All Chapters of Married my Ex-husband's Elder Brother!: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
171 Chapters
Desperate Alliance
The next morning, in the lobby of Ray Corporation, the back view of a woman is in sight as she pushes aside the glass rolling doors. She looks around and smiles to herself, though the purpose of the smile remains unknown.She walks to the reception. "Hi, I want to see Ivy Wright."The lady at the table looks up at her. "Good morning ma'am. You want to see the current CEO?""Yes. I want to. Is there a problem with that?" She asks, raising her palms and flattening them."No ma'am, not at all. Do you have an appointment with her? Or is she at least aware that you're coming to see her?"Arielle chuckles. "I don't need any introduction. I am her best friend. She might even fire you if she finds out that you're keeping me standing like this for no apparent reason." She leans in the counter and reduces her voice so only both women can hear. "I'm certain you don't want to lose your job, or do you?"The naive lady shakes her head negatively. "Alright ma'am. Give me a minute to place a call to
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Even hours later, after Arielle's departure, Ivy still can't wrap her head around the fact that that Yale, the lady she had met about two times had been the one to kill Tiara.Now, she knows, but now does she go about proving it?She stands up from her chair and wanders to the long glass window which she stares out through while sipping on a glass of juice, smoothies or shakes. She's too lost in thoughts to have time to order for one so she just looks outside.Even though she's far from the lowest floor, she still is able to make out some shapes and happenings down there like cars coming to a halt or someone running.Bored, she raises her head and her line of sight goes right to a large billboard not very far away from the office, it has an advert on it with students walking around and reading and having fun.Seeing this, something that she is forgetting is tugging on her brain, urging her to remember. She focuses intently on the billboard and at a little point forward, they show lect
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NYU Faculty Building
Liam walks pretty fast and catches up to Raine as she's about to open the stage wooden doors. "Hello Miss Wright."Raine turns with the normal smile. "Hel..." She sees its Liam. "Liam? What are you doing here?"Liam chuckles. "I should be asking you that but you are my lecturer so I can't ask. I've been in this school for the last three years, you're the new comer." Liam looks over her shoulder and sees Tyler is waiting for him to leave or something. "Can we talk inside please? I don't want the sun to burn my skin."Raine rolls her eyes, aware that facials is everything to an influencer. "Fine, come on in."Liam walks behind her, casting occasional glances to Tyler, who by the way, is still following as well. "What's his deal?" Liam mutters under his breath."Did you say something?""What? No. Not at all." He guesses that she doesn't know that that man is there, probably doesn't even know about his existence at all due to the cold aura which she carries around herself.When they arriv
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Good Riddance to Bad Trash
Tyler walks up to the second floor with the woman walking right in front of him.The whole board? It's a little hard to believe. Why would they want to see him?He has never even seen past the head of the faculty staff ever since he was accepted to work at the NYU and suddenly the entire board wants to see him.He has a sense of foreboding and that does not feel nice, no, not for anyone.At the top of the stairs, they walk past some offices and come to stop in front of one large one, signifying a conference room inside. The lady he had been following turns to him. "Please give me a moment to inform them that you're around."He nods and she knocks and goes inside. For a split second, all he sees are chatting faces, cool and stuff.Just that minute seeing is more than enough to make him relax his nerves. They seem cool and chill so it can't possibly be something bad, he thinks.Less than a minute later, she reopens the door. "They will see you now Mr Reef."He steps inside the room, lo
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I Resign
Arielle knocks softly on the door.A familiar male voice sounds from inside. "Come inside."She pulls down the doorknob gently and opens the door. She looks around cautiously before going inside.Hank looks up as she comes in. He waves her over to a chair in front of him, not leaving his chair. He trains his eyes on her and watches her every movement. "That was fast, I know I told you to report to me whenever something interesting happens."Arielle smirks easily. "Of course, I won't be here if not for that. Something interesting happened very early this morning. She used to be my best friend so I know her favorite hours of the day to be generous, I made good use of that and went to see her.""Her? You mean Ivy Wright?"Arielle nods. "Yes, her. I went to see her and you didn't tell me what a posh place she took over. I was enamored as soon as I saw the place, the arches..."Hank raises his eyebrows. "You didn't come here to discuss a beautiful place with me. Why are you here?"Arielle
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Welcome to my Office
Late in the afternoon, with all of his effects in the large brown carton in his hands, he sighs and looks over the Metropolitan Police department on the outside, knowing that he's going to miss the place very much.The adrenaline rush, the curiosity that always drove him to solve even the hardest cases, the luck sometimes and even down to the occasional brush with danger and death.Outside the station, his subordinates stands there, waving him bye. He smiles back, his hand too occupied to wave."You're so stubborn." His partner shouts at him, shaking his head but smiling.He laughs loudly and enters his car, horning at them with his car one last time before driving off, leaving his work of fourteen years behind because of something very much worth it.Corruption.Whenever there is corruption in something, it begins to eat it from the inside, until it begins to show on the outside and then, there is nothing left to show for it. He has refused to be eaten by the corruption from Hank Wil
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Filial Son
Ivy motions the former detective to a seat while she settles on the couch facing every other one. Rand takes the seat offered him. "Wow, never in my years of living did I think I was going to get myself a desk job." He marvels as he looks around."You have my brother, Grant, to thank for that." Ivy chuckles and follows his gaze as it stays over everything. It's his job to be curious anyway so she won't stop him from being curious.He stops and returns his focus back to her. "Sorry, I got carried away.""It's completely fine and don't worry, you're not exactly here for a desk job, before I get into other things, let me give you a minor briefing of what your job is originally going to be."Rand nods and sits still."So, I assumed the role of CEO here less than a month ago and I have seen very bad things, things that have been considered normal. For example, I once saw a man smack a woman in the ass and walk away like it was completely normal... The former CEO of the company was pretty
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Shocking Reveal
Night seemed to have crawled that day, finally when it was sun down, everyone had to find their ways home, including Ashton and Ivy.As he does every other time, he comes to pick her up from work, never forgetting to be the perfect gentleman and open the door for her to seat before going round to sit in as well."How about we eat out? It's been a while since we had dinner in a breezy place?" Ashton asks, looking at her briefly.She nods excitedly and exhausted at the same time. "How about an outside place? I would love to sit under the stars and eat, I was so cooped up in my office, oh, and like I told you, I have a lot to tell you. Today was pretty interesting for me in a ton of ways.""I had a fun moment, or at least, a gossip worthy moment. I can't wait to share as well. Look over there, that looks like a good place doesn't it?"Ivy looks over at where he's pointing at and with the golden lights on inside, casting shadows on the outside and then the dim white lights outside, the pl
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Light Hearted
Ashton drops his wine glass and looks right at Ivy. "You're not kidding me right? It's not a prank?"Ivy shakes her head, her eyes dead serious. "Arielle gave me the information while begging for me to forgive and take her back."Ashton shakes his head. "Arielle did what? She came to your office and begged you to forgive her? So she can convince you to trust you, she told you that Yale was behind Tiara's murder?""That's basically it.""But, she lost her memory. How does she know that?""She told me she had been through hypnosis."Ashton scoffs. "She has lied about a lot before now, it won't make any difference if she is lying again."Ivy smiles. "Actually, this one is true."Ashton cocks his head to the side. "There's still something you're not telling me, what is it?"Ivy smiles. "You remember the detective who was in charge of Tiara's case? He resigned and I employed him. Turns out Hank Williams is his uncle."It's a lot of news for Ashton to digest all at once so he's very gratefu
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Attack the Hall
As Grant walks into work the next day, he's joined by many of his crew men. He doesn't break his stride and continues walking. "What about the location I asked you to get for me yesterday?" He asks one of his younger subordinates without sparing him a glance."I was able to get it. I have the map location on your table already."He gives what looks like the ghost of a smile. "That's good. You're dismissed for the day."The man smiles at being given a day off and he very naturally leaves the men and women walking behind him without breaking the stride.The next person to fall beside him is also someone he's asked to do something already so he keeps checking in until he gets to the elevator.Here, he enters alone, his people bowing slightly till the elevator doors close and he's left alone.All of the sound in the air is the even hum of the elevator and his light breathing. All the time he ever has to himself at work is in the elevator and he has learnt to cherish it, so for these secon
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