All Chapters of Two Mates and A Descendant : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
137 Chapters
Chapter 11
HAZELThe biggest hall in the pack house has already been decorated and transformed by the best decorators in our pack. I'm really happy with the way it turned out because the decorators arrived late, and I had already felt that it wouldn't be possible again.The biggest task has been accomplished and the rest of the things that are supposed to make the welcome ceremony a success are just little and can be done quickly.Since I'm done with my work, I decide to move around the pack house to make sure everything is in order, even though it's really not my job to do that. I don’t know why I decide to do it, but I just want to because I feel that I have to know if everything is in order in preparation for the King’s arrival. The next hour goes by really fast. It’s really faster than we all expect, and the fear that we have all been trying to hide starts creeping in; the fear of everything being a failure and of not impressing the King at all. I surely don’t want something like that to
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Chapter 12
HAZELImmediately, I lower my gaze and bow my head. My hands are shaking and I'm so scared to look up to see if he noticed anything. Then our taskmasters start ushering everyone in. I look at my fellow maids and nervously bite my lower lip to stop it from shaking, but it doesn't work. We wait for the guests that came with the King to all come into the hall before we disassemble our line and fix ourselves around different parts of the hall instead, as we await the needs of the guests. Presently, I'm looking around the whole hall except for the King’s face, even though I can feel his gaze on me. My whole body is shaking, and I can’t help but wonder how everything is going to end.If I can, I want to leave and not come back at all just because of how scared I am. My wolf continues to whine and chant the word, ‘mate’ but I'm trying so hard to be normal, so I just ignore her."Welcome to our pack, Alpha King. We are so happy with your presence," our Alpha and the taskmasters chant in uni
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Chapter 13
HAZELThe King starts to move back, and he pulls me along with him. I try to pull away, but he is too strong. As I trail behind him, I can hear people having side talks and they seem so surprised at the way everything turned out. Well, they aren’t the only ones feeling that way. I'm surprised too. I never thought I would get noticed by the King, not to talk of getting embraced by him. I can only wonder where he is pulling me to… and why.The King continues to pull me along, albeit gently, with him until we get to his bedroom. I have never entered the bedroom before, so when he opens the door and wants to pull me inside, I flinch and refuse to go in. "I want you to come in. We have to talk, Hazel," he says and pulls me in, closing the door behind us immediately. He finally releases my wrist and I wince quietly at the sore spot on it as I slowly rub the pain away. He sits on his bed and squints his eyes at me. I can tell that he is thinking about something, but I don't know what it i
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Chapter 14
ETHANI stand near the bed in the suite where I will be residing for the duration of my stay in this pack. The suite has been tastefully furnished to suit me but I think about none of that as there are other pressing matters on my mind. I’m stunned. Really stunned, in fact. I didn’t think Hazel would have the audacity to reject me, a whole King of the East, seeing as she is just a maid in this pack. I know for sure that she felt the mate bond, so why would she reject being my mistress like this? I was sure that she would say yes and yet, she said the exact opposite of that. I’m really dumbfounded and this is not something that happens to me frequently as I always know what to say at any given time. But the thing is that I’m a bit relieved because she didn’t reject me outright. She only rejected the idea of being my mistress. At least, there is still something to stand on. And this means I can try again. She was probably in a bad mood when I asked her the first time so I have to tre
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Chapter 15
HAZEL It’s the afternoon of the next day and the most baffling thing right now is that I’m done with my chores for the day. I didn’t expect that to happen and it’s really surprising. Yesterday and even this morning, all my thoughts were occupied with the fact that I would have a lot of chores to do today since I didn’t do much yesterday. I was still thinking that that would be the case until I went to the task master’s suite and he gave me the same chore as yesterday, and nothing else. Even when I went back to his suite to ask him for additional chores, he just ignored my question and told me that was all for the day. Why is this happening? I ask myself.It really isn’t that I don’t like the fact that I’m not given as many chores to do as before, because I really do like that. I actually like the respite I have gotten from my daily chores, but what is puzzling me badly is the reason for it. I have thought about the whole thing and I have only one reason for it. Maybe I’m getting
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Chapter 16
HAZELIt’s another day and I’m doing my chore for the day. Just like the last two days, I have been given just little to do and I’m doing it diligently and efficiently. I’m in front of the pack house watering the flowers as usual and suddenly, I hear the sound of footsteps so I immediately turn back around only to see Cathy and two of her minions who are the same ones from yesterday, with one of them holding a bag of something indistinguishable in her hands. She has a very murderous looking expression on her face towards me, and goes on to eye me with open contempt before she speaks. “You, Hazel, why are you being singled out and given little chores to do for three days now while the rest of us have to work tirelessly throughout the whole day? What’s it that’s so special about you, eh?”The pitch of her voice rises with each word she says and I just look at her without saying a single word to her. Then I suddenly realize something. She is jealous of me. I wonder what exactly she is
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Chapter 17
HAZELI’m stunned and taken by surprise completely when Cathy suddenly pushes me to the ground because I wasn’t expecting her to do anything like that at all. She is going too far with her bullying but there is nothing I can do about it still. I have to keep my cool. Remaining calm like before is my only option here, as I cannot afford to lose my temper at all, because things will only get worse then.So with that thought firmly in my mind, I pick myself up from the floor gently and start to pat the dust and flour off my body, not minding Cathy as well as her minions who are still glaring at me. I take my eyes off them as I continue with what I’m doing.Cathy turns to face me once again and as I raise my head up to look at her, I can see the fire of her hatred for me burning in her eyes. I don’t know why she hates me this way. I don’t know why she is hell bent on bullying me and trying to make my life miserable. I’m not even sure that I have ever done anything bad to her since I have
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Chapter 18
HAZELSoon after that, the taskmaster leaves the laundry site, but not before giving Cathy strict orders to wash all my clothes that she ruined including the ones I have on currently,When he leaves this place, I’m left alone with Cathy who is glaring daggers at me from where she is standing and if looks could kill, I would be dead in an instant. But luckily for me, they don’t, so I’m still looking at her as she keeps glaring at me. Then I decide to go into the pack house and leave her here to tackle the mess of clothes which — luckily or not so luckily for her — are still in the laundry site. So now, all she has to do is just get some laundry detergent and get down to washing the clothes. I catch her gaze one last time before I leave and the hateful glare she gives me would have been enough to send me reeling if I don’t already know the amount of hate she has in her heart for me. But just like before, I still don’t pay any mind to her as I turn to leave. I’m glad that she has gotte
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Chapter 19
HAZELShe is here. She really is. My mother is here. She is just a few feet away from me!“Mother!" I yell, reaching out to her. I try to move closer to her, but it seems like the closer I move towards her, the farther she becomes.But I don’t want that at all. I want to touch her and feel her hands wrapped around my cold body in comfort, but… but, I can't. I just can’t. When I touch my face, I notice that it's wet. That’s when I realize that I'm crying.“Please, don't go!" I manage to voice out amidst tears. My sobs increase as more tears pour out of my eyes, and I'm about to break down completely at this point.However, I'm not ready to give up just yet. I keep on walking towards her, and a sheer kind of determination is very visible on my wet and now red face.While I'm walking towards her, I notice something startling: she is not alone. There is someone just right beside her.My face morphs into a frown as I pull to a stop to see who it is. Slowly, the tall shadow becomes visible a
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Chapter 20
HAZELI'm done with all of my chores for the day, and currently, I'm on my way to my room because I have just had dinner in the kitchen, and I have nothing else to do. I push the door to my room open when I get there and when I'm inside, I take off my clothes and put on my pajamas. I don't bother to shower because I'm so tired, and I just want to sleep. I jump on the pallet I use as a bed, ready to fall asleep immediately my head hits my makeshift pillow, but I'm surprised as that doesn't happen.Instead, I keep tossing and turning on the bed with my eyes wide open. I'm so restless, and it's apparent that the sleep I need is not coming anytime soon.I try to will myself to sleep, but I can't because my thoughts are all over the place. I even try to think about a calming memory that can serve as a lullaby to lure me to sleep, but no matter how I search the recesses of my memory, I can't seem to find a single one.Perhaps, it's because I don't have a single happy memory in my entire li
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