serve him tea."Sir, I heard that Prospera Corporation is also planning a product launch event, and it's scheduled at the same time as ours! Could Jennifer have some last-minute trick up her sleeve?" Timothy said.Mr. Z smirked coldly. "Afraid already? With such cowardice, do you think you still stand a chance with Jennifer? My insiders at Prospera Corporation tell me that when news of the new drug broke today, their entire company practically came to a standstill. She’s just bluffing!" he declared confidently."Insiders? Sir, what level of insider are they? They even help us get hold of the formula!" Timothy asked e
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Chapter 177
Frederick blinked. Then, he smiled and said, "Don't worry, I get it. Everyone has their own struggles in life."Eva let out a sigh of relief, and smiled gently. "Your team might still need an accountant, right?"Frederick replied without hesitation, "Yes.""I used to work in the group's finance department as a senior accountant, so I should be able to handle it.""That's great! Eva, you've really helped me out!"With someone onboard and the financial aspect sorted, everything seemed set and just awaiting the final touch.But then, Samuel stormed over, scowling and muttering under his breath, "Dammit! Bullies acting all high and mighty!"Frederick furrowed his brows. "Who are you cursing?" Startled, Samuel hurriedly explained, "Not you, Mr. Lester. I'm talking about those new colleagues from the medical department who just joined our team. They act like they're better than everyone else!"Samuel's face was flushed with anger. As the deputy team leader of Team Seven, he found h
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Chapter 178
"You idiot!" The group pointed at Frederick, and cursed loudly."Didn't your parents teach you not to point fingers at others for no reason?" Frederick looked up lazily and grabbed the finger of one of them, breaking it instantly."Argh!" His victim screamed in agony, bending over in spasms.Seeing this scene, the mocking voices came to an immediate stop. Everyone in the group was wide-eyed with shock.Frederick said casually, "Did I invite you here? Don't take yourselves too seriously. I came to find helpers, not people who expect to be idolized or pampered. If you don't want to stay, then leave!""What's going on?" Jasmine rushed in upon hearing the commotion."Ms. Smith! We're quitting this team! No matter who comes here, it’s useless!"The group was about to explode with anger, and quickly filed their complaints to Jasmine."This team is a mess! They're doomed to fail sooner or later!""Don't get your hopes up. With these losers, none of whom have a medical background, w
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Chapter 179
"What? You haven't made it yet?" His statement was a bucket of cold water over everyone's heads. Everyone was stunned."Frederick! What have you been doing for these seven days?!" Jasmine's chest heaved with anger."I've been meditating and sleeping." Frederick stretched lazily. "I slept pretty well!"Everyone's jaws almost dropped to the floor. So this guy spent the past seven days just sleeping?!"This is outrageous!" Jasmine was furious, her eyes wide with disbelief. "How could you do this to us? You deceived the whole team!"What’s more, she had already announced the press conference seven days ago. If word got out now, it would cause a huge stir in the entire corporation! Jennifer might even get implicated. Perhaps Jasmine shouldn't have trusted Frederick from the start. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment!"I'm done with you! Sink or swim on your own!" Jasmine said sternly, her face showing her frustration as she turned to leave.But then, Frederick su
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Chapter 180
"More importantly, the Frosted Silk Powder can automatically adjust body proportions according to an individual's body structure. After using it for a treatment, there's a 90% chance of achieving the golden body ratio!" Frederick went on, smiling."Plus, this new product also has the function of relieving body heat and replenishing blood, just like traditional medicine. It's almost harmless to the body, and has no side effects," he added.His words sparked heated discussions among the crowd."A new product with no side effects? Wow! I don't think we've ever seen that in the medical history of Mirage City!""Exactly! Even the most powerful pharmaceutical companies here only dare to claim their signature products have less than 8% trace side effects!""Not even Campbell Pharmaceutical! Their new products have at least over 20% side effects!"Even Eva, who was now in charge of their finances, was excited as she reported, "And that's not all! I just calculated the cost of the medicin
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