All Chapters of Saved By The Alpha's Superpowered Son: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
142 Chapters
Guardian Island
[Hyacinth] We follow him onto a little motorized boat just big enough for the three of us and a small bit of luggage acquired throughout our adventures. At Bash's insistence, we collected not just the basics like clothing and personal care items, but a stuffed animal or two, and a few small souvenirs as well. Over the last week and a half, we had gathered quite a few treasures, all items Bash hoped to share with his Papa when we made it back home. It takes us a moment to get adjusted and find spaces for everyone and everything on the boat, but then we are speeding along on the water and heading away from shore. Bash has never been in a boat before, so he doesn't know what to expect. When the motor starts and we are propelled along the water’s surface, he reaches around me and grabs my waist, holding tightly to my shirt. “How long will it take for us to get there,” I ask Gregory as he steers the boat along on its path. We lost sight of the beach several minutes ago but I have yet t
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A Special Type of Wolf
[Hyacinth]“Dr. Stevens,” I gasp, “I thought you were in Mexico,” I stand confused as I look at the man I had been searching for only two weeks ago. He laughs. “I see my daughter gave you my address,” his laughter eases into a gentle smile. “She doesn’t know about this place, so she’d have no way to guide you here. I’m sure she did her best to lead you to me.”“So the sign on your property…” I look at him waiting for him to elaborate. “Oh, I did go to Mexico,” he confirmed. “The surfing in Baja is excellent. But I always come here on my way back to check on my patients. The hidden have no one else to care for their medical needs. What we need here is a full-time doctor.” He looks at me expectantly.If he is expecting me to take the job he is woefully mistaken. I will get back to my mate by whatever means possible. He’s set to marry my sister in the next day or so. I can’t let that happen. Especially now that I know about the little one I carry inside of me. She deserves to have her
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Children of the Moon
[Hyacinth] “There is nothing special about me,” I blush. “I have done nothing in my life to deserve such distinction. I have lived most of my adult life as a wolf-less rogue. I take care of those I can, but I have failed just as much as I have succeeded,” I think about those poor cursed humans that Slate killed in his madness. I wasn’t able to save them, I wasn’t able to save him either. “I disagree,” the doctor places his hand on my shoulder. “You are stronger than you realize.” He pauses, watching Bash play. Bash was playing a guessing game where he was reading the minds of the wolves around him. They were all marveling at how well he was doing. “Now tell me a bit about yourself. I feel like I’ve lost track of you since you left the pack. Did you enjoy college? I assumed that is where you went after the ball. I see you found your mate as well, a Crescent Wolf based on your son’s remarkable skills. You must be so proud.” I shake my head ruefully. “You misunderstand. Bash isn’t my
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Hard Choices
[Hyacinth] “Is that how you and my mother decided to keep me safe,” my body grows rigid as my tone grows cold. Sensing my change he retracts his hand. “Did you block my wolf?” “Yes,” he admits, not denying that he was responsible. “It was what your mother wanted. She knew there were witches who would hunt you as soon as they saw you had inherited the full Monrovia gift. You were only 3 when you started to show signs. We waited until you were 5 to give you the first dose.” “First dose?” My anger is starting to boil over as bile threatens to rise from my tightly-clenched gut. “How many times did you do this to me?’ “Only twice,” he confesses. “The treatment lasts 10 years and is designed to wear off in time for you to develop your wolf at an age where your body is better able to control the strength of your abilities. Your mother had the same procedure done herself. She was one of our test subjects at the institute.” I remember the file I had found in my office, the one that showed
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Keeping Up Appearances
[Ashlynd] “I don’t think this is a good idea, Mother,” I plead one more time. “We need to call the pack leaders and postpone the ball.” "Pft," Tabitha James dismisses me completely as if my panic and fear are completely unwarranted. "The wards will have been properly dug by then and the pack will be ready to show our best side to the world. With all the Alpha and Beta's here, the giant focus will finally have a chance to really...shine," she smirks at her own small joke before becoming serious again. "We cannot cancel." "Is there any way that I can just keep Slate hidden until after you..." “No,” she takes a delicate bite of a finger sandwich. “Not acceptable. We need to keep up appearances or the illusion falls apart. If we want to live openly as we are, we need this spell to work. We need this spell to be successful in controlling the wolf leaders of the West. For the sake of the coven and the freedom of all witch kind,” she dabs on the edges of her red lips right before she pick
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Into the Void
[Slate] Ever since I realized that she was drugging everything I ate and drank, I stopped eating in her presence whenever possible, sneaking untainted food from the kitchen, and faking every time I had no choice but to pretend to be obedient. When I do have to eat around her, I make sure to spit out what I can, swallow what I must, and vomit up whatever is possible when she isn’t watching. It isn’t a perfect system, but it is enough to give Sage a chance to help me. “The food is breaking our connection to our mate,” he explained to me one night. “She feels further and further away from us every night. We should be able to feel her no matter where she is.” I noticed the difference as well. I had been hoping I was wrong, especially after Sage gave the news. “She’s carrying our pup,” he was so proud to discover that in such a brief time together we were able to create a new life with our mate. “You are going to be a father.” “I already am,” I think of the handsome young alpha with
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Separation Pains
[Hyacinth] “ARRGH!” It feels like my heart is being ripped out of my chest. I cannot breathe, I cannot see. Losing control of my body I fall to the ground screaming and shaking. The dance around the bonfire comes to a complete stop. The children all stand, wide-eyed and scared as they watch one of the few adults on the island hurt and in pain. For them, it must feel like the world is falling into chaos. Including Bash, who stares at me, his hands extended, but wanting to help but unable to move. “SLATE!” I scream my mate’s name as my wolf howls in agony. He is gone. Our connection to him is gone. “Oh, Goddess! SLATE!” Gregory scoops me off of the ground. Holding me in his arms he follows Dr. Steven’s instructions, taking me to the medical suite where he lies me down on a padded table. Bash follows, unwilling to let me out of his sight. “Gregory, please hold her arms,” he requests as he turns to me. “Hyacinth, your body is going into separation shock. I need to give you a sedativ
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The Clearing
[Hyacinth]The ground is slick with fallen leaves, wet from the island dew. Bash and I are wandering through the dense jungle, doing our best to try and find our way to the dock. We fell a few times, and I am still sore with separation pain, but we can’t stop. If we stop they will find us.Did Drew know that the guardians would try to drug us? Did he know that his mentor would take us here? And if he did, would he have sent us anyway?Doctor Stevens ended up being less hopeful than I had hoped. I know he has answers that he hasn’t shared about the nature of our powers, but he also has motives of his own to keep some things close to his chest. I am growing more and more suspicious the longer that I think about everything that has happened.I have a hard time believing that my mother had anything to do with what is happening here. island. Yes, she used the blockers on me, but did she know what it meant? And if she did, was she aware that there were children out there who might not be gi
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[Hyacinth] My eyes take a moment to adjust to my new knowledge, as she lifts a hand to touch my cheek. How can this old woman living in the woods of a secret island be my mother? My mother, who has been dead for 12 years? It takes me a moment, it has been so long since I have seen my mother that I had forgotten what she looks like. But once I get past the white in her hair and the wrinkles around her eyes and mouth, I can start to see the once-beautiful beta in her smile. It is clear by her appearance that her life has been rough, but there is still enough of her old self there to shine through. Unfortunately knowing that she is my mother doesn’t make this moment any easier. It just leaves me with more questions than answers. Questions like, why didn’t she ever try to come home? When I think of the things that happened over all this time-- Dad marrying Tabitha; my ejection from the pack; my years as a rogue and now all this mess with the witches--I’d be lying if I said that I am
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[Charlotte] “Or at least I think he is,” her voice goes from confident to uncertain. She places a hand on her head. “Things have been confusing since I woke up.” “How long have you been awake,” I ask. She seems lost, both in mind and spirit. “Something isn’t quite right about her,” my wolf sounds both hesitant and confused. “She doesn’t feel like our mother, not quite. Something has been taken from her.” “I don’t know,” she admits sadly. “Until I saw you running through the woods, I was not sure if I had been here for days or decades. I have no memory of anything other than the accident and waking up on the table. I wish I knew more. I wish I had some kind of clue.” She looks so close to crying she is so overwhelmed with emotions. “And things haven’t been quite right since I woke up,” she admits. “Like my abilities. They are completely different. I seem to have lost the ability to heal, but instead, I can do this,” she raises her hands to the sky. “Create illusions. This has nev
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