All Chapters of Two Mates and A Descendant : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
137 Chapters
Chapter 41
HEAD TASKMASTER Today, all the maids finished the work they had to do on time and demanded for an off day. Downright marched up to my office and demanded for it, including the designated head maids. "Why do all of you want an off day? What exactly is going on that I'm not aware of?" I ask in confusion, and they all start to giggle. "Did I make a joke? Silence!" I hit my fist on the table, and they all keep quiet. It seems like they have forgotten that they are my workers, not my kids. "We are sorry sir, but today is the auction, and it is incredibly important for us that we go." One of the head maids say. "Auction?" I ask in confusion. The girls nod. "Today is the day that Hazel amongst others would be put up for auction, and we want to be there for Hazel." One of them with jet black hair says with a huge grin on her face. That's when I feel like my brain has been shocked. I remember the dream and the warnings I got from the moon goddess about Hazel. A shiver runs do
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Chapter 42
FRANCESCAThe auction is happening soon, the maids and I have been waiting for this for a while and it's quite fulfilling that it is about to happen. We had quickly got a bus that would take us all to the venue. Although, the distance is trekkable, but why would I stress myself? In a very short period of time, we arrive at the venue and I asked for Santi. “Francesca! Welcome!” The guy at the door, Cade tells me. We have always been good friends. I step down into the grand hall, the air thick with a mix of excitement and tension. The Auction. A spectacle that draws the attention of the elites of entire towns, where fortunes are made and fates are sealed, where dreams are killed and dreams are made. I was told that tonight, all eyes would be on Hazel, since she is the mysterious girl that is going to be sold. Most of the task masters are there are in search of buy Hazel, since the maids and I put so much to making people believe that she is worth something, even if it’s just
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Chapter 43
HAZELI have been assigned duties, and it almost feels like old times. Only these times are worse. Imagine how bad it is for someone to miss the past when the past was extremely terrible, it goes to tell you just how bad things are going for me now. I was given a lot of work earlier today, and the head taskmaster chose to ignore me as usual. The other girls simply look at me in surprise, and I overhear one asking her friend if I am a ghost. "No, she's not a ghost, but she found a way to use her witchcraft to escape!" The other girl replies, her voice shushed, and then I get up in anger. "Since you know that I am a witch, then you would know better than to try to anger me by talking about such puny things where I can hear you! If you know what is good for you, you will run for your lives!" I try to make my face as horrid looking as possible to scare them, and they run away from me, and the look of fear on their faces makes me happy. The rush of adrenaline of being on the other side
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Chapter 44
FRANCESCAAll the other maids have been treating me terribly, and for once, I'm being ostracized. There is nothing worse than wanting to do something and if all blows up in your face, and in my case, getting rid of Hazel didn't work as well as I thought it would. It was supposed to be a fool proof plan, because how do you escape abduction and trafficking? Whatever force Hazel has in charge of her is definitely working extra time just to keep her alive and somewhat safe. When the fire started, all I could think of was how much better it was for us, mostly because I expected Hazel to burn with the place, not escape it. If I knew that this was going to happen, I would have stayed behind to push her in before attempting to escape myself. Hazel is an arrogant, conceited maid who thinks that she is above everyone else, and the plan to send her away from all of us did not work out eventually. That made the girls detest me for having a plan that wasn't fool proof. It was supposed to be, bu
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Chapter 45
HAZELThe buzzing of machines greet me as I wake up, and to my surprise, I am in a bed, and it's white all around. A hospital? I am in the pack's hospital! Panicking, I sit up, and my movement seems to attract a nurse. "Lay there, and don't try doing anything I wouldn't do. You have injured yourself badly." The man says, and I try to speak, but nothing comes out. I want to ask him what’s going on. "You want water?" The man hands me a bottle from the nearby desk and I drink from it gratefully. "What is it?" He asks me. "How did I get here?" I look around in confusion. "What happened?" There's a dull ache in my head, and I sound like my voice is muffled. The nurse shrugs. "I'm just as confused as you are. See, you were found outside the hospital, laying on the floor and there was a large wound at the back of your head. We have had to fix the tear and keep your here for the past two days." "Two days? I've been unconscious since then?" I ask, throwing the covers off me
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Chapter 46
HAZELThe mail is just about to leave when I get there, and the only person working is an older man with a stern look in his eyes. “Why are you just coming? Don’t you know the times? I almost left.” He says, and I look away. “I’m sorry, I had to send this, but I’m supposed to be at the hospital, and I feel so week.” I tell him, and the look in his eyes change to pity, and he sighs, collecting the envelope from me. “Well. I suppose I can do this one quickly. I’ll just record it when I get back.” He says, and a grin comes up to my lips. Since I am no longer going to be working as one of the maids in the pack house, regardless of what King Arnold replies with, I go back to the pack hospital to finish with my treatment. I had to come up with something that made them allow me to go, but to make sure I stay on intensive bed rest and good food. Ha! As if there’s anything like that for me there. If I’m going to do anything, I’ll spend my money on getting better and look for new way
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Chapter 47
HAZELGoing to the border through the west feels more like a nightmare more than anything, because I obviously underestimated the distance. I have almost been at the border once, and that was because I was sent on an errand, but now, I feel like I’m going to pass out. I must have gone far enough. Why did I ask King Arnold to make his people wait for me at the border of the West when they could have just waited to pick me at a good distance from the pack house? Another problem I’ve put myself in because I did not think it through. Due to the fact that I’m still somewhat weak, I take my time, and it takes me a little over a day to get to the border. The border goes into a forest that serves as a form of land separation, and as I’m about to go through, three huge wolves jump at me, and I can’t help the scream that escapes my mouth as I land on the ground. Clutching my bag tightly, I watch the werewolves move around me, each one sniffing before stepping back, as if to regard me. Tha
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Chapter 48
HAZELThe sun streams in through the windows, and one of the maids is already adjusting the curtains. I open my eyes, wondering where I am, and the events come rushing back to me. Of course, the palace of the kingdom of the North. Everything here feels so unreal. “Rise and shine, your majesty! Good morning, miss!” The maid says, and I give her a small smile. I keep on forgetting her name. “Good morning.” I stretch out my arms. “What is your name again?” “It’s Fiona, ma’am. Your bath water would be ready soon. Do you want any extra things added to it?” Fiona asks me, and I shake my head, not even liking the fact that there are people preparing what I would take my bath in in the first place. “I am perfectly capable of preparing my own bath water, Fiona, so don’t worry about it.” I tell her, and he eyes widen, like I’ve said something rude. “No, that is what we’re here for. To ensure that everything goes on as smoothly for you as possible.” Fiona tells me and starts aski
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Chapter 49
HAZELThe morning goes on the way it usually does. It's so unproblematic to the point that I always know what to expect regardless. Maybe something might happen like Fiona showing up without a few snacks for me to much on, but that's just about it all. Have I said that I love the peace and quiet here yet? Well I do, and it is not just that. There's fresh air too. I read some trauma books, and I thought that my brain would play tricks on me by making me miss my bullies. "As if that would happen." I mutter as I get out of bed, responding to Fiona's greetings. I have been watching television nonstop, and it takes out of my sleeping time. "Miss, you fell asleep watching the television again. Shall I come here and put it out for you every night?" Fiona asks me, and I shake my head. "That was my mistake, but thank you for doing that for me. You're too kind." I tell Fiona who chuckles and tells me that she's just doing her job. There is a knock on the door and I ask the person
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Chapter 50
HAZEL "So as for where we are going, it's a surprise." He says, offering me his arm. "But I promise you'll love it. We are going to walk, though." I raise an eyebrow skeptically but decide to go along with it. After all, what's life without a little spontaneity? As long as it's nothing like what went on in the pack house. As we walk through the streets of the kingdom, I can't help but marvel at the sights and sounds around me. This place looks great, and although I've been out to cities before, but this has a more modern look and feel to it. "So, Arnold." I say, breaking the silence as we make our way down a crowded street. "Please tell me something else about yourself. What do you like? What do you dislike?" He thinks for a moment, his brow furrowing in concentration. "Well, I love music." He finally says. "Sometimes I play the guitar in my free time, which isn't a lot, but still, and I'm a huge fan of desserts." I nod, mentally filing away this new piece of information
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