All Chapters of Ruin Me : Sinful Shots compilation : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
291 Chapters
Raw Need
smirked and leaned forward a little more, sliding one hand up to wrap into the brunette hair at the back of her head and pulling her into a kiss. She wasn’t as skilled at kissing as Amelia was, but she was eager and it felt tantalizing to be kissing her. Doing it in front of Amelia was even weirder. She kissed energetically, her tongue pressing between my lips until I finally pulled her away by her hair. “Yeah, you can say shit like that,” I chuckled deeply.She licked her lips. “Can I watch Amelia take it first, though? I’m still a little, uh, scared of it.”That set Amelia to giggling as she kissed her friend’s cheek. “Of course,” she said, then stood up and pushed Charlie’s head back down towards my cock. “Get him nice and slick for me.”It was a bit of a production, Amelia getting out of that fishnet top. Her dark blue lipstick was already half-worn off from the blowjob, and it gave her a bit of a silly look as she struggled and contorted for a moment as she battled with the wide
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Raw Need
Charlize’s pussy was less meaty than Amelia’s, with thin lips and outer labia that flushed a soft ruddy brown a little as I teased her all over. Her ass, on the other hand, was a little stealthy juicy thing. She was maybe five inches taller than my short little blonde, and a little softer in her build which lent a jiggle to her ass and tits that I liked.“Mmmm, fffuck, Amelia,” Charlie groaned as she gasped out of a kiss. “He’s got such a big tongue!”“Just wait ‘till he sticks it in your ass,” Amelia laughed.“He what?”I did just that, pressing my tongue against the dimple of Charlize’s asshole, and she moaned and reached back, steadying herself against my shoulder.“I don’t- Fuck! No anal,” she said.“Wasn’t planning on it,” I chuckled and kissed the inside of her buttcheek.“I haven’t even taken him in my ass yet,” Amelia said. “I mean, it’s a fat cock.”I went back to licking Charlize’s pussy for a bit, then sat up and wrapped my hands around her hips and lifted her over to fully
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Raw Need
“Of course it is,” Amelia smirked a little. “She fucking loved the last time, and she keeps sending me GIFs of BBC porn and saying how much thicker you are than them. I think she’s writing a laundry list of positions she wants you to fuck us in.”I snorted and shook my head, reaching between us to adjust my cock as I pressed it down and into her, and Amelia responded by hooking her legs up around my waist and moaning softly as I entered her. “If you’re sure. I wouldn’t mind if you had alone time with her if you’re actually dating her.”“I’m dating her to go to things that you would feel uncomfortable at because of the age gap,” Amelia said. “And because you made me promise to date someone my own age. And for the extra spicy sex. So if you want me to have alone time with her, that means I’m gonna lend her my key to come here and have alone time with you. Do you want that?”I pursed my lips. On the one hand, having surprise booty call visits from Charlize would be hot. On the other hand
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Raw Need
“Are you fucking kidding me?!” she shouted. A bunch of people had probably heard the louder voices before, but now a lot of people were listening in. I turned and watched as she stomped across the floor, all the way to where Charlie caught her and held her back, and Amelia thrust an accusatory finger at her parents. “I stopped being your daughter when you decided to be disgusting, horrible people who think of nothing and no one but themselves. And I wouldn’t have even cared that you were swingers and fucked whoever you wanted, but you betrayed your own best friend and seduced his wife. And you know what? I’m fully fucking aware that you paid a third of my college bills, ‘Dad,’ but I’m also aware that Tayvon put even more than that into my college fund even though he was just your ‘best friend’ whose slut wife you were fucking behind his back. He’s more of a man, and more my family, than you two ever were. I didn’t invite you here, I didn’t want you here, and I never want to see you ag
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Raw Need
“Hey, baby,” she grinned at me and then glanced over her shoulder. Outside there were a bunch of young women, recently graduated or not, and there was a distinctive lack of swimsuits going on.“What...?” I started, but didn’t even know where to go with my question. “The neighbours?” I landed on.“We pooled together cash and got all the neighbours to go out of town for the afternoon and evening. Mini-vacations at Bed and Breakfasts. No one is looking over the fences at us,” Amelia said.“Jesus Christ,” I sighed. I’d seen more tit and ass in a minute looking out my glass door into the backyard than I had through the rest of my life.“Unfortunately, not everyone would be cool with you joining us,” Amelia said. “So you can’t come outside. But, some of the girls want to say hello. Girls?”Emily, Jackie and Amy came around through the other entrance to the kitchen. All of them naked.“Ladies,” I said.“Hey, Coach,” Jackie, a spitfire of a girl who had always been the fastest runner on the t
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Raw Need
She pressed the button. The next slide had a stock photo of a wedding going on in a chapel, with an interracial couple at the altar.“We could get married,” she said, and rushed on. “And I know, it’s a lot. And it’s not what we agreed to when I seduced you. I’m supposed to be open to people my own age and all that. But all of the things that applied to us having sex have only grown more and more in the last five months, and they apply to us being together in an official relationship. I love you, Tay. And you love me. That’s obvious. You make me the happiest woman in the world, and I think I’ve been doing a pretty good job of keeping you happy too. Especially since I’ve been testing the waters this last month and have been doing more traditional wifey stuff around the house.”“So that’s what that was,” I smirked a little, thinking of the extra chores she’d been doing, and she smiled sweetly.“And I know what you’re going to say,” Amelia said. She pressed the button and the next page ha
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Raw Need
My balls ached something fierce, and I groaned as Amelia hummed a laugh as she sucked me hard.“Baby, I don’t know if- Never mind, there it is,” I said as I got hard.“I knew you could handle it,” Amelia chuckled, then gathered up the white skirts of her wedding dress and pulled them up to her waist, exposing her legs and her white lingerie panties. She pulled the gusset of those panties aside, straddled me on the back seat of the limousine, and sat on my cock. She felt extra tight for some reason. “Fuuuuck yes, hubby,” she moaned into my ear as she slowly sank down.“Wifey,” I grinned back and kissed her.“And you thought I couldn’t get you hard,” she teased.“Amelia, you had six different bridesmaids all track me down today and suck a load out of me,” I said. “Charlie broke into my room at the hotel at 5:45 in the morning to kick things off. I still don’t know how she got the key.”My wife giggled and kissed me again. “And each of them had a very fun time getting your delicious cum
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Craving Sin
The young man climbed up out of the bed, leaving the naked woman to silently cry. He looked out the window at the rainy city, chuckling to himself in both satisfaction and anticipation."What in God's name are you?" the woman hissed as she curled up in the fetal position.She was beautiful in body but broken in spirit, her inner thighs red from the blood of her torn hymen. Her virginity had been taken from her to the sound of her twisted cries of pain and lust, caught in both sexual humiliation and fulfillment. The young man's smirk gained a bloodthirsty curl and he flicked his finger as if to tell her that there was something he needed to show her. The woman was dragged out of the bed as if an invisible hand had grabbed her by the throat. She hit the wall beside the man and crumpled to the floor, gasping for air with a welt worn into her neck from an unseen force. He grabbed her chin as if to steal a kiss, forcing her to look up at him.She had spoken to him in German, so he answere
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Craving Sin
Against her better judgment, Helena allowed her eyes to wander and look out the window at the sunny campus of Rosewood University. The school had originally been developed to help deal with Italy's high orphan rate while spreading the Christian faith, starting out as a Christian academy for children. Eventually, other countries began shipping in their orphans after seeing the great results, and then families started sending in their kids. It was now the largest and one of the most prestigious Catholic schools in the world, boasting a student body ranging from preschoolers to college students and with armies of new priests and nuns being marched out every year, ready to spread the word of Jesus Christ. Joining the clergy wasn't any kind of requisite for the school, but after 12 years, it became engrained in the souls of most of the students."O'Connor!"Helena's head perked up at the sound of her last name being called and her face became red in embarrassment. It was her turn to transl
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Craving Sin
"The pleasure is mine."Helena suddenly felt her face go red, but she had no idea why."Ok, follow me and I'll give you a tour."About to step into the hall, she was stopped by one of the teachers calling her name. "Helena, remember; every time you cause trouble, you make it harder for yourself to achieve your goal. You're facing a monumental task already. Don't ruin things for yourself."She nodded and departed with Xavier trailing after her. Leaving the waiting room, they started down the hall."I've never met a Catholic school girl who could fight.""Huh?""My apologies, but I could hear the conversation you and the teachers were having. You sent three people to the hospital and called it "God's work", meaning that you were engaged in a combative situation with them. Considering that I don't see any scratches on you or even a mark on your uniform, you're clearly skilled enough to not get touched."She tried not to blush at the praise, never expecting him to just reveal her true sel
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