All Chapters of Second Marriage to Mr. Rich: Chapter 861 - Chapter 870
1034 Chapters
Chapter 861
ImaLittleCorny: "I vividly remember what the previous comment said. Didn't a bunch of their friends come out to support Ingrid? But now, Ned's true love is Angeline since she became the president of Lawson Group. You can all check out that Locke woman's Twitter feed. She also changed her stance. How interesting! Is Angeline blind? Why did she insist on remarrying a man like him?" ScrewtheRulesIHaveMoney: "How cheap could she be? Didn't Ned leak his ex-wife's nudes back in Oceanford University? I heard he even beat her so that they could divorce. They even ended up in the hospital! Is there no more men other than Ned in this world that she had to remarry him?" Some Lawson Global employees also commented that there was no way Angeline would reconcile with Ned, as her current boyfriend was Nathaniel Hooper of Hooper Group, who recently would drive her to and from work. But the comments were quickly buried under the hateful ones. Aiden's live stream was trending on the platform, wi
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Chapter 862
Yasmine happily showed the e-wallet's QR code on her watch. "Thank you! Just the gesture itself is enough. Mommy said we shouldn't take too much pocket money because we're still young." The vibe in the living room was livened because of Yasmine, prompting the Hooper relatives to give even more pocket money to the twins. Jessica sat at the side with Sandy as she watched on with a warm smile. Her eyes were focused on the twins. Jeremy had not seen Jessica for years, so he approached her for a quick chat. Her responses to Jeremy were smooth, as she was now mentally stable."Now I know why you insisted on adopting Angeline as your granddaughter," Jeremy said while smiling at Robert. "It's because Angeline looks just like Jessica!" Sandy became nervous. "Right? I also adopted Sean because he resembled Jessica." Robert sipped his tea. Jeremy worried about triggering Robert's sadness at the mention of Sean, so he quickly changed the subject. The dinner's atmosphere was de
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Chapter 863
These were all in Robert and Jeremy's plan. The Hoopers also received the news from the Internet before Jeremy's candle-blowing and wish-making segment of his birthday banquet. But Jeremy didn't take it too seriously. When he went to the washroom to tidy himself before the candle-blowing event, he told his assistant, "Have the photographer take some good shots later. After it's over, release the news about Nathaniel's successful proposal. "Also, tell them the Hooper family has been preparing for this proposal ceremony from a week ago. Who does that Fletcher guy and that celebrity think they are? How can they compare to my grandson and granddaughter-in-law?" The more the Hooper family demonstrated how much they valued Angeline, the easier it was to dispel any rumors about Angeline involving Ned and Ingrid. "Remember to protect the children's privacy when sending the photos. Mr. Lawson Senior and his family still don't want the kids to be known by the public," Jeremy added.
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Chapter 864
Seeing Yasmine's excited look shined by the illuminating fireworks, Jessica knelt and said, "If Yasmine likes it, we can also have a fireworks show in our garden.""You're the best, Beautiful Ms. Lawson!" Yasmine hugged Jessica with her arms around Jessica's neck while nuzzling her lovingly with her chubby cheeks, making Jessica laugh. The fireworks show lasted for over ten minutes. Fireworks of different colors ascended into the sky, forming different shapes and dazzling the eyes. As the fireworks show ended, the lights on the observation deck slowly lit up one by one. The warm orange light extended to a heart-shaped flower bed not far away. Nathaniel had changed into a suit. He held a large flower bouquet as he smiled at Angeline at the end of the flower bed. The flowers were freshly flown in today, and each was meticulously selected. Behind Nathaniel was a giant heart comprised of flowers. There were various life-sized animals crafted with flowers, all in pairs. The gir
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Chapter 865
Still kneeling on one knee, Nathaniel took a pair of custom-made children's watches out from his pocket and asked the twins with a smile, "Xavier, Yasmine, will you two accept me into your family? I won't force you to call me 'Daddy'. You can keep calling me 'Uncle Nate'. But I still want your permission to join you and your mom as a family. "Let me be a part of your family and bear the responsibility of a father. Will you two accept me?" Yasmine furrowed her brows. She was about to say she had a dad who was on a mission, but Xavier pinched her hand. Yasmine only then remembered Robert telling her it was an act. She turned to look at the photographer, who kept taking pictures of them, and then at Angeline. When she saw Angeline smile at her, Yasmine sweetly replied, "Okay! I'll accept you for now!" Nathaniel grinned from ear to ear and helped Yasmine put on the white diamond kid's watch on her wrist. He then looked at Xavier. "Xavier, will you accept me into your family?" N
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Chapter 866
In less than half an hour after the Twitter post went up, its popularity suddenly surged and became the trending search. #LawsonHooperMarriage #HooperGroupHeirProposalThese hashtags topped above the other hashtags, such as #SurvivalIslandBrokenUpIngrid, #NedsTormentedLove, and #NedExwifePhoto. It even had a "hottest" tag behind it. The netizens who hounded Angeline and scolded her because Ned broke up with Ingrid all widened their eyes in shock. They had all thought Ned was going to remarry Angeline. They questioned why she had received a successful proposal from Nathaniel instead.Especially those liveliest, most jubilant of Ned and Ingrid's supporters, who blamed Angeline for their favorite couple breaking up, thinking she got in the way of their relationship, were taken aback. And now, the one they claimed intruded on Ned and Ingrid's relationship was getting engaged. Some of Ingrid's fans refused to accept it, saying that Angeline had initially promised Ned she would r
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Chapter 867
UpAllNight: "You all are scumbags! You scold Angeline because your favorite couple broke up, insisting on dragging Angeline into your drama. The biggest mistake Angeline had made was marrying Ned. The day they registered their marriage, she fell into a coma. This really shows that Ned is incompatible with Angeline!" World'sRunnerUp: "These Ingrid fans sure are an interesting bunch. Every time something happens to your idol, you blame it on Angeline. Was the stuff Paparazzi Aiden shared not obvious enough? Ingrid intruded on their relationship after Ned lost his memory. She pretended to be Angeline to get closer to him. She's a cunning thief who stole someone else's man. Yet, you lot still dare to be arrogant in front of Angeline. The biggest misfortune in Angeline's life was getting involved with Ingrid and Ned!" Then, there was this Twitter post. Squirrel&Fishie: "Ingrid got together with Ned by pretending to be Angeline. Now that Ingrid decided to stop pretending and return to
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Chapter 868
Angeline said to Nathaniel sincerely, "Thank you…""Don't sweat it! I'm just doing my job. Hooper Group is a listed company. Ned and Ingrid's exaggerated story was hyped so much today that it crashed Twitter's server twice! Now that news of the Hooper and Lawson families' marriage is out, I'm sure even more people will be paying attention. Hooper Group's stock will shoot up following the marriage alliance with Lawson Global!"Nathaniel smiled and said, "Consider this a win-win situation." Seeing Angeline just smile without checking the top trends on her phone, Nathaniel said, "Ned mentioned on the show that you're his whole world. Paparazzi Aiden even exposed that Ingrid got close to Ned by pretending to be you. Then, Ned ended his engagement to Ingrid after he recovered his memories.""So? Just ask away!" Angeline said with a smile. "Since you've helped me this time, I'll satisfy your gossip curiosity." "Now that you know Ingrid got together with Ned by pretending to be you,
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Chapter 869
"Mr. Lawson Senior and my grandpa have been planning this marriage alliance for a while. How could this be sudden? Plus, didn't the media report that I'm dating Angie? Didn't you read the news?" Nathaniel mocked. "Quit joking around! How could the others know when I don't know myself? Back then, the media was just making up stories and writing nonsense. You're already staying in Grand Court Residences, so when the media said you were living together, we all just brushed it off. Who would've thought you're actually serious?" Kieron continued painfully, "Oh God! Now that you're together with Angeline and the Lawson and Hooper families have formed a marriage alliance, my grandpa will soon give the final approval for me and Lara! Once we're engaged, I can't date the pretty ladies anymore." Kieron said after wailing, "You're not considerate, my man. Why didn't you invite me to your proposal?" "It's my grandpa's birthday today. We didn't have a birthday banquet because we were prepar
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Chapter 870
"Okay! I'll call Aurelia right now to have her change the photo," Nathaniel said to Angeline.After hanging up the call, Nathaniel quickly called Aurelia. A few minutes later, Angeline refreshed the Tweet and was relieved to find that Aurelia had changed the sixth photo. Aurelia was so focused on not exposing the twins' faces that she didn't realize half of Jessica's face was showing in the photo. After scrolling through her Twitter feed, Angeline figured that the cause of the storm brewing on the Internet was because of Ned. During a live interview, he said he had canceled his engagement to Ingrid and tearfully declared that Angeline was his whole world. Sean, who was in Keman, also saw this commotion happening in Lonla. He looked through the photos in his study room. Sean enlarged the photo where Angeline smiled with an outreached hand to Nathaniel. He felt something tugging hard on his heartstrings. "Granddad wished that I could get married."Don't worry. I still rem
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