All Chapters of Second Marriage to Mr. Rich: Chapter 951 - Chapter 960
1030 Chapters
Chapter 951
Wanda remained silent for a long while before she finally spoke. It seemed like she had made up her mind after much contemplation.Looking up at Ingrid, she said, "There's another way…""What is it?" Ingrid asked with her head raised, her eyes filled with tears."Get Mr. Fletcher to come forward and explain what really happened back then—that you wanted to come clean, but he and Linda insisted on covering it up."Wanda stood up and walked over to Ingrid, saying, "While Mr. Fletcher still feels guilty toward you, you can use that to your advantage! You can also push all the blame on Linda."After all, she lied first, and we don't know her motives. Lawson Global has already announced they will definitely sue her anyway!""But this—"Before Ingrid could finish, Wanda raised her hand to stop her and continued, "I listened to the recording of Mr. Fletcher and Mr. Hooper's conversation. "We can absolutely steer it in this direction, even embellish it a little. Talk about your strugg
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Chapter 952
Ingrid bit her lip as she fixed her gaze on the phone on the table. She didn't have much time left.After seeing how Ingrid was crying while staring at her phone, Charlotte took out her phone in a moment of determination. She had just launched her contact list when Wanda stopped her."You can't make the call! Only Ingrid can do it for herself. None of us can make decisions for her. She's in this mess now because Linda made the wrong decision for her back then. Do you want to repeat the same mistake?"Wanda saw through Ingrid's intention to shift all the blame onto Linda, but she didn't say it out loud.She had known Ingrid for some time now and knew that the latter always pretended to be undecided when, in reality, she had already made up her mind.Ingrid had always found ways to absolve herself and let others take the risks for her. Wanda felt Linda was too good for Ingrid back then. Linda had done all the dirty work for Ingrid and ended up in such a miserable situation.Wanda c
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Chapter 953
Angeline hadn't even eaten lunch. She had just finished a meeting.As soon as Nathaniel's call went through, he hurriedly apologized. He admitted that posting the recording online was a rash decision made in the heat of the moment, and he hadn't consulted her beforehand.He only called her after the post was already on Twitter. Since she hadn't answered his calls, he assumed she was angry and confessed that he couldn't resist uploading the recording."It's okay. I was in a meeting, and my phone was on mute, so I didn't notice. The recording is already up, and Ingrid's former manager slandered me first. I believe Simon will understand," Angeline said."As long as you're not mad. I was worried that my grandfather might break my legs if you were suddenly upset with me with our engagement just around the corner," said Nathaniel, patting his chest.He was slightly exaggerating, but he knew he wouldn't fare well with his grandfather if that had happened.Angeline chuckled softly and sa
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Chapter 954
Ned's Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed and pursed his lips.Almost instinctively, he defended Angeline, saying, "Angeline didn't save Simon to be repaid. That's why she didn't leave any information behind at the time. "She said she wouldn't seek Simon out to tell him she was his savior but suggested that Ingrid, the beneficiary, tell him the truth. This way, both parties' losses would be minimized."Unfortunately, I trusted what Ms. Davis said back then, believing that Ingrid was already in contact with international directors through the Norwalk Corporation. If she lost that opportunity, she'd be sidelined."Furthermore, the fact that Norwalk Corporation chose her as their spokesperson because she was Simon's savior was widely publicized then. "If the public were to find out that my ex-wife was the true savior, Ingrid would be tossed into the spotlight again, and the old accusations of her being a homewrecker would resurface, destroying her future!"He sighed and continued,
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Chapter 955
Ingrid quickly responded, "It's not like that! Ultimately, it was my decision. I didn't stick to my own convictions and wavered. This is all my fault."I can't shirk this responsibility, so I must apologize to Angie and the fans who have always supported me. I didn't set a good example for them."Another reporter raised his hand and asked, "Ms. Dalton, were you aware that Mr. Fletcher was married to Ms. Lawson when you were with him while she was in her coma?"Are you indeed the third party who interfered in their marriage, as previously revealed by netizens? Or do you believe in the saying that the one who is not loved is the third party, thus disregarding our country's marriage laws?"The question was extremely sharp.Ingrid's face turned ashen, and she found herself at a loss for words. Her tears fell uncontrollably. She was well aware that her comments from back then had been dug up by others. She figured that denying it now would only make her situation worse.Through her te
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Chapter 956
Wanda's other concern was whether the broadcasting companies might classify Ingrid as a disreputable artist. If that happened, her career would be effectively over.Wanda had placed too much hope in this press conference, thinking that Ned's presence would divert the reporters' attention toward him. She hadn't anticipated that he would refuse to engage with the reporters and storm out instead.Wanda still didn't fully understand Ned's personality. He had never been an easy person to deal with. As a pampered son of a wealthy family, he had always been difficult. He would only show his softer side to those he loved.Because of his guilt toward Ingrid, he had already appeared more approachable toward her. Moreover, the reporter's question earlier had hit a nerve with Ned. This man, who had gotten away with all sorts of misdeeds in Oceanford, was not someone who would sit politely and answer those questions.Wanda supported Ingrid and walked her back to the hotel lounge from where th
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Chapter 957
Wanda thought Ingrid had lost her mind and was completely out of line. She couldn't see why Angeline would stand up for Ingrid."Tell me, what leverage do you have to make Ms. Lawson take time out of her busy schedule and stand up for you, doing herself harm and benefitting you?" she asked sincerely, looking Ingrid in the eye.She could tell that there was no leverage of sorts from Ingrid's expression. In the past, if Angeline had liked Ned, maybe Ned could have persuaded her. Ingrid saying that she would return Ned to her might have worked then too.But now, even Wanda could sense that Angeline no longer cared for either Ned or Ingrid. She was living her life to the beat of her own drum, utterly unaffected by public opinion.Moreover, given Angeline's current status, Ingrid couldn't compare in the slightest, even if she were an international superstar.Wanda wondered if Ingrid assumed her relationship with Angeline would suddenly become closer like sisters just because she call
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Chapter 958
The engagement party was unnecessary to Angeline. She even considered it a waste of her time.Nathaniel told the event planner to save as much of Angeline's time as possible, ideally just having her make an appearance. She was extremely busy and sometimes did not even have time to eat.The event planner had heard of Nathaniel's reputation as a devoted fiancé and assured him repeatedly that the event wouldn't be too tiring for Angeline and wouldn't take up too much of her time.It would end quickly after a brief introduction on stage, allowing her to rest or chat with her friends."Will you return to the old Lawson residence for dinner with me today?" Angeline asked after signing the last document and grabbing her coat."Yes! Mr. Lawson Senior called and asked me to go back with you," Nathaniel said, lifting his eyes from his phone. "Are you hungry? Have some macarons before we leave. I specially had them bought for you.""Let's take them with us. Xavier and Yasmine would love t
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Chapter 959
"Mommy! Mr. Nate!"Yasmine was the first to run toward Angeline and Nathaniel, immediately throwing herself into Angeline's arms. Nathaniel bent down to look at the young one clinging to Angeline and shook the dessert box in his hand."Your mom said you and Xavier love these macarons. They were originally for her, but she said to take them back for you two. So, will you consider this a small gift from me to you two?""What if we say no?" Yasmine countered in her cute, babyish voice while blinking her big round eyes."Then… I'll give you a pretty gown and Xavier a nice suit as presents!" Nathaniel said with a smile. "Someone will bring the suit and gown to your rooms later!"Yasmine instantly took the macarons and smiled sweetly at him, saying, "Thank you, Mr. Nate!""You can only eat them after dinner," Angeline said."You've all returned, so let's have dinner now," said Robert, holding Xavier's hand as he walked over."Granddad, Mom…" Angeline greeted with a smile."Good ev
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Chapter 960
"Mom…" Angeline called out when she noticed Jessica not wearing a coat.She quickly draped her own coat over her mother and added, "Why aren't you asleep? Is there something wrong?""Are the kids asleep?" she asked with a gentle smile while adjusting the coat Angeline had placed over her shoulders.Her expression was warm and composed, showing no signs of her usual mental instability."Yes, they just fell asleep," Angeline replied with a grin.She could tell how much her mother adored the children. As Robert had mentioned, Jessica's episodes had significantly decreased since Xavier and Yasmine came into their lives."Then come with me! I have something for you," Jessica said happily, walking toward her room.After a few steps, she turned back to wave at Angeline, gesturing her to follow. Angeline closed the door and followed her mother. Seeing Jessica's cheerful demeanor, Angeline couldn't help but smile as well.When Angeline entered Jessica's room, she saw jewelry scattered a
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