All Chapters of The White Witch & The Alpha: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
129 Chapters
Chapter 110:
Alley POV: Rose quickly gave me back control, just as I shifted the ground started to shake harder and piece by piece stone fell to the ground. Everyone stopped and stared at what was going on, Denver and Sammie stood beside me not taking their eyes off of Bosch. "Get everyone to safety now!" I yelled as the last few pieces fell. Bosch looked wild and crazed, "You little bitch!" He roared, throwing his hands forward to have boulders pulled from the ground and launched them towards us. "Denver move!" I yelled and pushed him out of the way. We rolled on the ground a few feet before I lifted my head. Denver was back on his feet madder than I had ever seen him. I looked over to see Sammie face first on the ground. I just to my feet and grabbed Denver by the face. "Get out of here! Sammie is hurt, she needs you! Get her to safety!" I yelled forcing him to look at Sammie, his eyes went wide and he let out a growl. "Don't start with me, we knew this would happen. Denver please. Save her.
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Chapter 111:
Alley POV: He jumped back up, appearing behind me, before he had the chance to lay a hand on me I swung my hand backwards sending him to the ground. Before I could hold him down I was shoved backwards by his wind element. I landed on the ground face first but this time I hardly felt the pain from it. We both got back to our feet at the same time and met in the middle, our fists flying at each other neither of us bowing to the other. He delivered an uppercut strong enough to lift me off the ground before he sent his foot directly into my stomach. A growl ripped through me and I was tired of playing his game. When he got close enough I grabbed him by the throat extending my claws and felt the blood run out from under my claws. He slapped at my hands and tried to push me back but nothing in the world would get me to release him. "Your days of murder are over." I spat in his face. Just as I was about to extend my claws further I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and my body tensed immediat
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Chapter 112:
Stephen POV: I paced around the halls waiting for at least one of them to walk out, the more time that ticked by the more I grew impatient with waiting. I kept checking the time, two hours had gone by and not a single word. She is still alive that much I can feel, she is barely hanging on. One minute I feel okay then the next minute I feel like I can't breathe. "Stephen, you need to eat something man." Alex said, walking up to me. "Not until I know she is going to be okay." I replied not bothering to stop pacing. "She wouldn't want you to be here like this." Tye said. "Just leave me be." I replied. "Danny is asking for you.." Emma whispered from behind me. Danny can't see her like this. He can't see me like this. Or has he already seen? Oh goddess please tell me he didn't already see what would happen to her. "Where is he now?" I asked. "He is with Ember back at the house but he wants to come here." Emma replied. "Does he know?" I asked, dreading the answer. "He knows that she is
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Chapter 113:
Stephen POV: I had to stay strong for all of us, the closer we got to the door the faster my heart raced. "Please wait here, we will move her when Davina is done." Julie said, "How is she?" I croaked out. "It was touch and go for a bit but we got her stable and were able to close her wounds. She had internal bleeding that we managed to stop. I will look over her as she heals." Julie replied as her shoulder shrunk down. "Thank you Julie. For everything." I replied. Before Julie could say anything else the doors opened and Davina walked out. I rushed towards her, "How is she?" I asked, feeling like my heart was about to explode. "She will be fine Stephen, she will wake up shortly but if you'll excuse me I have to go to Athea." Davina said, offering up a small smile. "Mommy is okay?" Danny squeaked out. "Your mommy will be just fine but you'll need to take good care of her okay?" Davina said, smiling at Danny. "I promise I will take super good care of mommy!" Dannye replied. His ember
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Chapter 114:
Alley POV: It has been a few days since I opened my eyes and everyone has been in and out. Today though is the day Julie said I could finally go home, my headache has finally gone away but my body still feels exhausted, my once dark bruises are now a lighter shade of yellow and green. My lip is nearly healed, I could easily heal myself but I prefer to not use my own abilities as a selfish act, Rose is irritated that I won't let her heal me fully either. I want to feel the aftermath of the battle, it is a reminder of what I went through, what we all went through and even though it hurts like hell it reminds me that we won. I feel like I need to go through the human healing process in order to be able to rule over everyone, no one would be able to use the fact that I have abilities against me. "Mommy today you get to come home! I made daddy get your favorite snacks and lots of water for you." Danny said as he ran into the spacious room, Ember came in behind him followed by Stephen a
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Chapter 115:
Alley POV: "Alright you may go, I will be by three times a day to check you over starting tomorrow okay?" Julie said, gaining my attention. Denver bent down and picked me up off the bed, I flinched a little but tucked myself in his arms. "I'd rather carry you like this. Feels more intimate." Denver whispered. "I agree and I don't mind. You're being much gentler though which is nice." I replied. "I would be anything you needed me to be, Gentle, mean, nice, emotional. Anything that would make you happy or make you better I would do." Denver replied and as the words left his mouth I was hit with so many emotions. Here was a very large and very tough wolf being gentle and sweet. "I love you just the way you are Denver you know that." I replied. He can be a brute but I wouldn't have him any other way. "We need more time to bond, it was great when we were with Athea but I like the skin on skin contact. Makes me relax a lot more." Denver said, holding me tighter as we walked across the fie
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Chapter 116:
Alley POV: It's been two weeks and I'm finally able to move around without any help. Today we are announcing the unity of the wolves, witches and vampires. Word started getting around that my brothers were mated to Ambrosia and Pythia. At first seeing them together was a little weird, I was used to seeing strong, hard women and now they are mushy and smiling all the time. I must say it is a really nice change and honestly cute as hell. Today will be the first time all our people will be together and I must admit I am really excited about it, lots of new people and new friends. My mother along with the other girls' moms were setting everything up, the rest of us ladies were told to make sure the food was on track and all the guests were behaving. Danny and Ember were entertaining the children and I was pretty sure Ember was in her own world of happiness, sure she is massive but she is amazing when it comes to children. I was trying my best to be patient waiting for Athea to grace u
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Chapter 117:
Alley POV:As we approached my mother turned around with a wide smile on her face. "There are my girls! How are you guys?" My mother asked, walking towards us. "We are good Luna, how are you?" Ambrosia said, bowing her head. "Oh nonsense call me momma, you both are my bonus daughters now!" My mother said beaming at Ambrosia. "Momma, what are the balloons about? You have sent them to all of us." I asked, tilting my head to the side. "You all will find out soon enough!" She said giggling. "Momma, just tell us. Is it because we won the battle? Or are we keeping the peace? What is it?" I asked. "Can't say. Athea will be arriving soon so scurry back to the house." My mother said turning us all around. Something is definitely up. "Do you need any help at least?" Pythia asked. "Oh no dear I don't need any help we have got it covered now go, shoo." My mother said waving her arms like she was shooing a fly. I frowned, what is going on with her? People don't just send balloons but then again th
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Chapter 118:
Alley POV: It's been a few weeks since we all broke the news of all of our pregnancies. All our packs are over the moon, goddess knows our mates are more excited than anyone. Tonight is the night the process to save the rogues and I am a little nervous. I'm not exactly sure how this is going to go, but I do know that Athea will be aiding in it. "Ah Alley there you are, how are you feeling?" Davina asked as she walked on the porch. Since the news came out Stephen has limited me on what I can and can't do so I decided to start my mornings off by sitting on the swing that I made Stephen put up while drinking orange juice. "I'm feeling really good actually, no morning sickness as of now. How are you?" I asked as she took a seat next to me. I glanced at her to see she wore a silk white dress with matching flats, her hair was braided down the side that curled at the bottom. She wore very light make-up, letting her natural beauty show, and she looked calm and relaxed. "I am well, you are
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Chapter 119:
Alley POV: We spent all day pampering ourselves and getting new outfits for us all to wear tonight. Since white seemed to set the mood we decided to wear white dresses and our mates to wear white suits to match. When we got home I quickly ran upstairs to shower, when I stepped out I wrapped my hair up in a towel after I dried myself off and pulled out my makeup. I didn't want to wear too much of it so I chose to use the nude pallets, beautiful shades of brown, tan and beige. I applied a small amount of base before deciding that the tan would better suit my skin tone for today, with a light shade of blush, a smidge of mascara and it is done. I brushed through my hair that seems to have turned a little more white, not that I mind. I actually like it. I decided to slick the sides back and curl the rest, it blended my now two toned hair color very well. I put on my white lace bra and matching panties before slipping on my dress that stopped just above my ankles. I picked a dress that
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