All Chapters of Second Marriage to Mr. Rich: Chapter 761 - Chapter 770
1034 Chapters
Chapter 761
It would be difficult for Thomas to investigate the matter from the bottom up, but Dexter could change that. Things would be much easier if he could provide an avenue for Thomas to look into the matter from the very top.Angeline discussed the battery plant's location with the government department in charge. Then, she met with the senior executives of the partnering company. When it got too late, she postponed the site visit to the following day.It was already nighttime when she returned to the hotel. She knew Dexter's people had been following her since she'd left the hotel—he was deathly afraid of her secretly having anything to do with Sean.Angeline's phone vibrated. She answered it when she saw it was Danny calling. "Hello?""Did you manage to see Tom?""Not yet. Word about me being in Keman is already out. He should approach me soon after hearing about it." She felt a little tired."You sound exhausted, boss. Maybe I should head there, too.""No, don't." Angeline s
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Chapter 762
"I'm not a god, Sean, nor can I read your mind. I told you that I'm open to listening to your explanation." Angeline's expression was calm, but her fingers were cold to the touch. "If you're lying to me because you're worried I'll expose your identity after our breakup, I can assure you that you don't need to."I still need to protect the Lawson family and Lawson Global. More importantly, I don't want your freak of a wife to know that we used to be involved. I wouldn't want to end up in an accident like Monica did.""What?" Sean looked nonplussed."Your ex-fiancée, Monica Scott, got into an accident yesterday. I suspect Melissa has something to do with it." Angeline didn't hide her suspicions."That's impossible. Melissa is willful and a little ruthless, but she's only like that to her enemies." Sean didn't sound too confident. He thought about how Melissa had probed him and how the psycho hadn't been by her side recently.Angeline clenched her fist around the recorder.
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Chapter 763
"Two days," Sean said."Is that enough? I'll give you three. I hope the so-called evidence you show me then will be enough to convince me," Angeline said.His grip tightened on her shoulders. He could see the mistrust in her eyes behind the smile. There were even traces of mockery.They stared into each other's eyes for a while before Angeline looked away. She removed Sean's hands from her shoulders and headed to the couch. "I asked Dexter to hand someone over to me to take the fall for your 'death', so I could avenge you."He called me today to say he's giving that person some time to settle matters with his family. He'll hand the guy to me at the beginning of next month. You can take him away then.""I'll show you proof in three days!"Angeline clenched her fist tightly around the recorder as she watched Sean slam the door behind him. At the moment, she genuinely had no idea who else she could trust besides her blood relatives.Sean had comforted Melissa and told her they wo
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Chapter 764
Sean was put in a lousy mood by Angeline's indifference. He held her face and kissed her, pushing his way into the hotel room and kicking the door shut behind him.His tongue slipped past her defenses, and he pushed her back until she was pinned to the wall. One of her shoes fell off, and her ankle throbbed from their movements.Angeline frowned deeply while holding herself steady against the wall behind her. She stood there, stiff and tense, as Sean pulled her tongue into a dance with his. She slowly clenched her fists.Sensing her resistance, he bit her lip. Yet she remained silent as if she didn't even feel the pain.He released her and looked into her eyes, which were devoid of desire. He traced the corner of her lips with his finger and pressed a feather-light kiss there.Angeline didn't dodge him, but she didn't respond, either. It wasn't like how they typically were. She would usually show some sort of response no matter how shy she felt.Sean said, "I'll show you proof."
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Chapter 765
When Jamie knocked on Angeline's door to tell her it was for the battery plant visit, the latter had already gotten dressed and ended a brief meeting with Gary.Jamie asked, "Should I order room service for you, or would you like to eat at the restaurant?""Let's go to the restaurant. Is Kerri already up? If she is, we can leave after eating together." Angeline put on her coat."Ms. Lloyd and Mr. Webb are already at the restaurant.""Alright. Let's go."Kerri and Hanson had arrived at Keman before Angeline, so they'd already spoken to the partnering company. Angeline had yet to do so because she'd been hospitalized on the first day she arrived and had yet to recover entirely on her second.The three of them exchanged notes on the person in charge in Keman during breakfast. They agreed to leave after finishing breakfast. Just then, someone approached them and stood by their table."Angie…"Angeline looked up. She was taken aback to see Ned. She'd instructed her bodyguards to s
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Chapter 766
"Can't you give me a chance to start over?" Ned sounded choked up as his eyes turned red. He sat down beside Angeline again. "Everything we had before I lost my memories… Doesn't that mean anything to you? You refused to give up on me when I forgot about you, right?"You said you were worried I would be sad when I woke up and found you gone. I'm back now, and I'm miserable. You understand that the guy who lost his memories wasn't me, right? Please, don't push the blame for what he did onto me. You have no idea how aggrieved it makes me.""Fancy running into you here, Ms. Lawson!" someone called from behind.Ned turned around. Then, his eyes widened in shock. "Uncle Sean?"Sean smiled faintly at Ned before joining him and Angeline at the table. "'Uncle Sean?' Are you referring to the late Mr. Sean Lawson of Lawson Global? Do we really look that alike, Ms. Lawson?"If we do, I'm sure you're aware of how he died. If that's the case… Why did you give up on working with me and
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Chapter 767
Angeline was indeed disappointed and hurt by Sean getting Melissa pregnant, but she hadn't forgotten that he'd helped her in the past. If not for him, she probably would've died while still in a coma.And so, she wouldn't stand in his way and make things hard for him when it came to important matters. In fact, she was more than willing to help him.Ned saw how "Shane" was completely different from Sean in terms of his actions and demeanor despite their identical faces. He looked at Angeline with concern. "Will you be in danger, Angie?""It's none of your business." She glanced at her phone and signaled for Jamie, who'd been waiting for her cue, that they could get going."Angie!" Ned wanted to hold her, but she stopped him with a look. He clenched his fists, looking like he was about to cry. "What do I have to do to get you back?"She smiled and moved her coat to her other arm. "Perhaps you could try experiencing everything that I went through. Experience the humiliation
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Chapter 768
"What about Melissa Lane?" Thomas gnashed his teeth at the mention of her. "She's the one who picked Tina! She's using Tina's heart! I abducted the person who treated Tina like she was a product. He told me Melissa picked Tina because she thought her heart would be as pretty as she was."She said no one else's heart deserved to have a place in her body. She's the one who killed Tina!" Thomas became choked up at this point."Do you have proof?" Angeline asked."No!" He gripped the wheel tightly. "I already had the guy—he told me he was willing to testify, but then he was murdered! If I hadn't run out of options, I wouldn't have asked Eric for help in shaking those assassins off.""What if the guy only told you Melissa picked Tina because he wanted to get off scot-free? He could've done it because he was sure you wouldn't be able to reach Melissa!"Her bodyguards would've stopped you even if you'd gone after her. They would've captured you!" Angeline said seriously. "He
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Chapter 769
Silence descended upon the car as Thomas continued driving. He said despondently, "You're too naive, Angeline. You managed to avenge Henrietta because you're the founder of Vitality Biotech and a Lawson. Do you think Tommy would've gotten what he deserved if you were still Angeline Emmerson?""You're not wrong. I'm the founder of Vitality Biotech and a Lawson, so there's no 'ifs' there." Angeline held Thomas' shoulder. "That's why I can help you avenge Tina once we get evidence!"He pulled over at her destination. "I've never owed anyone anything in my life, Angeline, but you're the exception. You pulled me out of darkness, so I owe you. I'll listen to you."Back in the day, Thomas had run amok while searching for Tina's murderer. The head of a gang had captured him, and Angeline had paid the guy 3.5 million dollars to get him back. If not for her, he would've already died, let alone be able to avenge Tina."I'm helping you because we've both lost our sisters, Tom. And it's
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Chapter 770
"I did find out a few other things, actually…" Danny pursed his lips. "I just don't want Tom to take the risk because it involves powerful people in other regions.""I understand you couldn't tell him about this, but couldn't you have told me? Would you have kept this from me forever if I hadn't asked?" Angeline questioned, trying to keep her anger under control. "Send me whatever you have."She hung up, feeling irritated beyond belief. She massaged her throbbing temples and commanded, "Pull over."When she got out of the car, the first thing she felt was the sea breeze. She leaned against the car and looked through the information Danny had sent. Jamie gestured for the bodyguards to back up a little as he hovered around the car's trunk so he wasn't too far away.Danny had followed a clue Thomas had given up on and investigated upward. He discovered a few human trafficking syndicates in the black market that had perfected their modus operandi. He'd also found that the syndi
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