All Chapters of Second Marriage to Mr. Rich: Chapter 731 - Chapter 740
1030 Chapters
Chapter 731
Brianna had never heard of an employee's benefit that provided childcare services like this, so she interviewed a random Lawson Global employee. The employee adjusted the glasses on their nose and replied, "Yeah, it's because we're busy most of the time. While we had the time to send our kids to school in the morning, we may not be free to pick them up after school. "Our company resolved this by having dedicated staff and buses to pick the kids up. The kids can then have their lunch at our canteen. They can self-study or even have extracurricular activities at our company! We even have daycare services for kids under four years old who aren't in kindergarten." "When did the company start offering these services? Did you have to pay for them?" Brianna asked. "These are all Mr. Lawson Senior's ideas. He had started planning this long ago and implemented it this year. And the best part about it? It's one of our perks for being Lawson Global employees, so they're completely free!"
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Chapter 732
Angeline smiled and replied, "I'm not sure if anyone still remembers The Family Search, which aired on Oceanford TV many years ago. But one of the guests, Anne, was my biological mother's friend, and she talked about her mother's passing after a difficult labor. "Anne was my adoptive mother. We have the legal adoption paperwork. So, the implication of me abandoning Mr. Emmerson is absurd. After Anne adopted me, his obligation to support me as my biological father was legally relieved, as stated by the law. If Mr. Emmerson still thinks he's right, he can sue me anytime."If the viewers are interested, they can look up Oceanford TV's The Family Search. I won't discuss this today," Angeline smiled and said calmly. "And to those in the chat who say I'm cruel for not helping Mr. Emmerson and his family despite my current capability, I just have one thing to say. "I'm a charitable person, but I'm not God. Returning good for evil is never my thing. If the law says I'm guilty, I'll glad
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Chapter 733
"Speaking of your kids, I'm sure the viewers are curious, too. Are you married, Ms. Lawson?" What Brianna wanted to know was if Ned was the father. After all, he was most likely to be the father, judging from the ages of her children. Angeline thought of Sean. If she told Brianna she was married, people would look into her marital status and discover something about him.Angeline recalled what Brayden had said, where Melissa had sent someone to injure Helen. She also remembered Melissa's gaze as she looked at Sean when they met her in Ravoria. Angeline smiled and shook her head. "No. I have no time or energy to think about relationships. My grandfather, Mr. Lawson Senior, adopted me with the thought of having me care for my mom when he passed on in the future. He also wanted me to help Mr. Lawson with the company. "Now that Mr. Lawson has passed away, Granddad and Mom are helping me to look after the kids. That way, I can pay full attention to Lawson Global and take the co
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Chapter 734
There were two minutes left until the livestream was over. When Brianna didn't choose any of the explosive questions, Angeline said, "I'm sure everyone who's watching live wants to know if Lawson Global will sue the Emmersons. And I can see some comments in the live chat asking me if I'll support them financially if I'm not donating my kidney to Benjamin."I'll give you the answer now, viewers. I'll never donate my kidney, nor will I donate a single penny to Benjamin. And if you're wondering why, my assistant will upload several videos and voice recordings on Silent Voice. You can check it out if you're interested." Angeline had generated another wave of revenue for Silent Voice before the stream ended. These videos and recordings were the works of Danny. He had always been suspicious of the Emmersons, so he sent someone to spy on them. Who would've thought he actually got something out of them? Unsurprisingly, Angeline's interview was immediately trending on social media beca
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Chapter 735
"Benjamin, I'm just afraid that Jodie can be cruel and not care about us! Also, didn't the lawyer say George had signed the adoption paper and accepted that York lady's money? Now that Jodie mentioned—" Before Katie could finish, Benjamin grabbed a glass of water from the table and threw it at her, shocking her to back away. Although it didn't hit her, the water had splashed all over her trousers. "Nag, nag, nag. Will you just shut up?" Benjamin scowled at Katie. "She's Dad's daughter. The Emmerson family gave her a life. If she doesn't do what we say, I'll beat the crap out of her! If I died before her eyes, how would she explain herself before the Emmerson's ancestors when she dies? I guarantee she won't dare to refuse us!" George returned from outside and said happily to Benjamin, "Benjamin! A lot of people called asking to donate money to you. They also told us not to be scared of that bitch Jodie and that we must fight her to the end." "How much money did we get?" Ju
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Chapter 736
InternforBlack'sAnatomy: "Dude! I'm so mad at this! Can somebody tell me if I can get back my donation? I want to slap myself every time I remember myself donating to these bastards."Man-in-Red: "I sincerely apologize for bad-mouthing you, Ms. Lawson! I'm shifting to your side. I'm going to bad mouth those Emmerson people—no, Emmerson animals!"ShintheCrayonboi: "Wait for me, Man-in-Red! I'm coming with you. I had readied my pitchfork, sharpened my knife, and was about to face Ms. Lawson. But after watching these videos, I've changed my mind. My pitchfork and knife are for that damn Emmerson family!"Angeline's live interview was announced two days ago. The Emmersons were all watching the stream when it was live They rubbed their hands together, waiting for the host to ask Angeline about Benjamin's kidney donation and abandoning her disabled father, George.But when Angeline maintained her firm attitude and said she wasn't a God, Benjamin started condemning her in the live chat. But h
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Chapter 737
Many people, both patients and their relatives alike, started crowding and rubbernecking them. "I want you to give me back my money!" the burly chap said. "You've made false claims saying you have no money for medical treatment. I donated because I pitied you. But you bastard used my money to top-up your games, yet you have the audacity to call me an idiot? Pay me back today, or else!" "Help! Somebody call the cops! Nurse? Nurse!" Juliet shouted. "Somebody help! He's trying to kill him! Over here!" The nurse at the nurse station soon noticed the commotion and called security. From the first day when the Emmersons moved into the hospital, Juliet's fixed daily task was to cry about her tragedy to all the patients in every single ward. Everyone in the hospital now knew the Emmersons were relatives of Lawson Global's Angeline Lawson. Almost everyone on the same floor as the Emmersons had watched the live stream and knew what kind of people they were. Some newly admitted pat
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Chapter 738
The Emmersons had said on The Family Search that they were selling Angeline to an old man in a fishing village after accepting his wedding gifts. The netizens were furious and wrote hateful comments on George's and Benjamin's accounts. Some netizens were glad Angeline had gone through the legal adoption procedure with Anne. Otherwise, the Emmersons would've continued to leech off of her. Some also said Robert had a discerning eye for adopting Angeline into the Lawson family, thus putting an end to her hardships. The netizens also praised Sean for being a great relative to Angeline. They learned it was Sean who stayed by Angeline's side when she was comatose after the car accident on the day of her marriage registration with Ned. Sean was the one who transferred Angeline to another hospital and paid all of her medical expenses. The netizens also discovered that Angeline was comatose because she was trying to save Sean. It, in turn, brought up Ned's story, where he was amnesi
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Chapter 739
The conspiracy theorists quickly suspected it was Angeline's revenge on the Fletcher family. Some netizens learned that Fletcher Corporation went bankrupt because of Tommy Yates, Ingrid's cousin and the only son of the Yates family, who also bankrupted Yates Group. It was all because he had stolen Vitality Biotech Group's formula and mortgaged it to the casino. To keep the formula a trade secret, Vitality Biotech Group signed an NDA with Fletcher Corporation, where the compensation cost a fortune. But who would've thought Fletcher Corporation broke the contract and shared some of the orders with Yates Group along with the formula? Strictly speaking, Fletcher Corporation was gone because of the Yates family. With this, Ingrid quickly became the target of netizens, condemning her for ruining Fletcher Corporation. Shippers of Ingrid and Ned immediately stood up for her, telling them to stop being busybodies when Ned hadn't even said anything. Some also said it was the Yates fa
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Chapter 740
Akin to sharks having smelt blood in the water, the reporters turned eager and asked, "So, does this mean Mr. Fletcher dumped Ms. Dalton after he recovered his memory? Is it because he found out his true love is still Ms Lawson? Or is it because she had become the president of Lawson Global?""What are you trying to say? Are you saying Ned fell in love with Angeline because of her current status?" Sherryn was enraged. "Don't make me laugh! Do you want to know why Ned fell in love with Ms. Dalton after the car accident? Just compare her outfit and appearance back then to when she first enrolled at Oceanford University. Then, you'll know why Ned fell in love with Ms. Dalton at first sight!"I know my son better than anyone else! His relationship with Angeline back then was the hottest in all of Oceanford. Everyone in Oceanford knew about their relationship, even back in high school. Ms. Dalton was their junior in high school and university. Why wouldn't she know about their relatio
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