All Chapters of The Alpha's Hellhound: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
86 Chapters
Sweet DreamsKendrickI walk into the chambers that the meeting is in and see our spot front and center because we are the leading pack. I don’t see Fusilis anywhere until I look to the top. Her table sits empty and the hole in the stone is still there from when she threw Silver Crest’s table plate at the wall.This meeting is pointless I have no reason to be here. I notice no Lunas in the room only Alphas. Primly stands in the center of the room waiting for everyone to take their seats. We sit at our table and the meeting begins. I notice how bored my brothers and I look Cyrus is leaning back in his chair Samson has his feet on the table and arms crossed and Duron has his arms crossed and head down with his eyes closed.It is a bunch of nonsense that speaks of disputes that happened in the past year changes of territory’s new land being acquired. New treaties and alliances that packs may have formed together. I notice Primly skim over my table then look up to Andricia’s and his eyebr
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Life can be a bitch. Andricia Too often, I find myself breaking free from a trance like this. My hands and knees in the soil laced with ash. My heart-burning eyes are full of tears, so I keep them shut. I fear the destruction I’ve caused because of control, or lack of it. I’ve never had a problem with control, but lately, it’s all impulse. There is a war raging within me between powers, and I fear that I won’t come out on top with either of them. My body can’t deal with the physical toll it causes. Ever since I left, my healing has been off, and I think it has something to do with Cerberus. She said to me a while back, ‘If they can’t have us, nobody can.’ She is plotting, but I can’t figure out what she has done. His cool grip lands on the tattered clothes that hang off my body. He stayed by my side through it all, just like he said. ‘Little bird, don’t put yourself through this again.’ Silas chimes in my head and I feel the tears becoming more adamant about escaping. A sob pushes
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My mateAndricia I look around for Silas and see him standing just behind Cyrus, who is looking at me with a desperate look. I run to him and Silas wraps me in his arms, lifting me. My legs instinctively wrap around him and I lay my head on his shoulder. My anxiety and stress melt as he holds me tight in his embrace, but the fear is daunting. “Si I’m scared,” I say quietly into his shoulder and I hear his humm begin, making my eyes droop instantly. He is trying to calm my body and I feel his compulsion wash over me and my fear is drowned out by it. ‘Little bird, you need to do this. No more running away. You will be fine. I promise I will be right by your side.’ His voice entered my mind and ran throughout my body, calming my buzzing blood. He wants me to hear Cyrus out, but for what possible reason? Am I too much of a hassle for just him? I mean, I destroyed our entire village because I had no control anymore. I slide down his body, landing on my own two feet. I turn to face m
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 Stressing.    Cyrus  I hold her tight as I maneuver through the dense smoke. She has fallen asleep, holding on to me tightly with her face in my chest. Anubis is at peace for the first time since the ball. My skin no longer crawls with disgust because I know I didn’t do anything with another she-wolf. Now my mate knows also, and she sleeps soundly in my arms.     ‘We have a visitor.’ Duron's voice rips through my head, putting my mind back into overdrive. Who could be visiting, and why would they not call first? Why didn’t he tell me who was visiting? I stopped walking and let out a frustrated breath. I know I’m close to my pack, and I don’t want anyone to see my littl
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Andricia I’m pulled behind Cyrus and try to peek past him, but his large frame matches my movements, preventing me from seeing past. I huffed frustrated with him and grabbed his shirt, tugging it slightly. But he doesn’t respond to me, his body is tense and built like a brick wall. “What are you doing in my territory!” The growl that ripped out of his chest startled me, and I realized the frustration was caused by the anger bubbling off him. Whoever he is talking to has certainly pissed him off in the past. He growls low and Cerberus is alert in case there is danger. I peek around him, and he looks at me quickly, his face softens, but his eyes show concern. “Ah, there she is! We missed you at the meeting!” His voice slaps me in my face and my expression falls stone-cold. I lock eyes with Justin Primly, and Cerberus begs me to let her rip his face off. I only get a second of eye contact before I am shoved behind three more of my mates and Silas wraps me in his arms from behind. “No
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Andricia “Do you smell that?” “Alpha said not to touch her!” “What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.” The sound of skin sizzling fills the area. The putrid stench of burnt flesh immediately follows the sound. My heart pounds hard against my rib cage but the drug they used on me still has a hold on me. “Ah, you stupid bitch!” The voices stop as a door opens to my left and I try to turn my head, to open my eyes. I can feel the cold slab of metal beneath my back. Feels as if I am lying on a metal operating table. I'm not bound by anything however it doesn't matter because whatever is pumping through me has paralyzed me. “I told you to watch her not piss her off!” The deep voice is familiar and I roll it over in my mind which is still foggy trying to place a name and face with it. I drag myself through my muddled mind digging through memories that slowly pass me. “God damn it someone put her out!” The voice it’s Justin! Alpha Primly is a part of this and that thought alone has fire
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HazeAndriciaI fell smacking my head on the rock and looked up to the attackers. Only this time I look past them and see Silas staked to the wall by his throat and wrists. I gasped and felt myself get pulled up to him. I sat on my knees looking at him as his blood-red eyes stared down at me.“Little bird.” His voice was quieter than a whisper.“Help us find you little bird.” His voice is so soothing, but I can hear the urgency in it. I was confused and tipped my head to the side, looking up at him.“I’m right here, Si?” My voice is full of confusion along with me, but my body is telling me to run. I stand up to touch him, but two sets of arms are wrapped around me.I fight against them as I am dragged through the woods. I try looking around and finding anything I can to use against them, but it is useless. I looked back and saw a cloaked figure standing in a misty area waiting for us. I fought, kicking them trying to do anything to get out of their grip. A needle was shoved into my n
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Escape Attempt   Andricia   My blood runs ice-cold as I stare up at my near-lifeless mate staked to the wall. His blood leaks from his throat and wrists. The two goons are on the ground unconscious and I stand pulling out each stake in his wrists. I pull the one at his throat, and he falls into me. I lay him down gently and tore the flesh on my wrist open. My blood leaks down into his mouth. “Silas?” I shook him slightly. He doesn’t move, and his eyes look dull like he isn’t within himself. I see the goons getting up and recovering, and I scoot backward away from them, tears streaming down my face.   “Si!” I screamed desperately, but no movement still. Little bird? He is quiet in my head once more. The goon’s eyes land on me and I still don’t see Silas moving at all.   You need to run, little bird! Don’t let them catch you!
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Chasing DreamsSilas“Mother fucker!” I smashed a hole in the brick where I was staked. All the alpha’s eyes snap at me startled. It’s been two weeks since she’s been missing, and he has had her this whole time. Her smell has faded outside, but now I know where he took her. My smart little bird led me straight to it. I get a big whiff of her and look at the ground. I can see her reliving her dream again. I’m not sure what they have her on, but it is really doing a number on her mind. The fact that she is reliving the same nightmare over and over is awful, and does she even know it actually happened? I am whisked away after her running through the woods. She looks over her shoulder a lot and I only see the alphas behind us, no one else. She stops and I step in front of her. She looks startled. I wrapped my arms around her, but she vanished into thin air. The alphas look at me with confused and curious expressions. Except Samson, who is staring dead behind me with glowing eyes. I see th
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The Whole Damn Flame Andricia The curtains are pulled open and I grumble hiding under the comforter. Sleep seldom comes now but when it does I pray to the goddess to wake me. I drown in nightmares the same one replays even when I close my eyes to blink. Cerberus is missing I’m not sure what happened to her but I wish I had her to interrupt my thoughts and nightmares. I don’t even know the people in my dream. I don’t know the people I’m surrounded by daily. I’ve noticed are only women who are all vampire hybrids with the same bite on the wrist. I asked who their leader was and to speak to them but I barely got an answer. The only one that talks to me is Sienna. She is super nice. Not really she is kind of an ass but I like it. She is the only one that doesn’t tiptoe around me. She is honest and always puts me in my place. I still know nothing about her and every time I ask she leaves or changes the subject ignoring me. “Miss it is time for breakfast.” A soft nervous voice pulls me
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