All Chapters of Divorce That Scumbag And Take The Lead: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
252 Chapters
A Trap
Eulalia spoke her mind, and before Cassius could even respond, Benedict, who was trampled on the ground, couldn’t help but curse at Eulalia.“Eulalia, you wretched woman! If I’m going down, I’m taking you with me, you damn witch!” More and more vulgar words spewed from his mouth.Eulalia’s eyes gradually darkened, and a disdainful sneer appeared at the corner of her mouth. “Keep talking, and I swear I’ll cut off your tongue.”Benedict felt a shiver run down his tongue, like a fishbone stuck in his throat, and he instantly shut up.People who dabble in the underworld naturally exude a sense of malice. However, the malice that burst forth from Eulalia just now was even more intense than theirs.Cassius sat not far away, his gaze shifting from Benedict on the ground to Eulalia’s face. He squinted slightly, scrutinizing her.Eulalia, what can I say? Facing such nasty curses from her own brother, her face remained as calm as water, not a ripple in sight.Almost too calm.It’s safe to say s
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Desperate Choices
Warning: The following chapter contains violence.“Your time will come,” Cassius said with a smirk, pouring more wine into his glass. “Take her to the room,” he ordered his men.Eulalia remained silent, her eyes downcast, hiding the emotions within. Subconsciously, she touched the pocket of her coat.As she was lifted off her feet, Eulalia couldn’t focus on her surroundings anymore. Calling for help was out of the question; this was Cassius’s turf, and his people were everywhere.If she cried out, not only would she fail to escape, but she’d also anger Cassius.Thrown onto the bed, her bag searched and removed, Eulalia felt a wave of pain wash over her. She opened her mouth and vomited; her stomach filled with nothing but alcohol and blood.The pain... it wasn’t just physical. The deeper wound was emotional, a pain that couldn’t be healed.“It’s not the first time I’ve been betrayed,” Eulalia comforted herself. Now she could finally cut ties with Benedict. Without him as a burden, she
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With Her Consent
Warning: The following chapter contains graphic description of violence.Cassius was tied to a pillar, his voice already hoarse from crying. The slow torture was worse than a quick death, and Percival, like him, was naturally inclined to take pleasure in tormenting others.The knife was heated until it glowed red, branding one burn mark after another onto his body. Then the tip of the knife was used to slice off the burnt skin.“I was wrong. Can you let me go just this once?” Cassius begged.“Did you let Eulalia go when she begged you?” Percival retorted.Eulalia had never begged, but even if she had, he wouldn’t have spared her at the time.“Take off his pants,” Percival ordered.The henchman who was administering the torture immediately put down the knife and removed Cassius’s pants. Cassius was so scared that he had urinated, and the room was filled with a foul smell. The man holding the pants wrinkled his nose in disgust.Cassius didn’t know what Percival was planning, but the rem
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It Hurts
Percival returned to the hospital after dealing with Cassius.His grim face softened a bit when he saw Eulalia, who was still unconscious.“What’s taking her so long to wake up?”The doctor explained, “We found sedatives in her bloodstream, and she’s been through a shock. She’ll probably wake up tomorrow.”Hearing the word ‘sedatives,’ a shiver ran up Percival’s spine. His heart tightened and loosened, tightened again. He didn’t want to think about what could have happened to Eulalia if he had arrived even a minute later.Percival hadn’t even had time to change; his shirt was stained with blood. The doctor suggested, “Sir, why don’t I stay here with the lady while you go change?”Only then did Percival notice the blood on his clothes. “I’ll have my assistant bring me something,” he said.The doctor nodded, gave a few more instru
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Eulalia—The Rose with Thorns
If it wasn’t for the fact that she was injured, Percival would really want to give Eulalia a good shake—perhaps even a harsh spanking. Teach her the painful lessons of real life so that she’d think twice before recklessly risking her life again. However, the conflicting swirl of thoughts in his mind belied the deep concern he felt for her. The truth was, he simply couldn’t bring himself to lay a hand on her in her current state.As Eulalia stirred awake, the weight that had been bearing down on his heart finally lifted. She was conscious, and that gave him a sense of relief.Gradually, Eulalia’s initially calm expression turned into one of annoyance. She never knew Percival could talk this much; it was as if two flies had entered her ears and were incessantly buzzing.“My throat’s dry...” Eulalia interrupted him, her voice hoarse.At once, Percival ceased his rambling and went to fetch water. After wetting a cloth to the right temperature, he helped Eulalia sit up carefully. The wound
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Let's Have A Divorce
After finishing her soup, Eulalia reclined on her bed, twirling her spoon aimlessly. Her mind was too restless for sleep, so she decided that talking was the lesser of two evils.“Where is Cassius now?” she finally asked, her voice tinged with boredom.“Handled,” Percival responded. His voice was devoid of emotion, but his eyes betrayed a chill when he mentioned Cassius. He had been hoping that Eulalia would be the one to bring up the ‘indenture contract’ they’d signed, but all he got in return was an indifferent ‘Oh’ from her. Realizing she wasn’t going to say more, he decided to continue.“I tore up that contract you signed. Cassius won’t come sniffing around you anymore. Your brother won’t be in trouble either,” Percival offered, trying to gauge her reaction.Her face changed instantly. “Whether he’s in trouble or not has absolutely nothing to do with me at
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Evidence of Infidelity
Eulalia frowned, her mind a whirlpool of anxiety. Percival must’ve thought of all this already. If the video she had couldn’t make a dent, she had no clue how she’d win this case.Everyone knew Percival was cheating, but when it came to evidence, she had nothing concrete—no intimate photos or videos of him with Evadne.And Percival’s feelings for Evadne? Totally unreadable. If he really loved her, why wouldn’t he give her a proper title?“Ms. Clearwater, there’s no such thing as a guaranteed win in court,” the lawyer paused, adding, “And keep in mind, Percival might try to bribe the judge.”Given Percival’s standing in Windwatch, it was entirely possible. Percival’s M.O. was never to fight a battle he wasn’t sure he’d win.Eulalia felt her spirits sink further. She had already braced for the worst. “What if I just... crash headfirst in the courtroom if the judge rules against the divorce?” she croaked, sipping her bitter coffee.The lawyer looked stunned. “Well, that’s... extreme.”He
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Treating a Dump Like a Treasure
“Next Wednesday is my divorce hearing with Percival. I need you to testify for me,” Eulalia got straight to the point.With just that one sentence, Eulalia had spent an entire afternoon contemplating. The idea of asking Evadne to testify that Percival had been cheating with her was almost laughable.“Testify about what?” Evadne asked.“To prove that Percival has been with you for the past four years.”“So you want me to testify that Percy cheated on you?”“Yep.”“Eulalia, are you out of your mind?” Evadne finally snapped. Asking her to testify about Percival’s infidelity was like announcing to the world that she was the other woman.Eulalia tried to reason with her, “Don’t you want to marry Percival? If you help me, you’ll be the next in line once we’re divorced.”“Eulalia, are you here to rub it in my face?”Eulalia was taken aback. She was being honest and actually trying to negotiate, but now it sounded like she was bragging?“I’m not rubbing anything in your face. I genuinely want
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“So, I was just guessing, but now that you’ve confirmed it... Do you know what happened to Cassius the night he was rushed to the hospital?” Sarah’s cherubic face broke into a slight smile as if she found something amusing. Yet, the words coming out of her mouth sent chills down one’s spine.“He was covered in blood, slashed all over...” Sarah’s eyes sparkled as she recounted the gruesome details, her smile deepening. She was practically acting it out.“Stop, just stop. You’re making me nauseous,” Eulalia interrupted.Sarah’s lips tightened, and after a few seconds, her excitement faded, replaced by her usual aloof demeanor.Eulalia immediately suspected Percival was behind Cassius’s ordeal. The thought of his ruthless methods made her face stiffen.“You look pale. Scared much?” Sarah nudged Eulalia’s shoulder.“Must be the cold,” Eulalia touched her icy face, her hand trembling.“Want to take some meds?” Sarah offered, getting up to fetch a cup of warm water.Eulalia read the instruc
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Was It You Who Cut Off His Hand?
Eulalia found herself running dangerously low on funds. Sarah, sensing her friend’s financial strain, cautiously broached the subject, “Do you want to visit him after the surgery is done?”“No, I’d rather not,” Eulalia responded, her voice tinged with a sadness she couldn’t quite mask. “Of all the people Benedict would want to see right now, I’m probably at the bottom of that list.”She paused, contemplating her next words carefully. “People are at their most vulnerable right after surgery. The last thing I want to do is add more stress to his already fragile state.”“Could you arrange for a dedicated nurse to look after him? As for the medical expenses, I won’t be covering those. Benedict got ten million from Cassius just last week. He should be fine.”“But if he does run out of money,” she added, almost as an afterthought, “give me a call.”
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