All Chapters of My Boss’ Secret Is My Undoing!: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
392 Chapters
Chapter 181
"Hey! Frederick, I can walk on my own!" Jasmine screamed in fright, but Frederick paid no attention. With one hand holding her waist and the other supporting her hip, he marched straight to the company's parking lot. He opened the car door, and tossed Jasmine inside. "Ms. Smith, you sit in the passenger seat. I'll drive!"Frederick slid into the driver's seat, placing his hands on the steering wheel. "You're so rough!" Jasmine's eyes were wide, and her mouth was pressed into a thin line in annoyance. Secretly, she felt a tinge of excitement. Frederick had carried her! It was her first time being this close to him! It felt like she had given away her first kiss. Unfortunately, Frederick's mind was solely focused on Jennifer's safety, and he didn't notice Jasmine's reaction. He simply said, "Buckle up!"In an instant, Jasmine's BMW Mini shot out at a terrifying speed. The air was filled with her piercing screams. "Ahhh!"-In Northern Aston, the Zephyr family's territor
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Chapter 182
Jennifer couldn't contain her anger anymore. "Even an idiot has limits. Timothy, don't push it too far. Even if we can't beat you, we'll make you pay dearly!"Prospera Corporation was a big player in the pharmaceutical world. Even if they couldn't defeat their rivals, they could at least make them suffer a great loss!Caleb chuckled. "Mr. Campbell, did you hear that? Ms. York isn't someone to be trifled with. If your families go head-to-head, you'll both lose out and others will benefit. It's better to shake hands and split Mirage City's market. That's the best option!"Ms. York already told me that, as a gesture of goodwill, she's willing to hand over 70% of the market and profits."Upon hearing this, Timothy sneered. "70%? Seems like you're really scared. I'm fine with negotiating, but you have to finish this bottle of wine in front of me!"He pushed a 500ml bottle of white wine towards Jennifer. "Drink it all in one go! If there's even a drop left, we won't talk! Otherwise,
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Chapter 183
"Captain Zephyr, you've arrived just in time! These two drugged me! That empty bottle on the floor is the evidence!" Jennifer said.She finally felt relieved, and looked at the two men whose expressions were constantly changing. She sneered, "You don't seriously think I came here unprepared, do you? You're treating me like a three-year-old!"They had underestimated her.Jennifer knew Northern Aston was under scrutiny by law enforcement due to previous illegal activities. She was cautious and carried a distress alarm with her. As soon as it sounded, law enforcement members in the vicinity would immediately receive a notification and rush over.However, she hadn't expected the one to arrive would be Willa."Alright, Ms. York, you don't need to say much. I've figured it out," Willa said, her gaze chilling. It was fortunate that she was patrolling nearby and could arrive in time. "You two, surrender and come with me to the law enforcement team for detention!"She walked up to them,
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Chapter 184
"Well, you can't blame me for what happens next, right?" Caleb touched his face, then licked his fingers with a look of obsession. "Even your saliva tastes so good, Jennifer. Damn, you're driving me crazy! I'm gonna teach you a lesson tonight!"That expression immediately plunged Jennifer into despair. How could she have been so blind? The usually dignified and refined man turned out to be a complete pervert!Caleb forcefully dragged Jennifer towards the corridor rooms. Despite her fierce resistance, she was overpowered by the towering Caleb. Her cheeks were swollen from the beating he gave her.In no time, he treated her like an object, throwing her heavily onto the bed. But in that split second, her head started throbbing, as if she had experienced this scene before.It was just like at the Tiger Faction's Hotel...when Hugh tried to harm her! Back then, a man had appeared just in time to rescue her. She had initially thought it was Donovan, but as she slowly recollected h
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Chapter 185
"Dead?!"Jennifer and Jasmine's breath seemed to freeze as they realized Caleb's head had been blown in half by Frederick."Are you out of your mind? He's a member of the Zephyrs, one of the Great Four Warrior Clans!" Jennifer's anger trembled through her, her face turning pale.Frederick remained indifferent. "All I know is, he had to die."Anyone who dared to harm Jennifer, even a single hair, would pay with their blood."You're driving me crazy!" Jennifer stomped her foot, sighing in frustration. "Just when one problem seems to settle, another one arises. Now, not only will Campbell Pharmaceutical target us, but even the Zephyrs might interfere!"Jasmine's face lit up. "Jen, it's not as bad as you think. Frederick has developed a new drug!""What? A new drug?" Jennifer was astonished.At that moment, they heard footsteps from upstairs. Jennifer shivered. "I almost forgot! Timothy took Captain Zephyr to the presidential suite. He's up to no good! Hurry, we need to save her!
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Chapter 186
Jennifer and Jasmine rushed downstairs, only to find a sea of people.Jasmine broke into a cold sweat. "It's the Inspectorate's people! How did they end up here?"This Inspectorate was like the law's iron fist in Northern Aston. Once they set their sights on someone, without exception, they'd end up facing the harshest punishment. Sometimes, their decisions even trumped those of the local government.And there, right before their eyes, Frederick was being handcuffed and led to the front of the crowd.Jasmine exclaimed, "Why did they arrest Frederick?"Both of them were shocked; they were about to ask, but the lead officer snapped at them."Stand aside! The Inspectorate has apprehended a serious criminal!"This person brutally murdered Caleb Zephyr and attempted to assault Captain Zephyr, the law enforcement captain of Mirage City! His crimes are unforgivable! Anyone who dares to obstruct us in transporting the prisoner will be treated as an accomplice!"The threatening words le
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Chapter 187
"Who is he? Let me ask you, who do you admire the most?" Matthew demanded loudly.Willa's voice was resolute. "Of course, it's the youngest war god of Drakonia, Seiryu! At just thirty years old, he stands at the pinnacle of Drakonia's martial prowess, commanding respect across the land and sea. Who under the sun can compare to him?"Compared to him, what’s so great about Frederick? I admit he's skilled in medicine, but that doesn't mean he excels in other aspects. If he had even one percent of Seiryu's strength, I'd be impressed!""He does," Matthew said bluntly. "But it's not that he has one percent of Seiryu's strength, it's that Seiryu has only one percent of his! Forget about Seiryu, even the top ten War Gods of the world bow before him and acknowledge his superiority!"Hearing her father's explanation, Willa's heart skipped a beat."What a joke! Even the emperor has to show respect to those War Gods! Yet, you're saying that they're afraid of someone like Frederick, who’s just
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Chapter 188
The menacing men fixed their gaze on Frederick as the guards left, filled with malicious intent.Several burly men surrounded him, their faces twisted with malice. "Pretty boy, what did you do to end up here?"Frederick looked up. "I'm innocent."They burst into laughter. "Everyone who comes here claims they're innocent. With your looks, why not have some fun with us…?"They smirked, closing in on Frederick. "Take off your pants! We need to teach the new guy how things work around here!"A nearby inmate sighed. "This kid's in for it! Those big guys are in for murder, and they're into both men and women!"Frederick simply raised his hand, and covered one of the men’s head. "Talking nonsense early in the morning and ruining my mood."Boom! The man's skull exploded like a watermelon, splattering blood and brain matter everywhere. He fell to the ground, limp. The others were stunned. "Killing someone as soon as he arrives? Are newbies so bold these days?"The remaining muscul
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Chapter 189
"What? Are my ears deceiving me?" Wilson's mouth twitched. He swiftly withdrew his hands from his pockets, teeth gnashing. "Care to repeat that?"He thought extending an invitation to Frederick was doing the latter a huge favor. And yet, this newbie dared to show such disrespect!"The Family Annihilator's getting angry!"The surrounding inmates, terrified, quickly backed away. Wilson’s fearsome aura made them feel like they were in an ice cave. As the third-ranked leader of Devil's Penitentiary, his brutality and killing methods were unquestionably twisted."What's wrong? You don't know how to sing that song? Would you rather sing 'I'm a Little Teapot' instead?" Frederick said, smiling faintly.Boom! Wilson lashed out; he stretched out his hands toward Frederick, and they moved like sharp blades."Then you'll die! I'll make sure to greet your family, too! I'll make them kneel down and sing their defeat!" Wilson laughed coldly.When his hand landed on Frederick's right shoulder
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Chapter 190
After a moment, the sounds disappeared. Silence fell upon the prison like a shroud. It was eerily quiet.The prison overlords stared at each other wide-eyed. "Did the battle end so quickly?""It seems Frederick was just a small fry, after all. He probably got slaughtered by the Demon Muscleman and Dominator before even meeting the warden!""Hah! It's all because he acted so cocky! Beating Wilson was one thing, but wanting to challenge those three monstrous men?""He got what he deserved! Good riddance!"As soon as those words left their mouths, they saw Frederick dragging two bodies and striding out confidently. It was the bodies of the Demon Muscleman and Dominator!In an instant, the entire place erupted in shock."How is this possible?! Those two overlords are invincible! An army was needed to subdue them!""They're dead?!!"Everyone gasped in shock; they saw that the Demon Muscleman's bones were all shattered. The Dominator was in worse shape—all his limbs were chopped o
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