All Chapters of My Boss’ Secret Is My Undoing!: Chapter 191 - Chapter 200
392 Chapters
Chapter 191
Unfortunately, with Jennifer's status, she couldn't even enter the Lester estate. She was flat-out rejected at the door! The Lesters’ gatekeeper didn't bother being polite, either."Frederick? That treacherous scoundrel! He's caused the deaths of several people in our family, and now, he expects us to save him? Are you still dreaming?"Jennifer was thunderstruck. Frederick had even killed some of the Lesters! Goodness, he had managed to offend all four of Mirage City's major families!"Why is this junior employee so troublesome? He clearly lacks the ability, but he insists on being hard-headed. Now, he's caused such a big mess! Who can help him out of this mess?"Jennifer was both angry and frustrated. Just as she was about to leave in disappointment, a deep voice stopped her in her tracks."Ms. York, why are you visiting the Lesters? Is it for that bastard Frederick?"Jennifer turned and saw Tyrell. Immediately, she adopted a frosty expression. "What's it to you? Does it conce
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Chapter 192
"Ladies and gentlemen. Back then, I was deceived by the illusion before me!" Willa's face showed some embarrassment as she argued her case. "I initially thought it was Frederick, but afterward, I went to Northern Aston to check the surveillance footage. It was then I realized it wasn't him!"Timothy Campbell knocked me out and brought me back to the room, while Frederick happened to rush to save me. He's been wrongly accused!" Willa was always clear about right and wrong, and could distinguish between public and private matters. Knowing that Frederick had fallen into the trap while trying to save her, she regretted her actions deeply.So now, she was determined to spare no effort to rescue him."Wrongful accusation? Even if he didn't assault you, he killed Caleb! Isn't that a fact?" Several high-ranking inspectors from the Zephyr family folded their arms, their voices stern. "Caleb was the beloved grandson of our matriarch, and now, he's been killed by a nobody. The matria
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Chapter 193
"So, why are you barking like a dog? Shut up already!" Frederick spread his fingers, delivering another heavy slap across Charlotte's face. Five bloody fingerprints immediately appeared there, and her bones were faintly visible. In an instant, blood poured from her seven orifices, and she collapsed to the ground.The high-ranking inspectors were shocked and enraged, their faces contorted with anger. "Frederick Lester, how dare you kill our family?!" "I've already killed, and you're asking me if I dare? Don't you find that funny?" Frederick sneered, his released aura chilling everyone to the bone.Willa was stunned, and muttered, "Did this guy walk out of the Devil's Penitentiary without a scratch...and really defeat everyone?" The Devil's Penitentiary was known as an extremely evil place that even a hundred thousand troops couldn't conquer. When she visited once, the hostile gazes of the criminals there gave her chills, and she hastily left.Suddenly, Frederick turned his he
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Chapter 194
"Christopher Smith from Centropolis…?" As soon as they heard this, their minds went blank—they were thunderstruck."Isn't Christopher the top talent in Northern Aston?! At just twenty-three years old, he was appointed as the Marshal General of Aston! Now, he serves as the Attorney General and Secretary-General of the state government." In other words, the Inspectorate Department was like a younger sibling to Christopher's own department.Everyone there immediately knelt down, wailing and begging, "Lord Smith, what have we done wrong? Why must we die? We've always been loyal to you, to..." "I don't need a reason to do things. If I say you die, then you die." Sitting across from them on the sofa, Christopher crossed his legs. Then, he rested one hand on the back of the sofa and pushed his glasses up. "Rest assured, you'll be the only ones to die. You won’t implicate the rest of the Zephyrs. But if you don't comply within three minutes, I'll wipe out the entire Zephyr family."
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Chapter 195
"What? You're a mighty member of the Lesters, but you dare to threaten a weak woman like me?" Jennifer slipped on her high heels, lifting her chin defiantly. "I'm leaving. If you have the guts, try to stop me!"She turned and pushed open the door. But in the next moment, a ferocious aura sent her flying. She crashed to the ground, the pain rendering her unable to move. Her fair face paled. "Seriously? You have the guts to act like that?"Tyrell strode forward confidently. "Hah! It's because I'm from the Lester family that no one will dare to question anything I do!"He sneered, his features unpleasant, and continued, "I don't care what luck that brat Frederick has stumbled upon to survive. I'll definitely have a taste of you today!"Originally, the plan was to deceive Jennifer into marrying his son Adler. Then, they would pretend that Frederick couldn't be saved and that he had died in the Devil's Penitentiary. Wouldn't that be killing two birds with one stone? He'd get Jennife
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Chapter 196
[Got it. Thanks for your hard work, Seiryu.] Frederick replied to the message, feeling a huge weight lifted off his chest. With this, the Campbell family's conspiracy against them had completely fallen apart. However, killing Tyrell might invite even more serious retaliation from the Lesters."It doesn't matter anymore. When trouble's brewing, everything will be exposed," Frederick muttered to himself. "Let's use this chance to flush out all the corrupt and malevolent people involved in this mess."-Half an hour later, Jennifer indeed appeared at the company again, wearing her usual professional outfit.Frederick hurried over and asked in concern, "Ms. York, are you okay?"Seeing his seemingly unaffected demeanor, Jennifer remembered how she had narrowly escaped Tyrell's assault and felt a surge of nameless anger. "What do you think? I almost got into trouble!""Almost means nothing happened," Frederick replied with a small smile. After all, he had sent Seiryu to escort
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Chapter 197
Though Frederick had some good points, comparing him to the world's most perfect man was like comparing a drop of water to the ocean."Well, let's see what you can do with your product launch event. This will determine your worth in my eyes, and whether you can match up to Lord Hades." Jennifer replied to him with a queenly air, lifting her chin. [Alright.]For several days straight, Frederick worked overtime at the company preparing for the launch event. Finally, on the last day, all the preparations were done."Damn this overtime! I'm outta here! Going home to find my mom!" With a flourish, he clocked out and hopped onto his electric scooter, heading for the Gold Coast.At a crossroads, a silver-gray supercar suddenly zoomed in, crashing into an elderly lady in front of him. Her bicycle was flipped over, and the wheels flew off."Damn it! You nearly hit me! Does anyone have any decency these days?" Frederick snarled in anger. He drove up to the supercar, that had stopped,
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Chapter 198
"What did you say? I have a fiancée in the Northern Frontier? How come I didn't know about this?" Frederick nearly dropped dead on the spot when he received Seiryu's call.Seiryu explained patiently, "My lord, I've also just learned this. Your former master, the previous Drakonia guardian, once arranged a marriage contract for you with the Yarborough family, a powerful clan in the Northern Frontier."Your fiancée is Liana, the Yarborough family's heiress. At just twenty-one years old, she's already a powerful figure in her own right.""Stop, enough!" Frederick felt embarrassed. "The thing is, I've never even met this woman! It's absurd to suddenly have a fiancée. How can I accept this? You need to go to the Northern Frontier yourself and cancel this marriage for me.""I wish I could, but she's already here in Mirage City..."This frustrated Frederick. "Damn it! Seiryu, listen to me. Block all information related to me! We absolutely cannot let this Liana come looking for me!"
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Chapter 199
"Isn't the most important thing about a product launch the product itself? Why bother with all the fancy stuff?" Frederick said calmly.Eva had indeed suggested having celebrities endorse the products, and to spend lavishly to invite medical experts. She even suggested a red carpet and rose-lined pathway, but he vetoed them all.He preferred to use resources wisely and effectively, ensuring that the best and most valuable materials or efforts were allocated to the most critical and important parts or tasks. He wouldn't waste a cent on unnecessary extravagance.Jennifer was so frustrated, she felt like smashing her high heels on Frederick's head. "Are you an idiot? These formalities may be superficial, but they leave a good impression on the guests and judges present. When we broadcast the event city-wide, the whole of Mirage City will see what our launch looks like. Do you want hundreds of thousands of people to see a shabby event?"Frederick remained unfazed. "Doesn't matter, as
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Chapter 200
Timothy had just sent the invitation out of curiosity, to see if she would actually show up. Who would have thought that Liana Yarborough, the pride of the Northern Frontier, would really appear in person?It was obvious that a tycoon in this third-tier small city was barely seen as significant in the eyes of the Northern Frontier elites.Excited, he stretched out a hand and said, "Ms. Yarborough, allow me to introduce myself. I am Timothy, the heir of the Campbell family, one of the Great Four Warrior Clans in Mirage City. I'm also the chairman of Campbell Pharmaceutical."But Liana seemed uninterested in Timothy. She simply walked away, saying, "Put away your dirty hands and arrange a good viewing spot for me."Her disregard of him was like a slap in the face, freezing his smile instantly. The Campbell family's servants also wore gloomy expressions.When they saw the bodyguards standing behind Liana, they were shocked to find that the lowest among them were Bathos Grandmasters
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