All Chapters of The Billionaire’s Contract Marriage : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
78 Chapters
Forty one
Steph opened her closet as she made up her mind to park up her things. She wasn't sure if she was making the best decision but she knew there was nothing for her in Alex's place again.The reason they were both together at first was cause of the baby and now that she was not in the picture anymore. Steph figured that it was best that she left.She decided to accept her mum's proposal and go to the house.She wasn't even sure how her dad was going to react yet but she felt it was better to get there and find out.As Steph packed the stuffs into her bag, she came across the knitted dress and hat that Lucy had gifted her before going. She sat by the edge of her bed as she stared at it.She held it closely and a tear dropped down her face. She didn't even get to give Isabella the dress. She didn't get to wear it for her and tell her how it was made with so much love.Steph decided to take it with her. She didn't know if it was the best decision since it would keep making her remember.Ste
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Fourth two
Steph was in her room when she heard a knock on her door. It was evening already and she was just going through the things on her phone. She had seen the pictures from when she and Alex had gone out for the shopping and it had been so much memories for her.She didn’t know whether to keep the pictures or to let them go, she wasn’t sure if she still needed that kind of memory around. Steph went towards the door wondering who it was. “Who is it?” She asked.“It’s me,” she heard the familiar voice and realized that it was her dad.He was the one who was by the door. She didn’t know what to expect by opening the door but she knew she had no choice. She was in their house now and was supposed to live by their rules.She thought about the time that she would just hide inside the room so no one would see her or talk to her. Her room was her safe heaven and it had always been that way.Steph opened the door for her dad to come in. He was still in his work clothes so she figured that he ha
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Forty three
They all stopped watching the TV and turned over to their dad. "I am sorry," Steph said, whispering next to Anna."It's fine. Was about time anyways," Anna said.She wasn't sure if Anna was ready to tell her parents yet so she felt bad that she took away the opportunity from her."Dinner will get cold," their mum suddenly said. In an attempt to divert the attention from what was happening and back to the food she had prepared."We really should go now,"their mum said.She started walking towards the table and everyone followed her. Anna was glad that her mum was able to do something to help her evade what was coming next for her.They all sat by the table and they started to serve the food."So, tell me about this new hobby," her dad suddenly said as they started to eat.Steph turned to Anna to give her a reassuring look. She had also thought that their dad would forget about it all when he sat down to eat but the opposite was the case.Anna looked back at Steph and their mum glance
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Forty four
Alex’s memories of the night before was a bit hazy, he thought about it as he sat by his study desk about to pen down something. He remembered he had gone to bed early after Luna had left, he had been drunk and had been so tired. Alex picked a paper from his desk and a pen about to write what he had in mind. He had decided to write Steph a letter each day till she agreed to be his. He wasn’t sure how his plans were going to work but he remembered how much Steph appreciated things like handwritten notes and thoughtful messages.He wanted to be that and more for her and he wasn’t going to give up anytime soon. He started the letter and when he was done, he put a seal on it and called someone who was going to deliver it to Steph’s place with a bunch of white roses, her favorite. Alex hoped she reconsidered, that she saw through him and how much he wanted to be with her. Steph woke quiet early from bed today. She had decided to pop up at her place of work and submit her res
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Forty five
Steph wake up quiet late today. She didn’t have anything to do so her mind wasn’t really set at trying to make it early. She struggled to get out of bed. These days were better, she wasn’t drowning in her sorrows like she was earlier and she was starting to feel she could look past it. But that scared her. It scared her because she felt in a few months, she wouldn’t think about her girl again, her memory would have completely faded away from her and she didn’t want that. She didn’t.Steph stood and stayed in front of the mirror, she realized that she still had some pregnancy fat and had been too lazy and exhausted to shed it away. She hadn’t paid so much attention to it. She decided she was going to try going for a run every morning. It might help with her mental health and also her body. Steph was about to go into the bathroom when her phone started to ring. She wondered who it was because it was always just the people home with her that ever called her. She went towards her
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Forty six
Frank and Luna sat talking at a restaurant close to the office. Luna had called Frank asking him to meet up after the conversation she had eves dropped on. "Do you think it's true?" Luna asked. "It should be, if you heard it directly from his mum," "What do you think we should do?" Luna asked."Wgat we are supposed to do," Frank answered."What's that?" luna asked confused."You're Going to get pregnant," he said and then Luna didn't know how to react.She knew that if that was the only thing she had to do for their dreams to come true that she had no choice."How is that even going to happen. He still likes that girl and wouldn't let me touch him," Luna expressed her concerns."You are going to have to find a way. I can't help you with that," Frank said."25% is a lot of money and shares. If we are able to lay our hands on it. Coupled with the other things that we are doing."What if I can't get him to do it?" Luna asked. She knew how hard the task was going to be. She knew how
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Forty seven
Steph looked forward to reading the notes every morning. They were now a routine she had gotten used to and she loved it. Alex's plan was to smitten her with the sweet words and get her to get together with him. She was starting to fall for it, his plans were working and he had no idea. Steph like every other day had stepped out of her room eagerly to receive the flowers and the notes. He had made sure to switch flowers each day to all of Steph's favorite flowers. She loved the scents. They were all natural and even though she had ran out of vases to put them in, she put some in the garden they had behind. Steph stepped out and saw the lily's on the table, she picked them up and put them close to her nostrils. She let the scent in. She hadn't known how much she loved flowers until recently. She opened the note and sat on the couch.Dear Stephanie, The days without you in this house has been really cold and sad. I miss you a lot. I miss you a little more each day
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Forty eight
After the conversation that Oliver had had with Steph the other day, he decide he was going to join Luna and Frank with whatever plan they had and was going to go along with it.He was supposed to meet them today. He was packed outside where they had told him to meet them, he wasn’t sure what was going to happen now. He was packed by the park and then suddenly he got a message.“Come down from your car, to your left you will see a black limo, we are in it,” the message said.Oliver got down from his car and followed the instructions exactly how it was said. Oliver entered into the car and Luna and Frank were sitting in it.“So, you wanted to talk to us,” Luna said.“Yes, I want to,” he replied.“First of, we saw you the other day and I hoped you didn’t spill anything. You know we are always watching you,” Frank said.Oliver knew he was talking about her restaurant date with Steph.“I didn’t say anything and that’s also why I am here,” he explained.“Why?”“Nothing has changed with St
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Forty nine
Steph’s mood changed a lot over the next few days. She and Alex spoke every-time and everyday. They were both just in love and was enjoying every bit of it. They would stay up all night talking on the phone like high school lovers who just got to know each other. They looked forwards to each other’s messages and you will mostly catch Steph smiling at her phone, she was just so happy. Steph walked into the dinning to get breakfast. Her mum had called her to come eat. She was surprisingly really enjoying being home and she was loving every moment of it.Steph was with her phone chatting with Alex while she smiled, not paying attention to anything else that was going on around her. Anytime they spoke, it felt like it was just them in the world and nothing else mattered.Steph sat on the dinning chair, smiling at a text from Alex.“You’re much brighter these days, I love it,” her mum said. Steph looked up from her phone and smiled looking at her mum.Her mum dropped a toast for her
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Steph felt her life lately had been perfect, she felt nothing could go wrong. She and Alex were really having a great time and everything was going well with them. Steph couldn’t think of anything else that she wanted and although she couldn’t get the fact that Alex had asked her to come home with him out of his head. Steph stood in front of the mirror, admiring herself and the dress she was putting on. She had to meet up with Mia and Oliver at the bar.She was done dressing up and was on her way out when she met her mum.“I need meet up with Mia and Oliver,” Steph said.“Alright dear,” her mum responded.Steph ordered an Uber and after several minutes, she got to the bar. Mia and Oliver were not there yet and it was just her.She walked inside and sat in there normal space. Where they all loved sitting.Mark walked up to her after sighting her from where he had been staying.“Hey Steph, what should I get you today?” He asked.“The usual,” she responded.“Alright.”“Thank you.”
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