All Chapters of Ruin Me : Sinful Shots compilation : Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
291 Chapters
Craving Sin
"What are you doing here?!" she hissed."I wanted to join you. You were having so much fun."She blushed and looked away, embarrassed from the joy she had felt just a moment ago. She readjusted her arm across her breasts and Xavier sighed."Honey, we're a little past that. Relax, I know what you look like. Besides, I'm in the same boat as you are."She refused to meet his gaze. "Stop that. I'm not like you. I'm nothing like you."Xavier moved over to her and she screwed her eyes shut, afraid of how he was going to molest her. She could feel the movements in the water, his hand reaching for her covered breasts. But instead, he gently grasped her hand."Do you think people cover themselves because they really believe that nudity is sinful, or because they are afraid of the world not accepting their true selves? Be proud of who you are. You don't have to hide your beauty, especially from me."The way he spoke, that gentle and soothing way, it would have made her heart flutter if coming f
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Craving Sin
'I guess it really isn't that big a deal.'She stepped onto the diving board and again felt a small twinge of nervousness, realizing she had basically put herself on display for Xavier like a trophy. She shook those thoughts away and cleared her mind, trying to focus on how she was going to do this. She dared a glance at him. The smile he was wearing was warm, supportive, and sent a rush through her. She again tried to push these strange feelings away, and after a quick hop to built up energy, she leapt off the board. She was far from graceful and hit the water before she even knew what she had to do.'Ah damn it. Now he'll make fun of me for sure.'Preparing herself for Xavier's ridicule, she surfaced, but couldn't find him anywhere. Had he left? "Xavier?"The reply came when she felt his hands on her back and rear end. He burst from the water beneath her like a missile, picking her up and tossing her a few feet away with a splash. She gave a shrill yelp when he sent her airborne, an
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Craving Sin
"That depends on your level of faith. If you are just a fake Satanist, then I am the man who is about to turn your life into Hell. If you truly believe in the Antichrist's arrival, in MY arrival, then I am your new Master.""You're the Antichrist?"Xavier's eyes lit up like burning coals and she was brought to her knees by the weight of his power, crushing her from all sides like the ocean. A wide smile crossed her face, when any normal girl would have been crying in terror."I've been waiting for this day my entire life, the day when I would finally meet you. It's been my dream to take part in the end of the world, to help bring about the destruction of mankind."A cruel smile crossed Xavier's lips. "It seems you may be of some use to me. Very well, I will let you serve me from this point forward. What is your name?""Daphne, Daphne Brooke.""Daphne, do you swear to do anything I tell you and obey my every command?""I swear!""Do you swear to give yourself to me, mind, body, and sou
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Craving Sin
For the next hour, she watched the story unfold. When the first sex scene started, her collar activated and held her still, fighting her desire to rip off the headphones and cover her eyes. She had seen Xavier rape Sophie so many times before, but this was different. The consensual aspect spared her the fear and anguish she felt during those times, leaving only an instinctive reaction. The scene had one of the secondary female characters fucking her teacher for a better grade, and as she watched them rip off each other's clothing, she felt her body shudder with nervousness. This sensation, it was almost impossible to describe. It was like the dread she felt when she was called to the Disciplinary Committee's office, but so much more intense, and even ... pleasurable. The sight of the woman's breasts made Helena's stomach twist with jealousy. Sure, hers were a good size, but this woman's were like melons. Were those the implants she had heard of?She watched as she started sucking him
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Craving Sin
The story picked up from the night before, with the cliché college drama continuing to play out. Helena tried to ignore the bad acting and focus on the plot, if only to stave off boredom. The first XXX scene came and Helena blushed with shame and revulsion. It wasn't a sex scene, just one of the college girls masturbating while murmuring the name of a male character. The disgust Helena felt was different from the previous night when the first sex scene started. At least then, she could shrug off the unavoidable sensation of lust by telling herself that her body would naturally react to the sight of two people engaging in intercourse. Back then, she felt like just the observer, like she was a simple student watching a movie in health class. Watching the busty brunette stir her fingers around in her slit removed that mental buffer. This felt much more intimate, like she was right there in that dark bedroom. The woman might as well have been right in front of her, knees spread with her
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Craving Sin
Helena watched as the two women did everything together. They kissed, sucked on each other's breasts, went down on each other, and so on. To her, it was like seeing women in a level of detail unlike any other. When the episode finally ended, she nearly jumped in surprise, having been so deeply hypnotized by the sight and her own thoughts. She was sore all over, having sat in that position against the wall with the focus of a Buddhist monk. She checked her watch. Yep, she was late.As soon as she got up, she shuddered with embarrassment. Her panties were wet."Father Brian, thank you for seeing me.""Please, Peter, we don't need to stand on ceremony."Father Brian and Hauser were in the former's office, just down the hall from the Disciplinary Committee conference room. The two priests sat down on either side of the desk."So what can I do for you?" the old priest asked."Kurt, I wanted to ask you about Helena O'Connor."Father Brian sighed with his hand over his face. "Oh Lord, who di
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Craving Sin
That anxiety escalated when the real sex started and the men plugged all her holes. At any time, she had one cock in her pussy, one in her ass, and one in her mouth, and if she wasn't using her arms to balance, she was giving handjobs. There were always a couple men in the background, jacking off just enough so that they wouldn't lose their erections. In time, Helena calmed and a mixture of boredom and shameful curiosity bubbled within her. Just like when she had watched the woman masturbate with the two dildos, seeing this woman getting fucked in both the ass and pussy at once made her wonder what it felt like. Never in her life did she want to try it, but she wouldn't mind seeing or hearing a description of it.As expected, many of the shots were from behind when she was getting double-teamed, and Helena wasn't sure if it was the sight of the woman's rear end with both holes stuffed or the two ball sacks at the top and bottom of the screen that actually made her chuckle while she t
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Craving Sin
Oh well, she should probably get going. But she decided it would be a good idea to change into some dry panties first."I was right."Thane slid the photograph across Father Hauser's desk. The young priest took the picture and closely examined it. The sight of the dark figure chilled his blood, but the hallway was too crowded to determine the identities of any students who might have been around at that time."And you're positive that this isn't some error in the development process?""95% certain. However, what concerns me is that this is the only sign of a supernatural presence. I haven't heard any rumors of strange phenomena happening in the school, which would coincide with a traditional haunting. Had I not been here, it's possible this entity could have gone completely unnoticed for God knows how long.""So do you know what this is?""Something new. I believe it to be some kind of demonic entity masquerading as a student. Its evil is far more compact and stable than in a regular
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Craving Sin
A memory flashed through her mind. Xavier had done the very same thing to her in the church. He had embraced her, using one hand to fondle her breasts and the other hand to finger her pussy.'No! I can't think about that now!'She tried to push the memory out of her mind, feeling it contaminating the pleasure she was feeling. Regardless, it crept in, her imagination syncing up the past and the present so that her hands became his.'Get out of my head! I want nothing to do with you!'She tried even harder to keep the thoughts out, focusing solely on the pleasure and the physical aspects. She was so close, she could feel it. But she could see Xavier's arms around her, this figment of her imagination flashing in and out of her mind's eye like a strobe light. She could feel his breath and lips on her neck and smell that masculine scent that his bed shared. Her will broke, those thoughts of Xavier momentarily flooding her mind, and in that moment, she came. Waves of euphoria, indescribable
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Craving Sin
One of the girls leaned against the stall door, her shoes right in Helena's view. Oh god, she was so close! Fear was pumping through her veins like her blood, but that fear was quickening the thrusts of her fingers and strengthening the reaction she felt. Beneath her, the toilet gave the slightest creak from her shifting wait. To Helena, it was like the roar of a buzz saw, but luckily, the other two girls didn't seem to hear it. She adjusted her position and kept going. She could feel it bubbling inside her, her next orgasm. Just a little more! A little more! A tidal wave of pleasure at last swept through her, making her whole body writhe as if she were suffering a seizure. But while her hand was over her mouth, her voice managed to slip through.The two girls heard it, the small squeak, that human whimper. The girl leaning against the door stepped back and turned around."Hey, is someone in there?!"For a second, Helena's mind shattered like glass as her whole ruined future flashed
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