All Chapters of Saved By The Alpha's Superpowered Son: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
138 Chapters
Stolen Away
[Hyacinth] Slate looks more than a little bit worried as we find a pull-out on the side of the highway. The strange banging and scratching sounds seem to have stopped, leaving us with more questions than answers. As soon as the car stops rolling, Slate pops open the hood and begins to peek inside, grumbling under his breath. Just as I reach into my bag for my phone, it pings letting me know that I just received a new text. Opening it, I see that I have received about half a dozen text and phone messages. Flipping through them, it soon becomes clear that I need to call Blake right away. “Slate!!” I shout as I press the call now button. “I think we have a bigger problem than your car.” “I’m sorry, what?” he looks around the hood of the car towards me, a bit of grease smudged on his nose. “Did you say something?” I move my arms frantically waving him over while I keep the phone to my ear. I’m about to reply when Blake picks up on the other end. She is sobbing over the phone
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[Hyacinth]Slate opens the trunk which flies open. Inside, curled up amongst the jumper cables and spare tires is Bash, who blinks up into the sunlight at the both of us, his eyes wide with shock, his mouth open as if he were about to start yelling for help. He was in the middle of tapping on the trunk door, lying on his back with his feet and clawed fingertips in the air.“Finally!” he stretches and his claws retract as he reaches his arms out to be picked up. “I was thinking you’d never find me!”“WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE!!!?” I try not to scream but I’m not sure right now if I should be happy or angry. “Do you know how much trouble you are in right now?”“But Mama,” his little lip begins to tremble as I pull him out of the trunk. His arms squeeze my neck into a tight hold as if he is afraid I might disappear. “I promised you. I need to keep you safe.”“Your Mama is just frightened, little wolf. She thought some bad people had gotten you or something very bad had happened to you.
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Family Secrets
[Hyacinth] “Superheroes,” Slate looks skeptical. “Like Superman?” As we made our way along the highway headed south, we decided to take Bash with us on our little adventure down the coast. It was easier than taking him back to River City and then heading out alone again. Besides, it seemed like a good idea to have some family time, although alone time would have been nice as well. I blush at the idea of more time alone with Slate. We have had so little time together, and I feel a need to be closer to him. I hope he still feels the same way about me as I tell him the next part. “Not exactly,” I try to explain what we mean, but it just created even more questions for Slate, who looked a bit lost as the discussion continued. “So let’s see if I understand,” he is trying so hard to stay calm, but I can see a bit of panic in his eyes, even as his tone remains compassionate, “little Bash here has the power to make people’s minds turn off which he’s had since his wolf began to material
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Calling on Dr. Stevens
[Hyacinth] After grabbing a quick snack in town, we begin our arduous journey up the tall mountain. After eating a couple of cookies and staring at the trees for about twenty minutes, Bash passes out from too much sugar and far too much excitement. I put the address I received from Nurse Stevens as the current location of her father. It is going to be a long drive, up and down the mountainside taking close to an hour. Doc Stevens lives deep in the Ben Lomond forest, surrounded by coastal redwoods, high above the ocean in a house looking out to the sea. It should take us another 40 minutes to get there, or at least what the GPS is signifying as we make our way up along the twisty mountain roads. “Have you ever been here before?” Slate turns on the car radio as we make our way past some fallen trees from an early fall storm. “To the ocean?” “Not for a very long time,” I admit, “My mom preferred to vacation in the mountains. She loved the ice and snow and adored skiing. Considering s
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Wasted Trip
[Hyacinth] “Mexico!” I shout and then look back nervously at the car. Thankfully Bash is still asleep. “Well shoot,” I whisper angrily. “That was a waste of time!” After spending a few minutes looking around for a scrap of paper and a pencil, I write Dr. Stevens a note letting him know who I am, where I came from, and how to contact me. “Please contact me as soon as you get this,” I begin the last lines of my letter. “We have so much to talk about.” Folding it up nicely, I leave it for him in his mailbox. "Just because we didn't get to meet the doctor," Slate comes up behind me as we stand next to the car watching Bash sleep. "Doesn't mean this has to be a wasted trip. What do you say we have a little family beach vacation.""Family vacation," I try not to grin too widely. "But we've only just barely become a family. Doesn't it feel too soon?""Too soon for what," Slate asks. "The world is uncertain. You never know what tomorrow is going to bring. I think if we don't take a moment
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Snapshot Memories
[Slate]Family. If you are a lucky wolf, you will be surrounded by those you love, others who cherish and protect you, who you can cherish and protect in turn. Packs are like large families, the alpha serving as the patriarch who keeps all of his wolves safe. But having a pack, leading a pack, is not the same as having a family. Not really. Family is having someone to wake up next to in the morning, having arguments, and making love. Family is sharing moments like these with your children, moments when things seemed perfect and easy that you can hold in your heart when things become hard.I remember my father and mother taking me to the boardwalk when I was just a pup, only a few years older than Bash. We had so much fun riding the rollercoaster and eating cotton candy and those weird freeze-dried ice cream dots that were such a craze when I was a kid. Afterwards, we’d spend the night at the hotel overlooking the water and I’d watch the surfers ride the waves. It is one of my fondes
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Facing Facts
[Hyacinth] The drive along the coast as we made our way back north was mostly silent. We are all weighted down with the knowledge that this may be our last peaceful moment together.So we try to make the best of it. We made a few touristy stops, including a stop at a pancake house with three dozen types of homemade syrup, and a trinket shop where we could get matching shirts. After stalling for as long as possible, we eventually hopped into the car one last time and began the final leg of our journey back home to Gold River.My mate and I both have a lot on our minds, our faces lined with worry. Bash, sensing our unease, amuses himself by reading the signs that announce each time we enter the boundaries of a new pack, a game we had started back when we were rogues and we didn't know where we might be going next. I would read the signs and he would read them with me. Now he is doing it for me. He is such a kind and considerate boy.“Summer Song Pack,” he recites. “Population 2,251,” o
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Dark Plans
[Ashlynd] “Explain, in detail, what happened.”The crone before me is hunched over her lab equipment in a warehouse we had outfitted for her on the edge of pack territory. It cost quite a bit of money to keep her location secret and quite a bit more money to have her lab properly outfitted. Modern witches don’t cackle over a cauldron under the full moon. Modern witches are scientific spellcasters. They observe the world, collect data, and use that data to create a new type of magic, one based on logic and reason. This might seem contrary to what most people understand, but the only real reason our people have survived near annihilation is the fact that we are good at noticing patterns and hiding in plain sight.True witches are chemists, biologists, and physicists. We discovered how the planets move and how seasons turn. We noticed how some plants work best when grown in particular soil, and the elemental parts of all living things, and how to manipulate them. Without witches, moder
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The Trap
[Slate]As I was walking over to the meeting hall, I got an urgent text from Ash. She wanted me to meet in the Alpha suite immediately. She had some upsetting and important news to share, but she didn’t want it to be over the phone or by text. I only agree to her demand because I feel guilty. I hate how things ended between us and feel she deserves a chance at a proper farewell. So I walk straight up the stairs, not paying attention to the hubbub around me. The Alpha Beta Ball is happening at the end of next week. That day was also supposed to be mine and Ashlynd's wedding, so the party planners have been working overtime making all the preparations ready for both events. Every major Alpha and Beta on the West Coast has been invited to attend with us hosting them as a way to apologize for missing the summit at the end of last month. When I pull out my key to unlock the door, I notice that it is already open and not even completely latched, so when I place my key in the lock, it push
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Waiting Game
[Hyacinth]It was hard waiting for Slate to return. So Bash and I tried to keep ourselves entertained and busy. First, we cleaned the entire house. Bash even put away all of his toys that were strewn all over the house. I moved things in my bedroom, including making space in my dresser drawers for him and placing a new toothbrush in the bathroom in the cup next to mine. I wanted something pretty and lacy to wear for him, but nothing I owned was fancy in that way. So instead I picked my silky pajama top, leaving the bottoms in the drawer. Smiling, I thought of how it would feel to have his hands sliding around on the silk cloth. By the time we were done, there was still no sign of Slate, so Bash and I worked hard to make a special dinner and dessert to welcome him home. We settled on lasagna, a family favorite, with a salad. I pulled out a nice bottle of wine to celebrate along with a bottle of sparkling apple juice for Bash. I sent Bash outside and sent a quick text to Drew asking
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