All Chapters of Second Marriage to Mr. Rich: Chapter 751 - Chapter 760
1034 Chapters
Chapter 751
Robert slowly leaned back against the sofa. In his heart, he didn't want Angeline to go to Keman.Noticing his hesitation, Angeline added, "I will go quickly and return as soon as possible so that nobody notices.""If you must go, go openly!" he said, looking at her. "Make your trip public. Otherwise, Dexter, who sent people to kill his brother, sister-in-law and nephew, would send men after you."As for Melissa… She has no respect for life growing up in such an environment. Helen's incident only happened recently, so the more open you are, the safer you'll be."Robert was worried about Angeline's safety.He added, "Besides, once Thomas sees the press release about your upcoming trip to Keman, he'll understand the meaning behind it and might go find you."Although Keman is small, finding someone still takes time. It would be better to let him come to you instead.""Granddad…" Angeline called out softly.He sighed and said, "Shane's actions at Kingston Empire are very aggressi
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Chapter 752
Admittedly, it was rare for Robert to see someone holding onto their love this loyally in that day's materialistic society. Still, he didn't think anyone should ever live in their imaginative bubble. He believed that everyone should face reality. How could it be love if a man only expressed his love through words, not actions, and made his woman wait for him?He wondered what would happen if Angeline waited for decades and received nothing in return. Robert sighed before saying, "That Melissa… She was Sean's childhood friend and now his wife. Who knows if he'll fall in love with her as they live together?"Now that Sean and Melissa were officially married, Angeline would never know what they did behind closed curtains.If Sean did something that might upset Angeline, she would never find out about it as long as he kept it from her. Robert's biggest worry was that Angeline might wait foolishly for Sean for the rest of her life. In the past, Robert only took Angeline as his
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Chapter 753
Kieron had created the WhatsApp group for their previous trip. Angeline creased her brows while reading through the messages in the car. She understood the rough summary of the events. Monica's car brake malfunctioned as she returned from inspecting the demolition progress. Fortunately, her experienced driver drove their car to a remote place and sideswiped the wall to bring the car to a stop. When the car was flipped over, Monica was in the backseat with her seatbelt on, narrowly escaping the disaster. While Monica was headed to the hospital, her car was taken away for maintenance. It was found that the brake had been tampered with. Monica immediately rushed back to the Scott residence and confronted Hiram. The Scott sisters' fight for their inheritance rights was no secret to anyone. Yet, Hiram would never allow them to harm his flesh and blood for the sake of the inheritance. Hiram immediately called the other sisters to stop their work and return home, which confused Grac
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Chapter 754
Melissa had tears streaming down her face as she shook her head. She had one hand clutching her chest while the other wrapped tightly around Sean's neck. At that moment, Angeline felt her body become petrified. She questioned if she had indeed heard Melissa say "our child"."Please, Melissa. Listen to me. Your health is more important than the baby's." Sean worriedly comforted Melissa. "No! I don't care!" Melissa looked like she was experiencing unbearable heartache, as her face was pale and drenched in sweat and tears. Her arm was still wrapped tightly around Sean's neck. "I-I must protect our baby! Please, Shane. I'm begging you! Tell the doctor to save our baby! Save our baby that we tried so hard to conceive!" Jamie was so worried about Angeline that he quickly pushed her through the hospital entrance. The door cut off Melissa's loud bawl, yet Angeline could hear Sean comforting Melissa. "Our baby came at the wrong time. But there's always next time, Melissa! We'
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Chapter 755
As Angeline thought about it, she pressed the button on her electric wheelchair and opened the ward door. She intended to inquire about Melissa's ward at the nurses' station. "Ms. Lawson…" The bodyguards noticed Angeline and attempted to push her wheelchair. "It's okay. Let me familiarize myself with the wheelchair. We're at the hospital. You don't have to follow me," Angeline said before pressing the forward button on the wheelchair. The two night-shift nurses didn't notice Angeline coming in her electric wheelchair. They were gossiping in Kemanese at the nurses' station with their heads down. "Oh my! Ms. Lane's husband is so handsome and thoughtful!" "Right? He's even more handsome than those artists. I envy her!" "What's more impressive is that he prioritized Ms. Lane. Did you hear him telling the doctor to place the safety of his wife first? He's so cool! I assumed aristocrats like him would prioritize their offspring over their wives.""After Ms. Lane had calmed dow
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Chapter 756
"Has the media been contained?" Sean exited the ward and took the sweater jacket from Wilfred before putting it on. "And the paparazzi blocking our entrance, did you manage to chase after them?" "Don't worry. Everything has been taken care of. News of Mrs. Kingston being hospitalized won't appear anywhere in the media tomorrow," Wilfred answered before looking into the ward. "I've made an appointment with Dr. Griffin. But Mrs. Kingston previously made a fuss because she didn't want to abort the baby. When I contacted Dr. Griffin earlier, he hoped you and Mrs. Kingston could discuss and come to an agreement first." "Melissa can't have the baby with her current condition. If we don't abort the baby, today's events will happen again at any time before she gives birth. We can't afford to take this risk." Sean furrowed his brows. "I'll try to convince Melissa. Please have Dr. Griffin make the arrangements." "Okay!" Wilfred looked at Sean and comforted, "Please take care of
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Chapter 757
Meanwhile, on the 18th floor, Brian covered Melissa with a sheet after putting her into bed. He exited the ward and saw Sean, who just finished a phone call. "Thank you so much, Shane!" "Don't mention it, Mr. Lane. It is my duty," Sean replied. "It's all my fault. If I hadn't worried that Melissa might not accept the truth and force you to be her child's father, she wouldn't have insisted on keeping the child!" Brian wiped his tears with a handkerchief. "Shane, when Melissa has aborted the child and healed up, could you consider your childhood bond with her and—""Mr. Lane, Melissa is just like a little sister to me." "I know, I know!" Brian nodded repeatedly. "But Melissa's health doesn't allow her to have children. We could use some scientific methods to have someone bear you and Melissa's child! Consider it as a remembrance for Melissa…"Brian looked into Sean's eyes. Without finishing his sentence, he knew Sean would disagree and slumped forward. "Truthfully,
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Chapter 758
"Oh, it's Ms. Lawson. She sprained her ankle last night.""Ms. Lawson is in Keman?" Sean was surprised. "Yes. Ms. Lawson is here to inspect a collaborative project." Jamie didn't reveal the details to Sean. "What a coincidence that we meet here…" Sean turned toward Wilfred, signaling him to buy flowers and a fruit basket. "I should pay Ms. Lawson a visit." Angeline was on her phone when Jamie and Sean entered her ward. "Please wait a moment." Jamie smiled while asking Sean to wait by the door before entering the ward. Jamie didn't close the door, and Angeline's faint smile could be seen from the slightly ajar door. Sean's heart thumped, trying to restrain his longing for Angeline. "Yeah, there's no need to trouble you to come visit me. But you caught the news about my hospitalization quickly, Mr. Dexter…" Sean knew Angeline was talking to Dexter. After listening to Dexter over the phone, the corners of Angeline's lips curled even higher. "Don't worry, Mr. D
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Chapter 759
Sean wasn't even in Angeline's ward for five minutes when he was chased away. His smile faded as he entered the elevator, and then he ordered Wilfred, "Check when Ms. Lawson arrived in Showal last night and the time she was admitted into the hospital." "Yes, Mr. Kingston!" Sean's driver drove the car to the hospital entrance. Wilfred quickly opened the back seat door for Sean. However, Sean walked toward the driver's side and knocked on the window, signaling the driver to step out of the vehicle. "You didn't sleep well last night, Mr. Kingston. You should let the driver send you home while you rest!" Wilfred advised. "Get out," Sean said with furrowed brows. The driver unbuckled his seat belt and exited the car, allowing Sean to enter the driver's seat. He stepped on the pedal and drove off until he reached a section where he could stop. Then, he called Angeline's phone. However, Angeline's phone was busy for the entire time. When it finally got through, Angeline answer
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Chapter 760
"The doctor said you can't get pregnant with your current health, Mrs. Kingston. Yet, you're insisting on giving birth to this baby?" Angeline laughed. "I'm sure you and Mr. Kingston will still have children in the future, Mrs. Kingston. Why are you so insistent on keeping this one?"Melissa tightened her grip on her stomach. "I'm afraid he's lying to me! He refused to let me get pregnant before this because he was afraid my body wouldn't be able to handle it. This baby… I had to pull some tricks to conceive it. I'm not afraid of dying—I just want to leave him with our child!"Melissa gave a determined look. Melissa once told Sean she didn't mind him keeping Monica in his heart. She only wanted to have Sean's child, yet he never even touched her. So, she drugged both her and Sean. Lo and behold, she indeed fell pregnant. She didn't know if Sean might consider staying for the child's sake after he had completed his revenge plan once Melissa gave birth.Melissa was ecstati
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