All Chapters of Ruin Me : Sinful Shots compilation : Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
291 Chapters
Craving Sin
She opened her mouth wide and he slid it in, taking his time to rub the head against her tongue. She closed her lips around it and he slowly pushed it in until she started to gag."There you go. Doesn't it feel good to have that in your mouth? Now start moving your head back and forth. Suck on it like a vacuum, use your tongue and cheeks."Desperate to obey, she began bobbing her head while using the softest parts of her mouth to pleasure him. He sighed with a smile as she diligently worked, her confidence and skill rising with each passing second. He put his hand on her head, breathing heavily from the efforts of the young woman."You're such a good girl. Now let's see just how deep we can get it in."Holding the sides of her head, he pushed himself in to her throat. Immediately she tried to push him off her, feeling her gag reflex firing up and trying to expel the mass."No, don't fight it. You're supposed to choke on it. Just relax your throat and let it happen."Tears were streami
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Craving Sin
"Can you feel that? Can you feel how much love I just shot into you?"She silently nodded, not trusting her voice."Good, you and I are going to be spending a lot of time together. Your body belongs to me now, got it?"She nodded again."Good, and make sure you shave yourself down there before our next meet. Hair is a real turnoff for me."The pages were flipped with anger and impatience, but refused to give up the information Helena was after. She was in the library, looking for any information she could get on the Antichrist. She couldn't find much; every mentioning was about what would happen with the Apocalypse and told her nothing that she didn't already know from reading the bible: a charismatic guy would appear, a genius of politics and economics, who would use fake miracles and lies to turn people away from Christ. Then Jesus would show up and the Apocalypse would happen.But nothing told her how to beat him herself, or how to at least fight him. What really concerned her was
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Craving Sin
"Exorcisms. Supposedly he's got some really sharp sixth sense and is able to free people from possession faster than any other priest. I think he once said that he was going to become a priest and just do exorcisms as a specialist. He'll probably be recruited into the Vatican pretty soon."Thane got in line in the kitchen, slowly moving his tray down the metal slide. Someone got behind him. At that moment, his entire body froze and became suddenly drenched with a cold sweat. Around him, the paint peeled off the walls, the food became rotten, the metal rusted, and everyone in the kitchen turned to skeletons and crumbled. The ceiling above his head was ripped away, revealing a hurricane of fire overhead. Feeling a blaring heat on his back, he turned around. The school was gone, all of Rome swept aside as if by a nuclear explosion. In its place was a literal mountain of skeletons, with flames streaming up through the eye sockets of the skulls and between the bones. At the top of the mou
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Craving Sin
He looked ... happy. Was it possible for even the Antichrist to feel something so innocent as happiness without hurting someone? Was his appearance not his only human quality?These pictures proved his age, some of them looking like they dated back to the nineteenth century. If she showed them to someone, she could convince them of what he was. She put his clothes back in his bag, arranging everything the way they had been before, but kept the photo album with her. About to leave with it, she pulled her hand off the doorknob as she felt her collar activate. It seemed that Xavier had predicted something like this and made rules regarding certain possessions. She finally had what she needed to break free of Xavier's control and save Sophie and the rest of the school, but it was out of her reach.She looked at the small leather book in her hand. It was the seal that had stopped her from taking it, but for some reason, a small part of her felt glad that she couldn't. She had been so despe
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Craving Sin
Sitting up, Lily took his cock in her mouth as if it had become second nature. They hadn't been dating long, but Xavier had quickly taught her what her duty was as his woman. Several times during their dates, and every time they were able to meet up during the school day, he would have her suck him off until she had mastered it. She had even learned how to deep-throat him without nearly throwing up or suffocating. Her head bobbed back and forth with the end of his cock rubbing against the back of her throat. He made sure to stroke her hair and give her a loving smile, as well as tell her what a good girl she was and what a perfect job she was doing.After a few minutes, he had her stop and then sat down on the ground, motioning for her to get on. Knowing what he wanted, she crouched over his lap and spread her cheeks, letting him set her down on his cock. She yelped as she felt him enter her, his member being larger than the dildo he had used on her."Can you feel it? Our bodies are j
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Craving Sin
Helena watched Xavier have his way with the crying Sophie, as he had done time and time again. She had lost count of how many times she had been forced to watch. She had no idea how many hours he had spent raping her best friend in front of her. These long, restless nights were sapping her strength, making it difficult to stay awake during class. When she did sleep, she had nightmares of Xavier. He would be in her bed, fondling her, whispering in her ear. Some nights, he wouldn't show up, and she would lie awake, waiting for him out of dread. She wasn't sure why he'd skip, thinking that maybe he was doing it just to mess with her. The other possibility was that he had gotten his fill of the flesh of a woman, finding some other poor girl to use.Hours later, he stood up, panting with semen dribbling out of Sophie's pussy and asshole. He then turned to Helena, sewn to her bed. A small smile, he strode over to her, making her heart race with each step he took. What was he going to do to
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Craving Sin
HAVE A NICE DAY AT SCHOOLThat son of a bitch."Good morning, Helena. Oh ... wow, are you ok?"Helena had arrived at the usual spot where she ate with her friends, and they immediately noticed how flushed her face was. It had taken a lot of courage to leave her room. Her clothes didn't show the invisible ropes on her body, confirming for her that it was really the black lines on her skin that were binding her. Getting dressed had been difficult and going down the stairs had been even worse. The ropes weren't chafing or leaving any marks. It was more like she was feeling intangible pressure and her nerve endings were being tricked into thinking they were really there."Y-yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry."She sat down at the table, trying not to wince from the feeling of the rope grinding against her slit. The longer she was bound, the more sensitive she was becoming."Hey, look over there. It's Thane. I heard he's been missing a lot of classes."Helena looked to where her friend was pointi
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Craving Sin
She released a gasp of euphoria as she stepped under the shower, feeling the hot water wash away the chill and the chlorine of the pool and ease her muscles. She ran her hands across her naked body, rubbing the tattoos to try and ease the tension of her binds. Why did this feel so good? She leaned against the wall, letting the water pour down her unclothed frame while she massaged herself. Her eyes bolted open when she realized what she was doing, discovering that she had started squeezing her breasts and was sliding her fingers between her legs. She held her arms out to her sides and shook her head like a dog, trying to free herself of these sinful sensations.About to turn off the shower, she stopped and nearly fell to her knees. Her breathing became haggard and she clutched herself. The bonds, they were ... changing! The tattoos rearranged themselves on her body taking a new pattern. Originally, amongst the different knots and webs on her chest and stomach, she had had a rope goin
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Craving Sin
Lily did as she was told and Xavier had her stand under a low-hanging pipe. Taking her blouse, he looped it over the pipe and then tied the sleeves around her wrists, keeping her bound like shackles with her arms raised. Standing naked while tied up, Lily shivered with embarrassment and fear. This was different from all her other moments with Xavier, there would be no fun or pleasure. She had broken the rules and now she had to be punished. He was standing behind her, what was he doing?The whiplash of a belt across her lower back made her cry out in pain unmatched by anything in her life. She could feel a red welt forming on her vanilla skin and she tried to hold back her tears."What are you doing?!""I'm punishing you. You broke the rules and brought this on yourself."He whipped her again, this time on her thighs. She screamed and pulled at the blouse binding her wrists. A third strike was delivered, landing across her rear end."I'm sorry! Please stop!" she sobbed."I thought you
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Craving Sin
"And what is the truth that will be shown?""I don't know. I wish I could tell you, but I can't. I really wish I could, but I just can't.Hauser's brow furrowed. "One more thing. What made you think God sent you this dream?"She looked up at him, hoping he would understand what she was trying to tell him. "Because we need His protection. I'm sorry, Father. I really need to go."She turned around and ran off, leaving Hauser to ponder over what she had told him. He was now certain from that desperate look in her eye that she was holding something back, probably even lying. She repeatedly told him that while she wished she could tell him more, she was unable. What if it wasn't because of a lack of information on her part? Maybe someone was keeping her quiet. The police? The school? Or maybe something evil had had actually latched itself onto her and was trying to stop her from spilling its secret. It was time to consult someone on this matter, should the worst be true.The day at last c
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