All Chapters of Married my Ex-husband's Elder Brother!: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
171 Chapters
The Joy of Helping
Just like the day before, Arielle shows up at Ivy's office, using the best friend lie once again and gaining free access to free entrance to the office whenever she feels like it, and of course, it's Arielle, she feels entitled to everything.She walks right past Anita at the secretary station and opens the door to Ivy's office like it's hers, or like she had earned a right to it.Ivy clenches her fist and does a breathing exercise before speaking. "You're here early today."Arielle chuckles. "I know right? I could not stop thinking of you overnight. I was idle anyway so I decided to come say a long hi.""What do you mean by a long hi?""I mean, come to stay with you for a long time? If you don't mind that is. Afterall, I gave you such a piece of important information yesterday, so you can spend some time with me."Ivy notes her meaning but chooses to be dumb. "I have a meeting in about an hour so I'll be out in about thirty minutes. Sorry but you'll need to go some places else to say
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Once Bitten, Twice Bolder
In Grant's office, the manager of the employees in charge of the CCTV camera and watching it come to his office with a USB drive in his hands."I have the entire video from this morning here sir.""Well? Do I need to tell you what to do?""Not at all sir." He walks sheepishly to the TV in the middle of the room and connects his laptop computer with it, using a remote to guide the connection. At the end of the setting up, there are six boxes of videos on the screen, all of them the same time but different angles and places. "Done sir."Grant crosses his legs and watches the video intently, seeing the daily lives of his employees, a very large amount of them arriving with coffee cups in their hands, handbags and suitcases everywhere, black dresses... "Pause!"The manager snaps back to attention and presses the pause button. "Did you see something?""Take it back a few seconds, focus on Camera one, the one by the door exactly."The man follows instructions and it's only Camera one that's
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Shattered Peace into Pieces
Chapter 143After work that day, Raine drives her SUV home, in a better mood than she's been for weeks. Contented, happy and this massive amount of peace in her heart, she sings along to the song playing on the radio singing on top of her voice, drawing eyes from passengers and fellow drivers alike."...But I can't help falling in love with you..." It's worthy to note that Raine doesn't have the best singing voice but she belts out every line anyway. "Take my hands, take my whole life too... For t I can't help falling in love with you..." Few blocks from home, she hears a car horning behind her to go faster. "Do you want to fly?" She asks herself as she looks in the rear mirror. She catches glimpse of a somewhat familiar view entering into a tall apartment just some buildings away from her own home.The fear that she had lost comes banging on the door of her heart and inadvertently, she lets it in. Her hands on the wheel begins to tremble. She parks her car and looks at the apartment
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Frayed Nerves
"You're always writing in that small journal of yours. What's in there?" Her friend, Cale tries to grab the book from her but she dodges out of the way just in time. "Why are you so curious? Leave me alone."Cale furrows her brows and looks around, her eyes coming to land on the red head male, few trees away from them, sitting underneath one with his friends as they chat away, laughing from time to time. "Ah, it's him isn't it? You still have a crush on him?""What?" She turns beet red. "No I don't..."Cale cocks her head. "And I'm supposed to believe that when you're so red. You turn red when you're lying, you're a pinocchio in that sense."Davis bites her inner lips. "Is it that obvious?"Cale nods immensely. "Yes, totally. Very very obvious. You get as red as his hair whenever he's around. Then you start to scribble mysteriously into that book of yours. You better be careful, a lot of ladies already have their eyes on him."Davis rolls her eyes, her colour slowly returning to her
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A Day in His Life (1)
Ever wondered what a day in the life of a stalker is like? What do they busy themselves with? From morning till night? How does it work being obsessed with someone?I chuckle... You're about to see what it's like to be a Tyler Reef who's currently very obsessed and stalking a beautiful woman, a learned professor named Raine Wright.The loud alarm ring wakes him up at six fifty am, and he yawns, standing up from the bed, he sits still for two minutes before pushing himself up from the bed, he trudges to the bathroom to freshen up. In about five minutes, he returns back out, a bathrobe covering his whole body.In his furry slippers, he walks over to the professionally set telescope sitting by his window. He gently lowers himself to the small chair in front. He lowers the look through glass of the telescope to his level and he gently adjusts the telescope so it's directly facing where exactly he wants to see. Under his breath, he begins to mutter. "Five... Four... Three... Two... One. Se
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A Day in His Life (2)
This is a continuation of the previous chapter...(A day in Tyler Reef's life.)At around two pm the same day, he notices her laughing along with some other co-workers, all of them on foot, walking out of the gate.He immediately stands up from the chair and drops his payment on the table before dashing out of there, wiping his mouth with the back of his hands.He follows them stealthily as they are all distracted and laughing at something one of them said... Or rather is saying."...can you believe that man tried to make me pay? It was so hilarious. Some men are really shameless. He literally ate all of the burger and fries I ordered and then wanted me to pay at the end. I told him I was going to use the toilet and took the back door out. I immediately hailed a taxi and fled..." The woman narrating her funny experience is a member of the non teaching staff.All of the ladies all laugh, none of them noticing him behind them."After about an hour, I check my phone and see that I had ab
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Andrew Resurfaces
Ashton steps out of his office, right into Greta. He steps back just in time to hit her. "I almost hit you. I hope you're okay? What's the rush all about?"Greta straightens herself. "Your wife just called, she said she tried reaching you but your phone just wasn't going through."Ashton springs to alert. "Ivy called? What was it about? Is she okay?""She's fine but she says your sister, Raine, isn't. She's over at home that you should come down home. They are home together."Ashton closes the door. "I was actually on my way to her office. Thank you for informing me." He walks right past her and takes the elevator to the ground floor. She said she's fine but Raine also worries him, what could make her not okay? She's usually like an ice queen, even to him. Cold and won't say anything but when she does it'll be scathing.She has always been that way since she was younger so he only got used to her being... well... Her. But now, she's not okay and she's coming to him, or at least indire
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At the Wright Residence
About two hours later, Raine moves slightly on the couch, her eyes opens a crack and she looks around.When it finally dawns on her where she is, she rubs her eyes and sits up. Ivy sees her immediately and goes to her side."Are you feeling better? I let you sleep in because you seemed so tired, too tired and yet too peaceful for me to wake you up.""Thank you for not waking me. I needed that sleep." She looks around. "What about..." She's unable to finish her words when she sees Ashton sitting on a small couch not far away from her, engrossed in reading something in the magazine right beside him.He gently sets it down. "I got home not long after you slept off. Ivy asked me not to wake you up that you hadn't slept in a while."Raine looks down and nods."You know better than that though, don't you? You always pressured Dad into getting a lot of sleep after work so he won't get wrinkles so easily." Ashton chuckles at the memory.Raine refrains from rolling her eyes. "It's not easy bei
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A Day in His Life (3)
(This is the final part of Tyler's day.)Tyler sleeps off at the window few minutes later after watching and there's nothing interesting going on.Suddenly, he jerks awake to the sound of his phone ringing. He looks over at it as it vibrates on the wooden mantel. He picks it up and looks at the caller ID and sees it's an unknown number.He picks it anyway. "Hello?""Hello, am I on to Mr Tyler Reef?" A female voice asks him over the phone."Yes. Who is this?""My name is Virginia Longbottom.""And... How can I help you?""I got your name and number from the doorman. I have a complaint for you, could you please come outside your apartment?""Yes, of course." Tyler puts the phone in his pocket and heads out, unsure of what's it is all about. As he opens his door and steps out, he sees a dark haired woman in her thirties with her hand on her waist standing a few meters away from his door. "Good afternoon. Are you Virginia? The lady who called me?""Mr Tyler? Yes I am.""Oh, you said you h
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To find Andrew
An envoy of ten black cars, nine vans and right in the middle is a white Jaguar, though naturally faster than the others, keeps the same pace as the vans going before and after it."What do you say again?""He's within eyeshot. I'm still following him right now.""Okay. We are on our way now, don't lose him." He drops the call and looks over Grant who looks kind of disinterested at the moment. "We have him sir. He was hiding at the same spot where we rescued your sister and Wren months ago."Grant scoffs. "The cheek. Tried to murder me and now is hiding in plain spot... If I didn't know better, I'd have said..." His eyes slowly widen. "Stop the cars!""What sir!""I said you all should fucking stop."They all stop driving at almost the same time in the middle of the road."They've all stopped ahead and behind."Grant gets off the car and every other man inside all of ten cars exit as well."What happened sir? What do you feel?"Grant hits his hand on the hood of his car, looking aroun
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