Semua Bab Second Marriage to Mr. Rich: Bab 881 - Bab 890
1030 Bab
Chapter 881
"Stop…" Angeline said, wanting to pull her hands out of Sean's grasp to push him away.However, her wrists were firmly fixed, unable to move an inch. She turned her head to avoid him, but his thumb pressed against her chin and pushed her face back.Lightning once again tore through the night outside the floor-to-ceiling window.In the light, the features on his face appeared even more distinct, exuding a cold, ascetic, and unfeeling demeanor. His gaze toward her carried a high and mighty sharpness, with a terrifying madness subtly lurking within his calm looks.Kissed to the point of near confusion, Angeline saw herself reflected in his pitch-black pupils. She saw her small figure in his eyes, and her heart pounded wildly.Sean's breathing was heavy, and his shirt was unbuttoned, revealing the firm, smooth lines of his muscles beneath the open collar.As the rumbling, bean-sized raindrops pelted the glass, her silk blouse was stripped away. In the darkness, his possessiveness bur
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Chapter 882
Angeline struggled to get up. With her feet on the carpet, she tried to stand up twice but failed. Her legs were weak and sore from the night before.Then, she noticed she was in a silk camisole nightgown.She vaguely recalled Sean helping her change into it. No one else could have done it other than him. She picked up the water cup from the carpet and placed it on the nightstand. Supporting herself on the edge of the bed, she stood up.Her mouth was dry, and her throat parched as if it were on fire.She had accidentally knocked over the cup earlier, so she needed to go out to get water. Just as she grabbed the handle of the suite bedroom door and opened it a crack, a large hand grabbed her arm and pushed the door closed.Angeline, already weak and sore, fell into the arms of the man who was still damp from a shower. She turned around and, to her surprise, Sean was still there.Her eyes widened with shock."Sean, why… why are you still here?" she asked, a little anxious. If
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Chapter 883
Sean was physically and mentally sated after a passionate night. He looked a lot less menacing than he'd been the night before.He gave Angeline another hard and deep kiss, almost making her run out of breath. At the same time, the passion and intimacy made her tingle all over. It made her heart race, and she felt weak.Sean's breathing was erratic, too. He said, "I'll talk to Brayden—your deal with him is off. I was willing to let Thomas off the hook for your sake. If not for that, even Brayden wouldn't have been able to take him away so easily."And so… you don't have to force yourself to marry Nathaniel. I don't want to see my wife marrying someone else.""It's too late." Angeline caught her breath and looked into his eyes. "You can see what things are like online now. If I don't marry Nathaniel, I'll get dragged into the mess between Ned and Ingrid. Those netizens will come after me again."Once Nathaniel and I are engaged and later married, I'll keep up my end of the bargain
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Chapter 884
Angeline's tears finally fell as she spoke. Once the words were out of her mouth, she hugged her knees to her chest and tried to calm down. She wiped her tears and tucked her hair behind her ears. "Nathaniel and I signed a marriage contract for an alliance between the Lawson and Hooper families."That's why he proposed. After we marry, we'll live at Grand Court Residences, but I'll be on my floor, and he'll be on his. Things will be exactly the same as before! If I really wanted to marry someone else, I'd have a clean break with you beforehand. I wouldn't still be involved with you!"After that, she lifted the sheets and headed to the bathroom to wash her face. Sean stood before the bathroom and watched her. Her accusation that he was bullying her because he knew she had feelings for him had greatly appeased him. He had boundless patience for her now.When he saw her long hair slip over her shoulders as she bent over, he approached her and grabbed a scrunchie provided by the hotel.
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Chapter 885
Angeline looked down. Her long lashes left shadows on her cheeks, making her look even more demure than usual. "I'll leave first. You should wait for an hour before you leave. You don't want anyone to catch you here."As she spoke, she walked to the couch to grab her bag. Then, she turned to leave without sparing Sean another glance. He hung up, flung his phone aside, and grabbed her wrist before she could go any further. He pulled her into his embrace.When their gazes met, Angeline had already concealed her earlier emotions. There was only a slight trace of surprise as she looked at Sean. She braced herself against his shoulders. Maybe she wasn't as good at Sean as keeping her emotions hidden, but she could still mask them well enough to avoid delays."Is it really okay for you not to hurry back to Melissa?" she asked.He didn't answer her, merely caressing the bones of her wrist gently. Angeline had sounded casual and light-hearted when she spoke, but there wasn't a hint of warm
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Chapter 886
Angeline was taken aback. "Melissa lost her memories?""She overheard my conversation with Mr. Lane and found out she hadn't been pregnant with my child. She rolled off the bed and was hit on the head by the medical instruments. After her surgery, she woke up without her memories."The doctor said it could be temporary, but there's a chance it could be for life." Sean sighed at the thought of Melissa's condition. "She's no different from a child now."This wasn't what Angeline had expected. Sean continued, "Thomas' sister's heart is beating in Melissa now. If he kills her, he'll be wiping all traces of his sister from this world. It's for everyone's good to make this matter end here. I don't want you to put yourself in danger over someone else anymore."She looked at him for a while before saying, "Don't you think it's pretty interesting? Ned lost his memories when I was with him, and Melissa's lost her memories now that you're married to her."Since when has something like amnesi
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Chapter 887
"So?" Sean's voice was beyond frosty. It was evident he was trying his best to keep his temper in check, but his mockery was clear. He stared into Angeline's eyes. "What are you trying to say?""If you were only my savior and not my lover, I would've done anything to make your request—or wish, I should say—for me to stop Tom from avenging Tina come true. I wouldn't put you in a tough spot." Angeline chuckled softly.She continued, "So, Shane… In which capacity are you asking me to make this matter end here? My lover or my savior?"She was giving him a choice. If Sean was coming to her as her lover, there was no way she would agree to his request. In fact, she would help Thomas with his revenge.But if Sean were to use his identity as Angeline's savior to get her to stop this, it would mean he was giving up on her and their relationship."Do you need to throw such a fuss over someone like Thomas Gardner?" He looked into her eyes."You drove right into me for Melissa's sake, didn't
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Chapter 888
"Angeline, stop with the sarcasm," Sean snarled."I'm not being sarcastic. I'm just preparing myself for the eventuality of us being on opposite sides and you abandoning me," Angeline said. "I'm still really upset. I swear.""Would Melissa's presence bother you less if I were to stop objecting to your and Nathaniel's fake marriage?" Sean held her wrist tightly. "Angie… there isn't a choice between you and Melissa. You'll always be the only one I choose!"She blinked and asked, "What if I were to hurt Melissa?"He abruptly tightened his grip on her wrist, making her wince in pain. She looked down at his hand and said, "Take it easy. I was only joking. Unlike Tom, I'm not capable of hurting your precious sister. Now, please let go of my wrist—it hurts."Remember to be careful when you leave so that no one catches you. Even if people don't realize it's you, it'll still be bad for my reputation for a man who isn't Nathaniel to leave my hotel room right after I've gotten engaged to him
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Chapter 889
During this period, Angeline had been forcing herself to keep these thoughts at bay. She'd done everything she could to keep busy so she wouldn't have time to think. She thought she could lie to herself as long as the thoughts didn't form in her mind.After all, she was the one who'd told Sean to do what he wanted to do without worrying about her. She was an adult now, and she had to bear the consequences of her choices. Still, none of that mattered with Sean coming all the way here and probing her on the very thing she didn't want to think about.Since he wanted to know the truth, she would rip open her wounds and show him the bloody flesh beneath. Angeline hadn't used herself to force Sean. At the same time, she wouldn't allow Sean to piss her off by using himself as an excuse.Sean gripped her head and pulled her to him, pressing his lips to hers and silencing the mouth that constantly said things to get on his nerves.Just then, his phone rang again. Angeline took the opportuni
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Chapter 890
Angeline wasn't resisting Sean or stopping him from holding her, and her voice was gentle. She wasn't throwing a hissy fit and was perfectly composed. It was as if she wouldn't be bothered if Sean chose Melissa over her. This pissed Sean more than if she were to ignore his calls and throw a tantrum.He tightened his grip on her wrist, his expression making it clear that he was trying his best to keep his anger at bay. After a while, he seemed to concede and said, "For this matter with Thomas, I'll go with what you want. We can both do what we need, but you need to know that I'll protect Melissa and Mr. Lane to the very end!""Mm-hmm." Angeline nodded. "I've always known that, and I haven't forgotten.""Don't be so sarcastic with me." Sean fixed her with a hard stare."How am I being sarcastic? I'm earnestly responding to you." She chuckled without averting her gaze from his. Then, she checked her watch and continued calmly, "Taylor and Jamie have been waiting at the door for a whil
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