All Chapters of My Boss’ Secret Is My Undoing!: Chapter 211 - Chapter 220
348 Chapters
Chapter 211
Timothy grasped at the last straw, shouting urgently. Yes! If it was the Yarborough family, the top powerhouse of the Northern Frontier, even the Smith family wouldn't dare to touch him! He had extended his hospitality, after all. They should at least give him some face, right? And for Liana, it would only take a few words to scare off those prosecutors from the Department of Justice!Sure enough, as soon as they saw Liana, the Department of Justice officials immediately took a few steps back in caution. But Liana just lifted her chin and said indifferently, "Save you? Why would I do that?"Timothy felt like he'd been punched in the gut, his body freezing cold. Trembling, he said, "Ms. Yarborough, I... I've extended my hospitality to you! Everything you've eaten and drunk today was supplied by our company. Prospera Corporation is just a stingy penny-pincher. They're a pauper!"Liana shrugged it off. "Let's get one thing straight. What I ate from you was a gift from you, not a
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Chapter 212
In an instant, Timothy felt his soul leaving his body. So the previous driver had been killed by this woman! Horrified, he screamed, "Frederick Lester? You're working for him?! He's just a commoner! How dare he kill me? I'm the heir of one of the Great Four Warrior Clans, the Campbells! If he kills me, my family won't let him off!"If it were the Department of Justice or another powerful entity making a move against him, Timothy might have accepted his fate. The Campbells wouldn't dare retaliate against them. But if even Frederick's lackeys dared to step on him, he couldn't tolerate it anymore!The Great Four Warrior Clans were like giants of the sea, and Frederick was a mere insect only fit to breathe in a dirty gutter. How dare he challenge the heavens?!Faced with Timothy's outcry, Melanie tossed her long hair and said, "You don't have to worry about that…because the Campbells and you will both be wiped out together!"Bang! Before Timothy could react, the silenced pistol b
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Chapter 213
Mr. Z was horrified to see Frederick approaching him."Frederick Lester?! What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at the product launch event?" Frederick closed in slowly. "Is that important? What's important is that I want you dead. But… If you tell me all the information about Organization V now, I might consider letting you live."Mr. Z took a deep breath, and laughed loudly. "Hahaha! I knew you weren't just anyone. So, you're after Organization V! But do you really think you can kill me? Right now, I’m a Sovereign Grandmaster!"He let out an angry roar and quickly pulled out a pill from his pocket, which he swallowed in haste. In an instant, flames erupted from his body. His clothes burst open, revealing a terrifying figure. The horrifying true energy overflowed from him, shattering the ground beneath their feet."The Great Restoration Tablet…" Frederick murmured, quite surprised. Then, he smiled coldly. "Although this high-grade tablet can forcibly break through levels,
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Chapter 214
"I was just a puppet on strings. I'm not really a member of Organization V!" Mr. Z continued to cough up blood, clearly reaching the end of his rope.This revelation was earth-shattering.Even Frederick was shocked. After all this time tracing Organization V, he had only found a puppet!"So, the real Organization V member has been someone else all along? They've been manipulating you from behind the scenes?" Frederick hastily tried to use needle treatment to sustain Mr. Z's life.However, he couldn't do anything. Mr. Z's body decayed and disintegrated at that instant."A Blood Curse! The one who cursed him is a Curse Master!" Frederick's eyes widened, realizing that even his medical skills were futile against such powerful magic.Mr. Z could only struggle to open his mouth. "T-the person…is a woman, called...called...""What's her name?" Frederick asked urgently.Before Mr. Z could finish, he let out a horrific scream. His body burst open, exploding into a cloud of blood mist
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Chapter 215
A tall, handsome man in a beige suit, sporting black-rimmed glasses and oozing an air of sophistication, strode over with confidence. There was something about him that screamed both refinement and troublemaker.Jasmine's face turned pale the moment she laid eyes on him. "T-That's my brother!"He was Jasmine's brother? Frederick and Jennifer's expressions shifted at the revelation."Three days are up. It's time to go," Christopher said abruptly. He grabbed Jasmine's hand, ready to take her away."Hold on!" Jennifer cut in unexpectedly. "Whether you're Jasmine's brother or not, she's the executive secretary of our company. You can't just whisk her away without explanation, can you?"Christopher turned around and sneered, "So, you're Jennifer York?""That's right," Jennifer replied defiantly."I can make a phone call and bankrupt your company within a minute, you know?" Christopher's words sent shockwaves through the people of Prospera Corporation. Who was he? How could he wie
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Chapter 216
Jasmine was terrified. She could watch her brother kill others without a second thought, but not Frederick!She knew how terrifying Christopher was better than anyone else. To him, even the so-called Great Four Warrior Clans of Mirage City were as insignificant as flies."Foolish? I don't think so," Frederick said, narrowing his eyes slightly.Christopher adjusted his glasses and asked, "And you are?""My name is Frederick. I'm a team leader in the sales department at Prospera Corporation," Frederick replied with a small smile. "Ms. Smith is one of our employees. If she doesn't want to go, no one can force her—not even you."Christopher sneered, "And here I was wondering who you were. Turns out, you're just a small fry!"Smack!Right then and there, Frederick slapped Christopher hard across the face.For a moment, the entire room fell silent, as if frozen in time. Then, the silence shattered."What the hell?!"The crowd erupted in shock, and Jasmine screamed in terror.Fre
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Chapter 217
What a twisted fate!Frederick felt a chill run through his heart, wishing he could find a rock to crawl under."Here to see your fiancé? Could it be him?" Christopher sneered, pointing at Frederick.Frederick's blood ran cold. Had he been exposed?Liana replied calmly, "Of course not. But I do admire this guy. I'm planning to bring him into my family, so you can't kill him."Christopher laughed. "It's rare to see you taking an interest in a nobody from some small town."It seemed Christopher and Liana were old acquaintances, and he didn't hold back his words. "And if I refuse?""Go ahead and refuse. It's not like you can beat me," Liana said with a radiant smile.Christopher's face turned livid, and his veins bulged. He crushed the glasses in his hand, and said through gritted teeth, "Fine! We'll meet again!"With that, he ignored Jasmine and walked away with his hands behind his back.The number one genius of Aston State, fleeing in disgrace? Who was this woman with such
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Chapter 218
Jennifer's face turned icy, her gaze sharp enough to kill. "Do you want to lose your job?"Frederick quickly pulled his hand back and laughed. "I was just joking. Ms. York, you're such a generous boss. You wouldn't hold that against me, right?"Jennifer shot him a fierce glare. "Stop with the smooth talk. If it weren't for our benefactor today, you'd be dead! Next time, don't be so impulsive."Despite her scolding, she added, "Put on your seatbelt."Frederick's eyes lit up like he'd won the lottery. "Seriously?""I'm just driving you home. Don't overthink it," Jennifer said flatly as she looked away.Frederick sighed. This woman was impossible to please. He had just done the company a huge favor, and she still treated him like this.An ice queen would always be an ice queen!-That night, Frederick returned to Golden Coast. When he entered the house, he found Sylvia kneeling in front of his father's portrait. Her hands were clasped, and there were tears streaming down her face
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Chapter 219
The gang leader's face darkened instantly. "Sir, this isn't right! I'm hosting today, and causing trouble on my turf..."Christopher adjusted his new silver-framed glasses, and tossed a small bag of white powder into the leader's hands. "Is it still a problem?"The leader's face turned pale. He stood up, and threw the powder away. "Are you trying to frame me? Even if you're Aston's top talent, you can't be this arrogant! This is Mirage City!"Before he could finish speaking, Christopher grabbed his head and slammed it against the table corner. He shoved the powder into the man's mouth, and said coldly, "This is half a kilo. Even if you're not executed, you'll rot in a cell for seventy or eighty years. Want to spend your life in prison?"The man's eyes widened in terror, and he shook his head frantically."Then you know what to do." Christopher released him.With a twisted expression, the gang leader barked, "Everyone, attack!"Within moments, dozens of thugs stormed in and bea
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Chapter 220
"You know about us, Mr. Smith?" The woman was astonished.Christopher smirked. "I'm the head of the Aston's Department of Justice, after all. We've been tracking your movements, and there's a hefty reward of fifty million for your head. Given this, there's no need to hide anything from me, right?" Christopher casually lit a cigarette, eyeing the woman.She smiled faintly. "To be frank, I'm the true member of Organization V in Mirage City. The Campbells, Mr. Z, Ripper... They were all just puppets I set up. Now that you've uncovered my true identity, are you planning to cash in on my bounty?""No. I have no interest in money at all," Christopher replied with a smile that didn't reach his eyes. "On the contrary, I think we can work together…to eliminate that Frederick guy."Using the power of the State Department of Justice would surely anger Liana. But if it was the top underworld force, Organization V, it was a different story altogether!No matter how far the Yarborough famil
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