All Chapters of Married my Ex-husband's Elder Brother!: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
171 Chapters
August Visitor and Unexpected News
Grant Hall sat alone in his dimly lit office, the soft glow of his computer screen casting shadows across the cluttered desk. Outside, the city buzzed with life even as the night descended, but inside the confines of his office, the atmosphere was one of solitude and silence, just as he loved it.As the hours stretched on, Grant's thoughts were consumed by the case that had consumed his every waking moment—a puzzle with more questions than answers, and stakes higher than he dared to imagine.Just as he resigned himself to another long night of solitary work, a gentle knock at the door shattered the silence. Startled, Grant glanced up to see Wren standing in the doorway, a small bag of food in her hand and a small smile on her face."Wren," Grant greeted her with a weary smile, gesturing for her to come in. "What brings you here at this hour?"Wren stepped into the office, her gaze meeting Grant's with a mixture of unreadable feelings and determination. "I knew you'd be working late to
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Carrying out the Plan
As Mike and Roger slipped away from the confines of their mansion, a sense of anticipation hung heavy in the air. Tonight, they were determined to satisfy Mike's insatiable urges, to quell the burning desire that threatened to consume him at every turn. With each passing moment, their resolve hardened, driving them forward with a single-minded determination.They are both extremely determined to have Ivy tonight. There is absolutely no better time than when she's asleep, subconscious and her husband is not around to keep her warm. They will make it their own mission to do so for her.Under the cover of darkness, they navigated the silent streets with practiced ease, their destination clear in their minds. Ivy's house loomed on the horizon, a beacon of familiarity in the otherwise deserted night. With a silent understanding, they pressed on, their footsteps muffled by the thick blanket of night. They make it their business to do their works on their tippy toes, ignoring any sound that
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Horrible Presents... Or Maybe not...?
Ashton suddenly sits up on his bed.The nightmare had clawed its way into Ashton's consciousness like a specter of dread, tearing him from the depths of sleep with a gasp of terror. His heart hammered against his ribcage, a frantic rhythm that echoed the turmoil within his mind. In a haze of fear and urgency, he threw off the covers and stumbled from his bed, his nightdress billowing around him as he rushed to the waiting plane. He had called them immediately to make the plane ready for takeoff. It's almost one am in the morning and he's still in his pajamas but he does not care. He's just worried about Ivy's safety.The pilots, startled by his abrupt arrival, wasted no time in preparing for takeoff, their movements swift and efficient as they responded to Ashton's urgent commands. With engines roaring to life, the plane surged forward, hurtling into the inky darkness of the night sky.Ashton's mind raced with a sense of foreboding, the nightmare's lingering tendrils weaving through h
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Minutes earlier...Mike and Roger broke into the mansion successfully as most of the staff had been sent home to have a day off and the security is not on the side where they take inside.Roger had remotely turned away the CCTV cameras from the entrance they were going to take so even the security watching the camera's would not have seen anything.They scale the fence, carefully avoiding the electric nets on the top and nimbly jumps down."You've turned us into squirrels and birds just because of a woman." Roger half whispers.Mike shushes him. "Shhhh. Don't let anyone hear us, we didn't see anyone here doesn't mean no one will come here to tread quietly."Roger rolls his eyes in the dark. "Fine then. Let's just hurry up and do what we came here for."Mike smirks, the thought of his achievement after everything is over pushes the tiredness he's starting to feel into the lower part of his brain where it's not going to be acknowledged. He moves on nimbly, avoiding a lot of broken twigs
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Mike catches his laugh. "Did you just laugh at me? What's so funny? Give me the water so I can drink it and maybe quench it a little bit.""If you are still thinking like that, then you no absolutely nothing about aphrodisiacs. I am experienced in the use of them for stubborn women so I know all about them.""What are you insinuating?"Roger laughs and drops the cup away from them both. "You two are gonna fuck till one dies. The things about aphrodisiacs that no one will tell you is that, if you don't fuck someone before it destroys and melts your inside with heat, you're going to die and if you decide to fuck someone that's on the same powder..." He looks back and forth at them both. "One of you will have to die. So now, we all know this is option two, one of you will have to surrender. And I think I know who..." He looks at Ivy, with an evil smile playing on his face. "You're the worst hit and the weaker one. I know my big brother, to have him stop obsessing over everything about yo
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Between the Devil and Deep Blue Sea
The door suddenly opens behind them and everyone turns around to see the man in informal clothing.Black casual trousers and black denim jacket.Only Arielle knows him amongst everyone and she takes a step back, a look of fear on her face. She stands behind Richard and whispers to him. "He's the detective from the police station. How the hell did he find us?"The detective walks to Grant and Wren. "I am Detective Rand from the police station Ms Arielle was detained before she ran away these past few hours. I recognize you as Ivy Wright's brother right? And you're the woman who was rescued alongside her in that kidnap incident?"Wren and Grant both nod, taking his offered hand in handshake. "How did you find us here?" Grant asks him, not beating around the bush.Rand chuckles, tousling his hair slightly. "I had gone to meet my superior and came back to the news of a jail break. I immediately set out for her. I stopped at her place and about an hour later, you raced past. The light insi
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(W)Right Planning
"Please, I can't watch you die when there is something I can absolutely do to salvage the situation. Let me do it. I'll face the horrors, you just have to survive."For the last twenty five years, Mike has never shed tears but now, his eyes are starting to get wet.What that damned woman has brought up on them...Mike unconsciously arches up his waist when he feels Roger's hand on his belt. He reaches down almost immediately and places his hand on his."Wait. Let me prepare myself."Roger slaps his hand off. "We don't have any time. The more unexpected it is, the faster the powder will wear off on you."Roger resumes and successfully unbuckles his belt before placing his hand on his zipper and unzips it.As soon as he pulls down his trouser, his member springs up as though it's yearning for freedom...Mike closes his eyes as the sensation of his brother's hand on his dick hits him. He's not supposed to like it but it sends pleasure all through his body.Roger, although feeling bad and w
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Hard Decisions
At the New York Metropolitan Police Station, it's early in the morning so people have resumed to work and new criminals are being brought in, interrogated and locked up as is mostly the routine, except that this morning, everyone is on specially high alert for two reasons.One of them being that they are still on edge from the escape the night before. What if Grant had not passed by Arielle's house and the detective had not seen them pass?What if she had escaped successfully?They all would have risked losing their jobs, their jobs as police officers will be rudely taken away from them.And the second thing causing fear in their hearts is that the Superintendent of Police is coming over to their station for his routine visit around the state.Everyone is completely tense and on the edge.A police officer goes to the detainment area and raps his bat on the metal bars. "Everyone stand up!"Everyone in the cell, beside it and before it all jump to their feet, except some rebels who need
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Shoo in Killer
Ivy leaves the room for a short moment and comes back with a stack of documents, handing it over to Ashton who in turn hands it to Mike who buckles slightly under the weight.They also give him a pen atop all the documents."What's this? Why is it so much?" Mike asks, looking at the stack of documents in his hands, unable to resist the urge to drop them to the ground which he does while resisting the urge to wince with all his broken parts and injured face. "What are these? Are you taking away our right as humans along with these too?" He asks them sarcastically, completely hating the position they have him in.Ivy chuckles. "Why would we? Were you ever even humans? Trying to drug a woman so she would throw herself at you... That, I have to tell you, is not something a human would do."Mike seethes. "What's in there?"Ashton sighs and turns to Ivy. "It seems like they have all the time in the world. Let's leave them to read it word for word. Oh, we will lock the door of course. We wil
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Rand stalks to where Richard is sitting with a smug smile, holding up his wrists and wiggling them to signify to be released.He grabs him up by the shoulder and carries him before slamming his back into the wall.Richard winces, frowning deeply. "What the fuck? Do you know this now counts as assault? You should not be raising your hands against a simple innocent civilian like me. You can be sued for this."Rand scoffs and looks him disgustingly. "Like you have the money to sue me. You used to fuck that woman, you know very well that she didn't kill her but because she's the scapegoat, you're fine with saving your own skin."Richard scoffs right back into his face and shoves him backwards. "Who are you to choose what I do or not? I don't have a choice, you saw the way your boss dragged her off. It seems like his word is law around here.""You don't have a choice? No, you fucking do, you money grubbing cheating bastard. You can sue me for the words too. You can just go ahead to tell me
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