All Chapters of Ruin Me : Sinful Shots compilation : Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
291 Chapters
Craving Sin
But there was a problem with that. Half of the accidents occurred between classes, when the hallways of every building were flooded with students. The other half occurred randomly throughout the day, during classes. He was certain that this entity was masquerading as a female student, but what if it wasn't a student actually enrolled? He had originally assumed it to be some kind of human that was causing it because of how well the evil was contained and hidden, but it could also be some kind of demonic entity, new to him or at the very least more powerful than the kinds he regularly dealt with, and could disguise itself as a student however it wanted like a chameleon.If this was true, then it meant trouble. If the perpetrator weren't a real student, but merely a wolf in sheep's clothing hiding amongst the herd, then it would be all the more difficult to hunt it down. It wouldn't have an identity that could be discovered and lead to its finding. But there was another possibility. Just
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Craving Sin
Father Brian stepped forward. "Helena, we know things have been hard for you lately. First there was the terrible incident with those boys, then your failing health, that incident with Sister Olivia, and now that burn. We wanted to tell you that you aren't in trouble and that you can ask us for help whenever you need it."The unknown priest extended his hand with a smile. He wore a stole of the clergy. "Ms. O'Connor, I'm Bishop Nelson from the Vatican, and Father Brian asked me to come. He thought that a group prayer would help you raise your spirits and remind you that you have God's protection."'Do they know? Have they figured it out?' "Ok, if you want to."The three priests stood around her and Bishop Nelson began to speak with Hauser and Brian repeating him."Lord God, from the abundance of your mercyenrich your servants and safeguard them.Strengthened by your blessing,may they always be thankful to you and bless you with unending joy.We ask this through Christ our Lord."Hel
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Craving Sin
She thrashed against him, trying to force the Antichrist out of her bed, but he held on tightly. She screamed and fought against him, hoping that someone would hear and come help, but Sophie never even woke up. As usual, Xavier was using his powers to control the movement of sound. For several minutes, she pushed against him, trying to break free of his grip, but his hold on her was like a squid's. Against all her fear and her rage, her body was weak from the tiring day and her strength at last left her. Panting and drenched in sweat, she tried to hold in her tears while Xavier kissed her shoulder and neck, holding her in the spoon position."I'm serious, I wanted to come see you. After the day you had, I knew you were desperate to have an orgasm, so I thought I would come and take responsibility as your master."He slid his hands into her panties and began massaging her oiled labia, now sensitive beyond measure. Helena again tried to break free, screaming at the top of her lungs, but
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Craving Sin
She didn't recognize the voice speaking in her ear. It was deep and dry, yet somehow soft like a whisper. The voice was almost inhuman and it made her feel like her skeleton was made of ice. Who the hell was holding her? The answer came with a rush of searing pain, as if her neck was being sprayed with a blowtorch. From that branding, a storm of memories overtook her, with hours of horror being snatched from the darkness and played out for her in a single moment. All the times she had been raped, she was now remembering, and the face of her tormentor was now clear as day.Xavier dropped to her the floor with the circle of sixes smoldering on the side of her neck where he had licked her. Sophie vomited on the beige tiles, purging herself of her half-eaten breakfast. It was all she could do as her soul was stabbed with the returning memories of her ongoing sexual assault. The ethereal collar now spinning around her neck had broken the seal on her mind, and with it, her body regained all
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Craving Sin
"There, now it won't leak out of you. Don't even try to pull that out, only your master can remove it. Do you understand? Answer, slave!"Her face puffy and red from crying, Sophie nodded. "I understand."Xavier snapped his fingers and they were teleported back to the hallway, their clothes returning to their bodies. Sophie had a dead look her in her eyes, with her anus sore from the rape and the sex toy still inside her."From this point forward, consider yourself my property. I can do whatever I want to you and you'll never get to say no. I suggest you do everything you can to avoid raising suspicions, because if anyone should learn about me, I will kill them, I'll make you watch, and then I will violate you on top of their butchered carcass. Your teachers, your friends, your family ... I'll slaughter them in front of you and then cook them up for our dinner. Do you understand?"Sophie nodded, unable to look him in the eye or even speak."Good, then get to class, because if you aren
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Craving Sin
Thane pushed the thought out of his mind and continued running, his footsteps echoing through the hall. The shutting of a door drew him to a stairwell, telling him that the student was going to one of the upper levels. By the time he set his foot on the lowest stair, the student was stepping off the highest. The young exorcist sprinted up the stairs, feeling like his lungs were filled with smoke from the exertion. Reaching the top level, he looked down the hall, again spotting the figure turning a corner at the end of the corridor. For several minutes, the chase continued on like this. Every time Thane entered a staircase or hallway, the student left it, and after his target stepped out of the science building and into the nearby middle school, Thane could tell that the student knew he was being tailed. Regardless, he continued running, chasing this evil being all across the campus.At last, he stormed back in to the cafeteria, where the student was waiting for him. The kitchen staff
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Craving Sin
"Christ, God's Word made flesh, commands you; He who to save our race outdone through your envy, humbled Himself, becoming obedient even unto death; He who has built His Church on the firm rock and declared that the gates of Hell shall not prevail against Her, because He will dwell with Her all days even to the end of the world! The sacred Sign of the Cross commands you, as does also the power of the mysteries of the Christian Faith! The glorious Mother of God, the Virgin Mary, commands you; she who by her humility and from the first moment of her Immaculate Conception crushed your proud head! The faith of the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, and of the other Apostles commands you! The blood of the Martyrs and the pious intercession of all the Saints command you!"His claws inches from Thane's face, Xavier was brought to a stop as if caught in a spider's web. The black fire surging from his flesh was now an inferno, eating away at him."Thus, cursed dragon, and you, diabolical legions,
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The World Of Bdsm
Jade was a simple girl. She was 20 years old, a University student that always brought in high marks. Her whole life she had followed the rules. She studied hard, never went to parties, was the valedictorian to her high school’s graduating class, did volunteer work with her spare time, listened to her parents and went to church on SundaysHer whole life she was known for being a good girl. She never drank or did drugs and was still a virgin. Her one vice was she liked to look at porn. Considering everything else young adults of her age were doing, she felt it wasn’t that bad. Still, she knew it was something she had to be secretive about, not just for her own embarrassment. Her parents were active members of the church and were anti porn activists. If they ever caught her doing this, they would be very upset. But Considering everything else she could be doing, she felt that this little secret wasn’t that bad. Still she struggled, she couldn’t get it out of her mind that porn was degra
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The World Of Bdsm
“That doesn’t mean that an egalitarian relationship can’t work.” She protested.“I forgot my coffee.” He said, pointing towards the cup next to his carafe. “Hand it to me.”She got up and picked up his cup and passed it to him. He held his hand up, motioning for her to stop. He took a sip.“Hmm, no sugar.”Jade grabbed a sugar cube from the dish and dropped it in his drink. He took another sip and nodded his head.“So,” professor Allister continued. “The problem with an egalitarian relationship is that there are roles in relationships taken on by the dominant and submissive personalities. Housework is usually the submissive personality’s job, working more and paying bills is the dominant person’s job.”“But those roles can be shared. Both pay the bills and do the housework.” Jade added.“What about when conflict arises?” He asked. “Such as a problem with the bill at a restaurant or a disagreement with someone out in public? The dominant is the one who handles these situations.”“Why c
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The World Of Bdsm
He stared at her naked body and she instinctively covered herself with her hands.“No, none of that.” He replied. He reached out and grabbed her hands, putting them down to her sides.“I can’t believe I just did that.” She said out loud.He reached down and picked up her underwear and held them out.“The door is right there.”She looked at her panties and every instinct told her to take them and go. But her arms didn’t listen. She tried as hard as she could, but she just stared at him.He dropped the panties and reached out and touched her pussy. She gasped slightly as she felt another’s fingers on her for the first time. He pulled his hand away. It was covered in her lubricant. She couldn’t believe how aroused she was.“You’ve never experienced the dominant/submissive relationship before?” He asked.She shook her head.“Half of it is attitude.” He said as he walked around behind her and placed his hands on her breasts. Her nipples hardened in response. “I can make girls do many thing
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