All Chapters of Second Marriage to Mr. Rich: Chapter 971 - Chapter 980
1030 Chapters
Chapter 971
Sean's breathing mingled with Angeline's. The only sounds in the room were of their breathless pants and their tongues dancing with each other.He kissed her with everything he had—he was aggressive and forceful. It made her head spin and her tongue go numb. Only then did he release her.Sean pressed his forehead to Angeline's and wiped the tears at the corners of her eyes as he gasped for breath. He looked down at her lips, which were red and swollen from his ministrations. He asked huskily, "Do you want more?"She shook her head, knowing that things would get out of hand if they were to continue. She pushed him away, her hand feeling it was made of jelly. "Keep your promise…"Sean tucked some loose strands of hair behind her ear and said in a low voice, "I had to find a proper reason to cover up my trip back here. My parents' accident happened here, and the police found something, so I had to come back to check it out."If everything goes smoothly, I might be able to end all
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Chapter 972
Charlotte turned to look at Wanda tearfully. She kept shaking her head, saying, "You know how I've been by Ms. Dalton's side 24/7 these days because she can't be left alone. I didn't even dare sleep! I was just exhausted…"I thought that after yesterday's press conference, Ms. Dalton would do as you said and stay out of the public eye for the time being before coming across the right opportunity to make a comeback. I didn't expect her to sneak out!"Wanda knew Charlotte had been put through the wringer recently and also how attentive she'd been to Ingrid. She quickly wrapped an arm around Charlotte's shoulders and patted her back soothingly before looking at Ned.Wanda said, "Ingrid has a mind of her own, Mr. Fletcher. We can't possibly predict her every move, and if she was determined to sneak out and crash Ms. Lawson's engagement party, what would we be able to do about it?"Wanda was truly incensed this time. "If you're so worried about her causing trouble, why don't you wat
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Chapter 973
Angeline stepped out of the elevator, flanked by her bodyguards. Then, she noticed a box at her doorstep. She recalled Kieron telling her that he'd given her and Nathaniel an engagement gift and that it had been delivered to Nathaniel's apartment at Grand Court Residences.She wondered if the delivery guy had mistakenly placed it outside her door.The bodyguards immediately guarded Angeline. One of them stepped forward to open the box cautiously. Inside lay a sketchbook and a ring box, which lay open. There was a pink diamond ring inside.When he saw it was at least nine karats, the bodyguard knew it had to cost a fortune. He wondered whether it was a surprise Nathaniel had prepared for Angeline, so he turned to Angeline and asked, "How should we deal with this, Ms. Lawson?"As soon as Angeline saw the ring, she knew who was behind the gift—it was Ned.The summer after their SATs, Ned had followed Angeline back to Anne's place. He'd secretly drafted designs for a ring and told A
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Chapter 974
"We didn't invite many people to the engagement party—those who came were from reputable families in Krontos. I heard Kingston Empire intends to move its business back to Lonla. We have a much larger market here, after all." Angeline poured herself and Nathaniel some water.She continued, "Hooper Group is currently the only local business that's working with Kingston Empire. It's expected that he took the opportunity to expand his network.…Nathaniel didn't linger after dinner. He told Angeline he would drop her off at work the following day before returning to his apartment.Later that night, Twitter exploded. A passerby had posted a photo of police officers carrying a bloodied Ingrid out of the hotel where Angeline and Nathaniel had held their engagement party.The post quickly shot to the top of the trending topics. It was captioned, "Ingrid Dalton suspected to have committed suicide to pay for her crimes."The people online didn't seem to like that, though. They complained
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Chapter 975
Some people even went so far as to say that Ingrid probably felt that her life was still worth something. This was despite her impersonating Angeline to steal Ned and also pretending to have saved Simon back in the day.She'd threatened Angeline with suicide, claiming that she would end herself if Angeline refused to tell the world that she'd forgiven the former. That way, Angeline would regret her decision forever. After all, nobody would dare steal Angeline's life once Ingrid was gone.It had to be said that the online community was rather talented in speculating. The people involved in the incident had yet to clarify matters, but they'd already pretty much guessed the truth.Naturally, there were also certain people who mocked Ingrid for being so psychotic. How could a public figure act like that? No average person would've done the things she'd done.Even the most shameless person in the world wouldn't have used their life as a bargaining chip to force Angeline to announce they
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Chapter 976
"Once we're done dealing with all the trouble Ingrid has caused, you should start looking for a way out," Wanda said. After that, she grabbed her bag and left.Charlotte remained at the hospital and stayed by Ingrid's side. The latter woke up once but quickly fell asleep again. Then, Ned arrived.However, it seemed he'd only dropped by to check on Ingrid before heading to work. He told Charlotte, "I'll arrange for a carer who can keep a secret to come over later. When she's here, you can head home and take the rest of the day off. Come back again tomorrow."Before Charlotte could say anything, Ingrid woke up and rasped, "I don't want a carer. I don't want any strangers to see me like this!"Ned hurried over to her. "You're awake."Tears started streaming down her face when she saw him. He sat by her bed and said, "I asked the doctor about your condition. He said you'll be fine as long as you cooperate with the treatment. Once you've recovered, I'll send you abroad…"Ingrid sobbed
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Chapter 977
Ned looked incredulous and lost at Ingrid's words."Judging from the look on your face, I suppose Angie didn't say anything. Did she lie to me?" Ingrid immediately became agitated. She widened her eyes and struggled to sit up."I stabbed myself in the chest! How could she lie to me? How could she not tell the world that she's forgiven me? She said that she would do it if I dared—""Calm down, Ingrid!" Ned held her down by her shoulders. "You'll tear open the wound again!"Her face was streaked with tears, and her eyes were red as she cried, "How could Angie lie to me? She promised me she would do it. I stabbed myself in the chest, didn't I? I'm going to expose her to the media! I—"Before she could get any further, Ned tightened his grip on her shoulders. When she met his ice-cold gaze, she abruptly stopped.Ingrid didn't expect Ned to transform into someone completely different just because she said she was going to expose Angeline's true colors. He held her shoulders so tightly
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Chapter 978
"How dare you, Ingrid!" Ned growled."I can lose my career or you, but I can't lose both at the same time." Tears streamed down Ingrid's face. She stared at Ned, her eyes red. "Either you leave the country with me, or I give the recording to the media. The ball is in your court!"Charlotte stood at the foot of the bed, not daring to make a sound. She'd never seen Ned or Ingrid like this before.In the past, Ned had been ever-indulgent when it came to Ingrid. In fact, he would've given her anything she wanted.But now, Ned was being so fierce to Ingrid, and it was only because Ingrid had threatened Angeline.Of course, she'd also never seen Ingrid threaten someone so despicably. To Charlotte, Ingrid had always been a kind, naive woman. She spoke gently and didn't even raise her voice at the people around her.Ned stared into Ingrid's eyes. She choked up as she said, "Whatever it is… my career can't compare to my wish to be your wife and to share my life with you. I hope you'll cho
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Chapter 979
Ned's throat was dry. "Ingrid…""Please, Ned. If you're going to send me abroad, please come with me! I'll give you the recording, and I won't say anything. I can tell the media that it was all my fault! I don't have parents… "Uncle Henry and Aunt Carmen hate me because of Tommy. You're the only family I have left!" Ingrid's eyes widened. She looked pleadingly at Ned, her eyes red. "Don't overthink it! Give me the recording. When… When you've recovered fully, I'll go abroad with you," Ned said. "I don't want you to go abroad with me. I want you to stay with me and marry me!" Ingrid persisted. "Once we settle down abroad, I'll give you the recording!"Ned didn't agree to her request, but he didn't reject her, either. He walked out of the ward and stood at the doorway, feeling frustrated.Charlotte followed him out of the ward and tried to persuade him, "Mr. Fletcher, Wanda said that Ms. Dalton's future is ruined. She even told me to find a way to save myself. I don't think Wand
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Chapter 980
The more Ingrid thought about it, the more aggrieved she felt. She began sobbing sorrowfully in the empty ward.…Ever since Angeline had met Sean at the hotel during her engagement party, she felt uneasy. She couldn't help checking the news about Keman to see if there was anything about him. The rumors online said that Ingrid had been carried away from the engagement party by the police, covered in blood. They said that Angeline had told Ingrid that if she stabbed herself, Angeline would tell the media that she had forgiven Ingrid. That was why Ingrid had tried to take her own life at Angeline and Nathaniel's engagement party. Angeline hadn't taken much notice of any of the articles about it. The rumors also said that Ingrid possessed a recording that would prove the truth of the claims. After Jamie saw the news, he tentatively mentioned it to Angeline.Angeline only said that they could ignore it if it was a baseless rumor. However, if any social media accounts with large
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