All Chapters of Saved By The Alpha's Superpowered Son: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
138 Chapters
Duck and Cover
[Hyacinth]Propelled forward by fear and adrenaline, I run down the hill, my blood creating an unfortunately convenient trail as I make my way into town. Thankfully, the streets are empty. Everyone is either at the Alpha Beta Ball, or they are sitting in their houses doing nothing--The nature of the witches' spell taking the will out of everyone to do more than exist. Wolves are patrolling the streets near the pack house. I am sure there will be more waiting for me inside the jail as well. But I need to get to Drew. "No," My wolf insists. "You need to rest. You need rest more than anything.""I can't rest," I argue with Halcyon. "Slate needs me, Bash needs...""Our pup will be fine," she assures me. "He's pretending to be a big strong alpha. And he has others helping him. McCoy won't let him get into any trouble. You are the one in the most danger now. We need to cover your scent."She's right. I smell like fear and blood. Most wolves, especially those who are out of control, would
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What Ever Happened to Lisa?
[Hyacinth]I freeze. I recognize the woman holding the gun, even though the rifle in her arms obscures most of her face. "Lisa?" I call out to the tense redhead with pale skin and a shaky trigger finger, "It's me, Hyacinth. Hyacinth James." At the sound of my voice, the gun slowly lowers. "Dr. James!" she squeaks. "Oh thank the Goddess! I thought you might have been one of those wolf-bies" As she comes closer she crinkles her nose at the smell of the rank mud smeared all over my body. "Let's get you cleaned up.""Wolf-bie?""Wolf zombie," she clarifies. "Have you seen them out there 'patrolling' the town? They are more like the undead than the living the way they have no will of their own." I nod in agreement. Wolf Zombies feels fairly accurate. As we walk towards the showers, I wonder how long she has been holed up in this place. With food and supplies, a single person could survive here for months undisturbed. "So, they told us that you were a danger to the pack and that you are
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Sleeping with Darkness
[Ashlynd]The grand warlock is a tall man. I cannot see his face as it is shrouded in darkness to protect his identity, but I can tell that he is older, perhaps old enough to be my father. Looking across the room, I can see that Slate is safely tucked away, playing his part as instructed. To anyone who doesn't know better, he looks like all the other alphas in the room, mingling with one another, smiling and dancing. I don't have time for dancing tonight or pretending to be one of the wolves. Tonight, on the night before my wedding, I've been called to duty. "Grand Warlock," my mother holds up the edges of her skirt and curtsies. "This is my daughter, Ashlynd."The tight black dress I was instructed to wear does not allow for the same freedom of movement, so my curtsy is less graceful. I feel stiff and squeezed tight as a sausage in this revealing garment, every nook and cranny of my body on full display. My mother takes a step back, presenting me to him as little more than a gif
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Lost in the Night
[Slate]For a few, shining moments I was free of the spell that Ashlynd forced upon me, keeping me from my mate. And for a brief moment, between taking one breath and the next, as the spell was pulled out of my veins I could feel her again. I could feel all of them.My pack.My son.My mate.And the very small speck of life that will grow into my daughter, Goddess willing.If I can feel them, all of them, that means my ties to them are not broken, or at least not completely, including my bond to my mate. As weak and tattered as it is, so frail and fragile only a spiderweb's thickness remains. A bond, no matter how weak, can be mended. With that small thread left to tether it, we just need time and love to heal and be connected as we were before. I want to tell her this, to let her know what I feel, but as I struggle to speak, the curse falls into me, digging its claws even deeper. "We're out of time," Sage grunts as he tries to keep my mind clear. "We need to go! Now!""RUN!" I gro
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[Slate]I woke up two hours later, surrounded by trees and the smell of freshly spilled blood. Lying at my feet is the head of a deer. It was ripped off, torn from the body of the large stag that was lying only a few feet away.Dragging my body forward along a path, naked and covered in gore, I feel the call to return. Shifting easily, I run to my mistress, who looks impatient as she stands at the entrance to the Monrovia estate. "Where have you been, Slate?" She demands, her voice as hard and cold as the ice-blue dress that drapes from her shoulders. There is something different about her, something new. And then I realize what it is. She doesn't smell like a wolf anymore. Instead, the thin, acidic scent of witch burns my nostrils. She comes forward. Placing a finger on my chest she draws a line. Bringing her blood-covered finger to her lips she closes her eyes, concentrating. "Deer," she concludes, looking disappointed and disgusted. "You left the ball to find a snack? All you w
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The Sleeper
[Hyacinth] Blake looks tired. Not the tired of needing a bit more sleep or just waking up, but the bone tired of several nights without true rest mixed with heartache. "Cindy," she smiles as she recognizes me, her whole face brightening with relief, "Oh thank the goddess you are here!" And then she starts to cry. Rushing forward, I pull her into my arms. She holds me back, squeezing. I fight not to start crying myself, but fail as a tear rolls down my cheek. I am so happy to see her safe but upset seeing her so weak. Her pregnancy was already taxing her body, and now with whatever happened to her while I was gone, she is stuck in this bed for the remainder of it. I know it wasn't my fault that I was forced to leave, but it doesn't keep me from feeling like a terrible doctor and an even worse friend. Her husband should have been fleeing with her and their pup, not coming back to save me and mine. And yet she doesn't show the smallest sign of anger or jealousy. The only emotions
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The Calvary
[Hyacinth]Adjusting the shotgun on her back, Lisa tells me to stay there while she checks on the door.Considering she feels a need to go to the door with a shotgun makes me want to come with her, but then I remember I am in no condition to fight anyone. My ability to heal and harm is practically useless now with my baby's life in the balance. I need rest. I need to heal. If I'm going to free Slate before he's stuck to my evil witch of a sister, chained to her with marriage and goddess knows what else, I need to listen to those around me who care enough to tell me the truth. I need to rest. As much as I hate to do so. It is in my nature as a mother, and now a Luna, to want to take care of those who are mine--and now the whole pack is mine. Thankfully, Lisa doesn't keep me waiting long. A few moments later she comes rushing in., her cheeks flushed with excitement. "Luna, come quick, you need to see this!"Carefully moving off of the hospital bed, I walk out into the lobby. Standing
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Local Secrets
[Hyacinth]"First we need to get Drew," Mariana speaks up. "Not just because he's my brother, but because he's one of the fastest Gibbons Wolves I have ever fought against and the only one who has ever kicked my ass," she smiles, proud of her brother."I've seen him in action," Beta Reed confirms, "And he's an Alpha. We need all the powerful wolves we can get on our side. Who knows how this will play out.""Agreed," Jeffrey also pipes in. "I trained that boy, his sister too," he gives Mariana an affectionate smile. "And I know what the Michaels kids can do, especially when you have them both together. "Silvers," Mariana reminds him, squeezing her wife's hand. "I'm a happily married wolf now. And we aren't kids, we are full-grown wolves, gramps." "Gramps?" I didn't notice the family resemblance until those words left her mouth. Seeing my confusion, he explains that since strong Moon Wolf powers pass down from generation to generation, and that our powers have been sought out by witc
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The Tunnel
[Hyacinth]The entrance to the tunnels was located behind a large community plaque in the basement that listed the names of all the donors who helped the hospital over the years with generous donations. The most recent name in bronze is "Alpha Slate Danvers" for his "continued contributions to the health of his pack" with the year right below. The name above his on the plaque is my grandfather, Aster Monrovia. I place my hand on the plaque, touching each name and silently thanking them both."Before today, this tunnel has been a secret passed down from Beta to Beta since the original was dug. Only a few Alphas or Lunas ever learned of this secret. What I'm about to show you, I need you all to swear to keep secret," Her gaze is intense as she makes eye contact with each of us. "It is vitally important that this stays within our pack, and that it isn't told to anyone who might use this knowledge for our harm."We all nod in agreement. Nobody wants to see our pack harmed more than it al
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Jailhouse Blues
[Hyacinth] The light on the other side of the tunnel is not particularly bright, but it is such a stark contrast to the flashlight-illuminated dimness of the tunnels that our eyes need a moment to adjust. Our noses, however, do not. The scent of sweat, urine, blood, and death overwhelms us as we enter the jailhouse. It is evident from the smell alone that nobody has checked on these prisoners in quite some time. This means nobody will likely miss them either. If we are quick and careful, we may even succeed at breaking him out without anyone being the wiser. "It seems strange that they left Drew so unguarded," I muse. "You'd think they would keep a better eye on such a strong alpha." The packhouse jail is small, consisting of two simple hallways with 4 cells each. In the first hallway, the smell becomes obvious. I shield Bash's eyes so he doesn't see what is left of the humans turned into wolves for the sake of the witches' plans. Those same poor men who were sent to kill me
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