All Chapters of Married my Ex-husband's Elder Brother!: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
171 Chapters
More Secrets in a Dark Place
Do you think it's up to you to do whatever you choose to do?" The same voice from the first visit to the dark room asks Richard who's struggles his to knees. Richard sighs, his shoulders slumped."Who is this?" He rethinks his question and shakes his head. "It's you again, isn't it?'"Like I said the last time, I don't think I need any introduction, at this point, we're practically besties." That gruff voice comes from the dark. "I seem to like watching you these days... Now that things aren't going your way, you want to destroy everything in your path. You're much more stupid than I thought."Richard is blinded so of course, he can't see anything but has to only rely on his sense of hearing which is sensitive each time he's blinded like that.. "What do you want from me again? This is the third time you're kidnapping me without my consent.""Do you even know the meaning of kidnap? You just used kidnap and consent in one sentence. You must be really dumb." He laughs.The man seems to
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A sound of laughter fills the small room."You're surprised aren't you? I just manage to know everything about you. About the two billion... About your corruption and embezzlements... And now, your involvement in the Tiara Case."Richard shuffles backwards till there is nowhere to shift to anymore. "I... I...""You what?""I don't know what you're talking about."The voice becomes passive. "I would have thought you would know better than that by now."A resounding slap echoes in the room.For someone who has been stepped on, hit and punched, another slap is just another beating at this point.He's not numb but his mind is too much distracted to pay attention to the momentary pain.How the fuck does this unknown man always know everything?"So, are you willing to talk now?"Richard stutters. "But... But I didn't get involved the way you think."He scoffs. "Do you think the police is interested in that helpless confession? All those sons of bitches need to know is the fact that you were
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Bobbing Red Hair
Mike's secretary knocks gently on his door."Don't come in." Mike says grumpily, not looking up from the documents in front of him.Knowing him and his moods all too well, she opens the door and enters. "I have what you asked me to get for next week Friday."Mike looks up immediately, making the importance of whatever it is triple in her hands. "Bring it here and show me."She walks to his table and places the tab in front of him. "Here is his schedule and here is hers. Friday night, he has a business meeting in Washington DC so he won't be here for that night. He'll be back the next day so she will be staying alone at the mansion that day."Mike's eyes lights up and it doesn't skip the secretary who's not exactly oblivious to what his plans are. "How about the product I asked you to get for me?"She shakes her head. "That one is a bit harder to lay hands on. I was able to get his own schedule off the company website and hers by sneaking it off her secretary's table. But that product,
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Last session, first name.
"Arielle Brown..."It has become such a routine now that she doesn't need to respond anymore and just stand up.It just so happens that the case she's involved in is a very high profile case so everyone's eyes on it, including the higher ups and the public and there can't be no slacking off and that's what exactly they are not doing...They pull her out of her cell every now and then for interrogations and stuff just to not seem idle. The female police officer leads her to the main hallway.Arielle looks at her but she has her regular don't talk to me, I won't answer you, look on, so she does not say anything but she already knows where they are headed.The last time, the headache had lasted for hours even after the medication had worn off. She plans to mention it to the doctor.Outside, she sees the detective, driver and the van waiting...She has come to appreciate her time outside the station walls now, something she never did whenever she had been free. She had cared only about m
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Evil Intentions
"I'm going for an overnight business trip by the end of this week." Ashton mentions as he takes a bite of his lunch."Yeah, you mentioned it last week as well. I'm genuinely happy for you." Ivy smiles, knowing the kind of deal he is traveling to settle. "So are you saying this deal will be like a new start for CR?"Ashton nods before voicing out. "Yes, it's totally going to be. It's a trillion dollar deal after all. After a lot of deliberations and pitching and investments, they have agreed to invest. And if they do, everything will be better for my staff, but it'll start with you."Ivy laughs lightly. "Sweet words from the mouth of a man is like sweets, after licking it for a while, it reduces till there's nothing." She jokes and pretends to continue eating while Ashton chuckles."You didn't just say that to me..."He stands up and walks to her side of the table, tickling her in the ribs and she laughs uncontrollably, giving up."Fine fine. Get me a Burkin while you're there. I want
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Rogue Detective
"That's a brilliant thought. How do I get it in her drink though?"Roger laughs. "I think that's up to you, you want to fuck her alone after all.""Don't worry, I would have you with me. You'll be my watch guard, and I may even give you the spicy news of it all when I'm done."Roger rolls his eyes. "Like a third wheel? How about I bring my own woman then?"Just a bait but he already knows what Mike's answer will be."No, what if she makes noise and it wakes Ivy up before we complete what we are done? By the way, do you know how many hours the aphrodisiac will work for? I'm sure I'm going to be up for many many rounds that night with her, especially as she would be the one throwing herself at me, begging me to fuck her..." His eyes take on a hazy faraway look as he's imagining and looking forward to that day.Roger shakes his head and pushes him. "Stop daydreaming... The time will come, you don't need to imagine it before the time. You'll just get disappointed when the time comes."Mik
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Off to Washington
Friday evening, "I'm ready. Let's go." Ashton orders the driver at the backseat, sitting at the back with his wife, Ivy, their hands intertwined."Come on, I'm only going for one night, I'll be back before you know it."Ivy does not respond and places her head on his shoulder."I thought you said you were not sure if you are going to miss me? What's this sudden show of affection now?" He teases, squeezing her hands gently. I.She looks up at him. "I wish I said yes to going with you. Now it's too late. Come back fast okay? I'll leave for mum's as soon as I return. I can't stay in this big house all alone, let alone overnight. Come back really really soon, hm?"He nods. "Pinky promise. It's only a night, I'll be back tomorrow morning. I'm sure I can't stay without you for a whole day either. I'll be back as early as I am allowed to."By the time they arrived at the airport, Ivy reluctantly let's him go, waving till the private plane goes into orbit... Or into the air.She looks around
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Throwbacks with Hidden Meanings
"What are you doing?! Come on, let me go... I'll give you everything I've got, just release me." Richard pleads and begs on his knees with a black cloth tied over his face.A gruff laughter echoes in the room. "What have you got to give me that I don't have already?" The unknown man asks, sitting in the shadows and watching the man tied less than ten feet of him.Richard shivers for some reason. He doesn't know this voice and yet it seems so familiar to him... Fear clouds a person's memory anyway. "I have a lot. I am Richard Wright. Just let me make a call to my family and you'll know how far my hands go.""Your family? That whore you sleep with? Or the actual Wright's who exiled you less than a month ago?"Richard swallows. "I see you know everything. Just let me go, I'll do something for you, anything.""You can't even do anything for yourself than try to force yourself on your ex wife. Disgusting idiot."Richard scoffs. "You're a man, you will understand if I say some women deserve
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Runaway Peisoner
Arielle's heart raced as she was led back to her cell by the stern as always female police officer. The harsh fluorescent lights overhead illuminated the grim surroundings of the police station, casting long shadows in the gloomy evening.Arielle thinks to herself that now, they have no use for her anymore since they now have a new lead. She'll probably just be abandoned, be left behind at the cell until something makes them remember her once again.With each step, Arielle's mind churned with a whirlwind of emotions—fear, frustration, and a sudden burning desire for freedom. As they approached her cell, she couldn't help but notice the long corridor leading to the exit, tantalizingly close yet seemingly out of reach. The lights from the hallway that she has become so familiar seemed to shine even brighter in the evening of the day.Suddenly, a very wild idea took hold of her, fueled by desperation and a sudden energy rush. Without a moment's hesitation, Arielle lashed out, her fist co
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On the Run... Together.
The arrival in Washington DC mirrored the twilight spectacle Ashton had grown accustomed to in New York. Its a city alive with the energy of its inhabitants as day surrendered to night. Stepping off the plane, he felt a familiar sense of exhilaration mixed with a pang of longing for his wife, Ivy. The sight of the sprawling cityscape, with its gleaming monuments and bustling streets, stirred memories of their plans to travel together.Before Ashton could fully immerse himself in the sights and sounds of the nation's capital, his phone buzzed with a message from Ivy. A photo accompanied by a heartfelt message instantly brought a smile to his face, warming his heart with the reminder of the love awaiting him at home. With renewed determination, he set off towards his first order of business, eager to make the most of his time in the city.Navigating through the many numbers of people, Ashton made his way to his scheduled meeting, the anticipation of reuniting with Ivy lending an extra s
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