All Chapters of Spade: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
173 Chapters
Chapter 61
Nate stepped out of the bedroom, his hair dripping with water, slowly wetting the grey tank top he was putting on, he had on black sweatpants as he walked towards the couch"Sorry I took so long" he apologized taking a seat on the couch just beside Matteo "I decided to take a shower" he muttered nervously as Matteo just smiled and waved it away"It's okay" he muttered his eyes trained on Nate, the kid was fiddling with his fingers on his thighs, Matteo could feel the nervousness oozing out of him, drinking in his facial features, his hair was dark brownish, like evening wet dust, with his pale face adorned with small dark spots and his lips, those almost invincible skin that rested on his face, his brown eyes looking away and around the roomMatteo could understand why Spade found him interesting, he could see how the kid was able to catch Spade's attention this much.With the amount of innocence he radiated, it was easy to catch anyone's attention.The fact that he was clueless to al
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Chapter 62
Getting to the huge building of the event, Nate stopped his car and looked out the window, what he hated most about things like this, were the many people always present, he sighed out, flexing his fingers on the steering before he pulled out his car keys from ignition, took his phone and stepped out of the car His eyes raked through the red carpet and they were all busy taking pictures, while the media asked unnecessary questions as always, he fixed his tux and took long strides towards the entrance of the building, avoiding the flashes of the cameras, he passed through the many people on the red carpet all making different noises and chattering.He pushed the double glass doors and stepped into the huge hall, his eyes moving from the beginning to the end of the hall, his eyes moved up to the huge golden glass decorated chandelier hanging up in the ceiling, round tables with chairs surrounding them with beautiful decorations filled the hall, this wasn't like the usual events he atte
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Chapter 63
The man that had come to invite Nate to his table had scurried off the minute Spade showed up, Nate's eyes swept through his body, he was putting on a deep navy blue suit, white buttoned up shirt inside, no tie, the first button on his shirt was undone and Nate could see the few chest hair peeking out, and the shimmering necklace he had on.Nate's eyes moved up until they stopped on the hard, emotionless, grey eyes, he swallowed as he watched Spade stare at him, his skin was burning as if Spade's eyes were laser beams and they would cut through to him any secondJaw clenched and his face blank as he glared down at Nate, he wanted to recoil back and hide away in fear, he could feel every resolve he'd tried to build off since the last time they met, wash away with the shivers that ran down his spine."What are you doing here"? He gritted out, his hard, hoarse and emotionless voice sent a heavy tremors through Nate's body as he felt himself shudder a bit.Nate fought the urge to chew on
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Chapter 64
Nate was dumbfounded and shocked to the core, watching the bullet go straight through the strange man standing on the podium, he watched it all happen in the blink of an eye and before he knew it, the man feel down with a thud.He'd watched someone get killed before but it didn't make the feeling of throwing up right now go away, it didn't make watching another one any better, instead he felt more shitty and shaken than before.Spade hadn't even seen the whole thing go down, while he was looking around the hall, Nate had witnessed it and it was the reason why he was still shaking visibly as he felt the sweat in his palms become much and moist.He was still on the spot Spade had left him about a few seconds ago, he could hear his heartbeat as each thump felt like his heart was seconds away from exploding.With his parted lips, his throat was parched and dry.He could still hear multiple gunshots in the background, if he knew he would have stayed home, he wasn't cut out for this.The mo
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Chapter 65
Stefano had a lopsided grin on as he watched all three of them, his eyes moved from the youngest of the three, stopping briefly on the hands of Nate and Spade in between them, before moving to Spade, he could see the slight tick in Spade's jaw as he clenched it, his eyes hard and blank.Stefano's eyes finally landed on Matteo, he wasn't expecting to see the blonde here tonight, he'd not seen him again since the last time he had seen him at his apartment.His eyes stopped at the blue, almost cold steel eyes, to his perfect nose, and his lips set in a straight line as he also stared back at Stefano with a bored look, Stefano's eyes moved from Matteo's face to his body, he was putting on a grey tank top, his biceps flexing themselves, Matteo wasn't tall like Spade or Stefano but he had an almost perfect body, his broad chest looking firm and hard from his top, Stefano's eyes landed on the small tattoo on his right arm, tiny lines drawn vertically on his arms, Stefano didn't stop to count
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Chapter 66
Matteo's car pulled up in front of Spade's gate, he stopped the car and turned around to face Nate and Spade"I'll go drop him off at his place or whatever" he muttered gesturing to Stefano and Spade just nodded, his eyes moving to the man in the passenger seat, before his eyes moved to Nate again, the young man was seated gingerly in the carHe opened the door to his side, finally letting go off Nate's hand, get stepped out, holding the door open for Nate, the young man also stepped out, Matteo gave Stefano one last look before stepping out of the car himself.Nate just stood very close to Spade, as if he was the shadow of the man, Spade faced Matteo who stood in front of him"I'll be back as soon as I drop him off" he muttered and Spade just nodded"Be careful okay" he muttered gently and Matteo just nodded, before his eyes landed on Nate standing a few places away from them"Is he gonna be okay"? He asked nodding his head towards Nate and Spade turned and looked at him, letting out
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Chapter 67
He didn't know if it was the way Nate always stared at things he showed him with awe, or the admiration he always saw in his eyes that made him feel this strange happiness inside of him.He'd been watching the young man since they both stepped foot inside his room and it warmed and gave him satisfaction that he somehow approved of how Spade's whole house looked like.It felt like he was trying to impress the kid and it was working, and Spade had never tried to impress anyone all his life, he'd never really cared about what people thought of him, not even his father, but seeing Nate's look of approval about how his house turned out, he felt accomplishedHe walked past Nate and headed for his walk in closet, pulling it open he stepped inside, raking his eyes through each and every one of his clothes there, he didn't find anything that was Nate's style, they were either buttoned up shirts, tux, sweatpants and tank top, it was kind of making him wish he had a different taste in fashion, s
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Chapter 68
After driving out of Spade's front gate, Matteo didn't say anything, and he was expecting Stefano to maintain the energy, leaving the car completely silent.At first it was like that, and he couldn't be more grateful, but he was quick to conclude, a few minutes into the drive was when the trouble started."Do you think it's a good idea leaving them both together alone"? Stefano's overly cheerful voice reached Matteo's ears, and he didn't even make an effort to look at the man beside him, he clenched his jaw already regretting agreeing to drop him off at home"I mean I don't know about you but even I could feel the tension between those two" he muttered taking a glance at Matteo, his eyes moved to his hands around the wheel and his knuckles had almost turned white with how tight he gripped the wheel.Stefano could already imagine how strong Matteo was, he'd heard stories about him but he'd never seen him in action, the night the man trailed him, he'd hope they'd both get a chance at a
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Chapter 69
"Sit" Spade muttered breaking Nate out of his sight seeing, his eyes rested on Spade as his eyes trailed Spade's hand pointing to the one of the chairs in front of the counter, he swallowed and gingerly walked towards the chair, pulling it out he sat himself on it.Spade could see he wasn't relaxed, he looked tense and unsettled."You want something to drink"? He asked making Nate to look at him in shock, he was too fucking nice and it was creeping the young man out.Even Spade was beginning to worry about how soft he was with Nate, he'd never had a reason to be this gentle with anyone, not in a long time.The last time he was this gentle with someone was Matteo, and he stopped when the blonde learned how to take care of himselfNate shook his head, not wanting to impose on Spade, Spade nodded slowly before turning around and walking towards the burner, he turned it off as what he had on was already fully cooked.He opened the cupboard in front of him and pulled out two plates, he was
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Chapter 70
All three of them sat on the chairs, Matteo facing both Nate and Spade on the other side, he could see the tension and the glances both men were stealing at each other, he wondered what went down when he was not here."You said something about people saying something about what happened at the party"? Spade asked making Matteo to look at him before nodding his head."Yes, after I dropped Stefano off at his place, I called a few friends and I was able to gather some info about the shooting" he rushed out."Wait, time out" Nate muttered, catching both their attention as both men's eyes rested on his, he looked at Spade first before his eyes landed on Matteo"What was the party for in the first place"? He asked, Matteo just stared at him blankly, as if he was talking in a foreign language"You were there and you didn't know what the party was for"? He asked making Nate to let out a deep breath, his gaze resting on Spade for a few seconds before he shook his head."No, uhm... My uh.. my f
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