All Chapters of Spade: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
173 Chapters
Chapter 161
Greg stared at Spade mortified as he couldn't say anything else.Spade leaned away from him and shoved his hands into his pants pocket, staring down at the man in front of him with great contempt and anger."I'm going to ask you a question Greg, and you're going to answer, or you die, well you're going to die anyway but I'll make it less painful" Spade muttered, seeing the way Greg's eyes moved from him to Matteo, he wasn't that much scared anymore and that smug look was slowly returning to his face."Where is Nate"? He asked, seeing the way Greg's face morphed into one of confusion as he frowned and looked from Spade to Matteo for the tenth time since both of them had been standing there"Why are you asking me that? You should know where he is, since he's sucking your dick now" he finished with a smirk and this made Spade to clench his hands beside him, before he took a swing to Greg's face.Whipping it to the side, as he groaned and blood splattered out of his mouth, Spade heard the
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Chapter 162
Bernie and Su stopped in front of the door that led to the cell where Greg was being held, she stopped in front of it, taking in a deep breath, Bernie noticed this as he had been looking at her since they left Spade's office.She reminded him of the young man he used to share an office space with, the same person who he'd not seen for more than two weeks and now was presumed missing But there was something different about her, her eyes, she had bright green emerald eyes, eyes that caught his attention the first time he saw her and she looked very beautiful, he could swear he'd never seen someone so beautiful before.And the way her voice sounded when she spoke, soft, tender and very soothing.He swallowed as he focused back on her, she seemed nervous and it showed on every part of her body, especially with the way she played with her fingers"Do you want me to come with you"? He asked, watching as she looked up at him, she wasn't short, he was just rather tall, but she was a bit shor
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Chapter 163
SpadeI stepped into the cell, already feeling a slight throb in my head, can anything get easy for me?I was already on edge about the man that molested Nate being in my club, but now this.I looked at Matteo and he had his hands wrapped around Nate's sister who's face was buried in his chest, he looked like he was comforting her but she didn't seem to be crying.Matteo's eyes met mine and it looked blank, there was no emotions in them, he just clenched his jaw and his eyes shifted away from me, making me follow his line of vision, my eyes landed on Greg, who had his head twisted in an odd angle, his throat slashed open, blood dripping out His clothes were soaked with crimson red and his eyes were open wide as they stared up at the ceiling lifelessly.I didn't feel bad for him, I was just fucking frustrated and angry, this would be the second time a person in my custody would be killed and I didn't know who was audacious enough to do this.I looked away from the body and back at Mat
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Chapter 164
Clicking of shoes was heard on the marbled floor as the door opened and he walked in, Nate laid on the bed, almost lifeless, although his legs had been released, his hands were still bound to the bed post, with his head facing the other side, he didn't bother turning to see who it was because he already knew who it was.He'd been motionless like that for the past 24 hours, not moving or saying anything, he wasn't even reacting to anything done to him.After that man had touched him, he still had a little fight in him, but with every other day for the past five days that he had come to do the same thing over and over again to him, he slowly lost a part of himself.The part that wanted to fight to get out of that awful place, he didn't think he had the fight in him anymore.He just laid there day in, day out, waiting for whenever he would come to touch him.He didn't even care if the man wanted to kill him, that would even be better because laying down there, he was already dead inside.
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Chapter 165
He was sitting at the head of the table, a few of his men were seated around the huge conference room, Matteo was sitting by his right as usual, while Bernie was on his left.True to what he'd ordered Matteo to do, the blonde had called some of his men into the conference room for the meeting, and he looked more alive than he had done in days, hope was evident on his face and it was much stronger in his heart.Something in his gut feeling told him this wasn't just a hunch, he could feel it deep down that he was going to find Nate.He looked at the chairs and it was just Vince, Nico and Murphy, one of his very good shooter, the guy was good with a sniper, he didn't want to have all of his men here, not because he didn't trust them but because the smaller the team, the faster and efficient they would be."I'm sure most of you already know why I called for this meeting"? Spade's voice bounced off the walls of the room, making them to nod, as that was making it even easier for him, he did
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Chapter 166
Spade was tense, the air in the car was somewhat awkward and intense, they were already on their way to the location where Nate was being kept, he knew he shouldn't be so reliant on his gut feeling but something inside him was telling him that no doubt Nate would be where they were headed.All the other hints they'd gotten over the past few weeks have all led to dead ends but none gave him this strong belief inside.They had taken two cars, he was riding with Matteo and Bernie, surprisingly Stefano had asked to ride with the other guy that was going with them, for some odd reason it felt weird that for the last hour Stefano had been with them, he hadn't tried to annoy Matteo as usual.Spade could tell something was wrong, especially with the way Matteo had also gone completely silent and his mood somber since they set out on the drive.He'd asked the blonde about it but he just said he was kind of nervous about where they were headed, but Spade knew he was lying, nothing ever fazed Ma
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Chapter 167
Running through the corridor, Spade took the nearest left turn that led down another corridor, okay Matteo was right, this place was a fucking maze, he was running when he almost bumped into Matteo, who was also headed towards the same direction."Was that you"? He asked breathlessly and Matteo just shook his head"I thought it was you" he muttered, and Spade clenched his jaws "and it's not Bernie, because he's with me" "Shit" Spade cussed out, he knew it wasn't Nico or Vince, he left them downstairs, he rushed towards where they had heard the sound, with Matteo right behind him, as they kept meeting more corridors on the way, making it even hard to decipher where the sound had come from.They took another turn, both of them already hoping this would be the last one, because it seemed they were getting lost in this house.They both stopped in their tracks at the foot of the corridor, it was just as long as the others, but he didn't bother looking at the end, because what he was seein
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Chapter 168
The drive was one of the longest Spade had ever had to endure in his entire life, he kept taking quick glances at Nate on his thighs, at a point he thought the young man had finally given in to his wounds, but the shallow breath that left his slightly parted lips, gave Spade a small but of hopeHe didn't know he was this impatient, not until he had to sit in the back of the car with Nate as he watched Matteo drive, it was as though the blonde wasn't even driving fast at all.But after the unending and torturing drive, they finally arrived at the hospital, he didn't even wait for Matteo to help him out before he got out of the car and scooped Nate up bridal style, rushing him into the hospital.For once he was grateful he'd settle his issue with Garcia, because now he didn't have to go through the excruciating stress of answering stupid questions from the cops about how Nate got shot or whatnot.He kicked the doors open as he rushed into the hospital, with Matteo right behind him, one
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Chapter 169
Spade took long strides towards the basement of his mansion, the dungeon where he was told Salvatore was being kept, he hadn't gotten a wink of rest, after leaving the hospital, he called Stefano, asking the man about something he'd asked him to do a while back, and luck was on his side because Stefano already had it under control, giving Spade even more push than he expected.He stepped into the basement and walked right into the barred cells, in the middle of it, Salvatore was tied to a chair, his wounded leg had been tended to, Spade had ordered that, he didn't want the man to die just yet Death was too easy for someone like him, Spade would make him suffer, but first he needed information from the man.He shoved his hands into his pocket, as Salvatore looked up and had a grin on his face when he saw Spade."I thought you had forgotten about me" he muttered, Spade didn't say anything to him, he just watched him with great contempt and rage.He clenched his jaw as he watched the ma
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Chapter 170
Spade sat watching the beautiful man he had come to love with his very existence, if need be he was ready to die for Nate, actually the night he'd gone after Sullivan, he'd hoped he'd die so he could at least see Nate and talk with him one last time, but death didn't come that easy for him, especially for him.It had been approximately one month since Nate was shot and he slipped into coma, one month that Spade had to live without Nate, a very sour and bad experience for him.He'd barely left his side, he even stopped working, Matteo handled the mafia while he never left Nate's side, he didn't want to miss the day when Nate would wake up, although he was beginning to lose hope of that ever happening, even though the doctors had said Nate was responding to treatment and was close to waking up, he didn't see any improvement.It was the sane thing everyday and the beeping sound of the machine Nate was hooked on was getting on his nerve, some days he wanted to have at it and smash it to p
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