All Chapters of Two Mates and A Descendant : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
137 Chapters
Chapter 21
HAZELI scream, the sound filling the small space of my room as I'm suddenly jolted awake from my sleep. My breathing is heavy as I pant loudly, and my eyes dart around the whole place as I check if the unknown monstrous creature is still anywhere near me. My eyes are wide as I do that and after scanning the entire room for a few minutes, I still don't see anything remotely close to that, so I give up on my search and focus on getting my breathing steady.I'm still breathing hard even as I look through the windows so that I can determine the time of the day and see if it's already time for me to get up and prepare myself for my daily chores. ***As I go about my morning routine, the remnants of the nightmare are still clinging to the edges of my mind like cobwebs, and they refuse to be brushed aside for whatever reason. The image of that unrecognizable monstrous creature that was chasing me through the woods is just replaying in my mind over and over again, and it leaves me with a se
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Chapter 22
HAZELIt’s a new day and what it just means is another day of work for me. And the only thing that is certain about today for me is that I'm sure no one will bully or accost me. I'm also certain that I won't have that many chores to do today, and I'm glad about that, at least.Later on, as I move through the halls, a sense of isolation weighs heavily on my shoulders like a bundle of invisible chains binding me to the shadows and bringing me down.As I pass by the other maids, it is very obvious to me that they are avoiding me and their eyes slide past me as if I'm nothing more than a ghost haunting the corridors of the pack house. They have always avoided me, but it seems that now, they are only making it a point to do so because the taskmaster probably issued them a warning to stay away from me.The whole thing is quite irrelevant to me so I just label it as unnecessary and push it out of my mind, choosing instead to focus on my familiar routine of cleaning, sweeping, and mopping the
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Chapter 23
HAZELAs the news of the head taskmaster's departure from the pack spreads through the pack house like wildfire, I know that things will be different for me from now on.The rest of the taskmasters around, including the low ranking ones, will surely be glad that they have been given free rein for the moment, and the cooks will be happy that they won't have him breathing down their necks for some time, while the maids will be pleased that the taskmaster's presence won't hang around them and suffocate them anymore.As for me, a sense of foreboding settles over me like a heavy cloak as the news gets to me where I am. For the first time in recent times, I find myself truly alone. I will be without protection from this moment.I know all too well what this means. It means that with the head taskmaster gone, I will definitely be vulnerable to whoever wants to take advantage of me. It also means that I will be exposed to the whims and machinations of the other maids in the pack. They have ha
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Chapter 24
HAZELPanic surges through me and a primal instinct deep within me is urging me to flee, but I know that resistance of any form from me would be futile. They outnumber me far too much, and their combined strength surpasses my own too, so it means that I'm powerless to stop them as they drag me out into the hallway while their cruel laughter echoes in my ears like a haunting melody. With each step, the fear that has been lurking at the edges of my consciousness threatens to overwhelm me, but I refuse to give into despair. I square my shoulders as I steel myself for whatever lies ahead, because I'm determined to face my adversaries with dignity, even in the face of their relentless cruelty. But as they push me further down the hallway, their taunts grow louder and more vicious with each passing moment. I can't help but feel a sense of helplessness wash over me like a wave. Right now, I'm completely at their mercy because I'm just a pawn in their twisted games of bully and dominance, an
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Chapter 25
HAZELAs the announcement of the King’s impending visit spreads through the pack house like wildfire, a sense of apprehension settles over me like a dark cloud. Even though I know that this pack is his territory and he can come here anytime he wants to, I still can’t shake the feeling that the timing of his return is no mere coincidence. With each moment that passes by, my mind races with a lot of possibilities, and each one is more serious than the last. They run through my mind endlessly and I can’t help but dwell deeply on them. Could it be that the Alpha King has caught wind of the last disagreement that happened between me and my fellow maids? And if that is so, how did he hear about it? Who in this pack cares about me that much, enough to inform the King about this? Is he returning here to address the grievances that have been happening in this pack of late? That thought alone sends a shiver down my spine because I know all too well the consequences of getting the King angry.
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Chapter 26
HAZEL The maids I’m passing by are speaking in hushed tones about the embarrassment and humiliation I endured at their hands and as usual, Cathy and Gwen are in the middle of the conversation. As they keep talking about it, the words pierce my heart like daggers and I can't help the pain I feel in that moment.It is at that moment I know — with a sinking feeling of inevitability — that I’m indeed the reason for the King’s return. My altercation with the maids didn’t go unnoticed because someone definitely reported the situation to him, and now, they will have to face the consequences of their actions, whatever that may be. I just hope it’s not something too drastic because I won’t be able to stomach that if it happens. ***Now, I’m alone in my room and I’m completely surrounded by the deafening silence of my thoughts. I wrestle with the weight of the impending visit from the king. I can hear the rest of the people in the pack house buzzing about with excitement and anticipation, an
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Chapter 27
HAZELJust like a mechanical contraption, my body has become used to working day and night, and I have taught myself to make it bearable. It feels like with each completed chore, I’m getting bonus life points.That’s what I like to think, anyway. I hear the other maids chattering. None of the other higher ups are with us, and so our workplace is lively. I turn my head to see two maids whose names I have never learned, giving me dirty looks.No wonder I was feeling evil eyes on me. I stare at them, causing them to look away out of embarrassment before I continue with my activities.My mind is roaming all around the place. Perhaps it will be nice to have someone to talk to while working, to keep me company, but nobody seems to want any more than a few sentences at most with me, and I honestly don’t want to be friends with them either. I shake off the feeling of abandonment as I think about the king who had come on to me.Twice too!I felt like it was a prank or something at first, becau
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Chapter 28
HAZELI’m going to my room when I hear the commotion. “What is going on?” I see some girls looking out of the window in the corridor and I go and have a look at what they’re immersed in too. The full head of hair lets me know who it is already, and all I can hope is that the king has not come back for me or something like that. The last rejection should have been loud enough for his majesty.I hear him laugh at something and decide that I have already had enough. I have been sleepy for a while, anyway.Leaving the maids behind, I slip into my room, trying my best to block out the sounds of cheer from below. Of course, everyone is happy when the king visits, I think scornfully.Closing the door, I immediately immerse myself in the soft caress of my bed, enjoying the peace I have been looking forward to all day. I need a moment of peace away from the bustling energy of the rest of the pack house.With a tired sigh, I pull my comforter onto the bed, and I feel a small burst of happine
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Chapter 29
HAZELUsually, when I am given a day off, I use it to sleep in, or maybe take a walk around the kingdom for my leisure, but today is different.I put my hair up with a ribbon and tie it in place, wondering if my questions would ever stop. I have tried so hard to return to those strange dreams after the last one, but all my attempts have been futile.I know that I tried to make myself think that the dreams do not matter, and that people have weird dreams all the time, but there’s something in me that wants me to try to do more research and see what this is all about.It’s my day off for the month today, and I know a woman who can help me with what I need to know.“Hazel!” I hear the voice of the taskmaster, and I know that does not usually mean anything good for me, but I just turn around to answer him.“Where do you think you’re going?” he thunders, and his eyes seem to be shooting flames.“It’s my day off today, beginning from this month. It’s marked on the roster too,” I tell him sim
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Chapter 30
HAZELIt's already dark now, and I'm wondering if I should have spent the night at Ladia's. The way back is empty— sure, it has always been empty, but it looks even more sinister now. And I can hear the low cries of different animals, which I know I won't be strong enough to fight if they come out to me.I hear rustling in the bushes at the front, and no matter how silly I can ever be, I have heard enough stories to know not to go any further than I already am. There could be a wild beast, or even worse waiting in there for me to dare to pass through.A shudder passes through my spine as I think about the wolf that was chasing me in one of my dreams. Only, this time it's real life and I cannot sprout wings to fly to safety.I turn back and start walking away quickly. The fear that if I run, I'll alert the instincts of something bigger than me and cause it to chase me keeps me walking at a steady pace until I get back to the cottage. "I was expecting you," Ladia says with a smug look o
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