All Chapters of Hockey Alphas - Pawns For Pucks: Chapter 71 - Chapter 77
77 Chapters
71. This Place Changes You
I made my way to Coop's office, my mind racing with questions. The first one was why Coop even had an office here. Yes, he seemingly funded most of the athletic department and such and was even labeled as a professor, yet I haven't seen him teach a single class or do anything that would suggest he was actually a teacher here. "Come in," Coop's voice called from inside.I entered, and Coop looked up from his desk. "James, what can I do for you?""I need answers, Coop," I said. "No more half-truths. I need to know everything about my mom and why she was here."Coop leaned back in his chair, studying me. "Alright, James. Have a seat."I sat down, my heart pounding in my chest. Coop sighed, looking weary. "Your mother was a student in the last co-ed class. She was exceptional, one of the best we ever had.""Why was she here?" I asked."She was here because she was special. The academy was experimenting with integrating from other schools, but it turned out to be more complicated than w
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72. About the Bond
Leaving Jules sprawled out on his bed, I hesitated before grabbing a pen and scribbling a note. "Come find me when you wake up. We need to talk. -J" I doubted he'd remember any of this by morning, but I couldn't just leave him without some kind of direction. I placed the note next to his pillow, hoping it wouldn’t be ignored in his hungover stupor.I walked back to my dorm. Adrien was sitting on the floor, his back against the wall, knees drawn up, and head resting in his hands. He was so still that I wondered if he had fallen asleep.I touched his arm. "Adrien?"His head snapped up. "Hey...""Did you mean to be here?"He shrugged. "Well, yes and no. I went to sleep in bed, woke up here, and decided to stay because this is obviously where I want to be. This way, I wouldn't fall down the stairs, hopefully."I sighed, too exhausted to dissect his cryptic answer. These boys were needy, and it was so exhausting. "Come on, I'm too tired to worry about you right now. You're just going t
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73. Identity Crisis
Much to Alec's dismay, I quickly set Kris's chessboard next to the others on the windowsill. It took up the entire space.He whispered, "Do you know how hard it will be to dust that many pieces?" making everyone in the room laugh at him. Kris and Adrien left for the student center, teasing one another about how close their chessboard gifts to me almost matched. Once they were out of sight, I got up and rummaged through my bag. I had something special for Alec, too.I pulled out a package and handed it to him. "Here, this is for you."Alec took the gift in surprise. He unwrapped it to reveal a coffee cup with the words, "You call it OCD, I call it You should have put the shit back where it belongs." Inside the cup was a keychain, similar to the ones I had given Jules, Bear, and Adrien. This one was a knight chess piece made from white and redwood. It was far more detailed and not a gag gift like the others.He laughed when he realized how closely it matched the one he'd carved. "O
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74. Focus
I convinced Jules to come down to the dining hall with me. Bear was already there, huffing and looking at us as we entered. The moment we sat down, Bear stood up to leave. His reaction was hard to miss.Jules sighed, leaning back in his chair. "What's going on there?" I asked, curious and a bit concerned.Jules rubbed his temples. "He woke up to me throwing up all over the room. Honestly, I'd be pretty upset, too."Before I could respond, Jules stood up. "I'm glad you found me, though. I'm supposed to go see the doctor about this damn arm today, in like an hour. I'm going to take a shower.""Do you need me to come with you?" I asked, already doubting his ability to handle it alone."No, I don't need a babysitter. I'll be fine." He walked away, but my worry lingered.With some time to kill, I decided to head to the library to connect a few dots before school started back up tomorrow. But first, I needed to find Cam and get the key. I had the Werewolf 101 book and my mom's research jou
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75. Screaming My Name
Coop walked in from one of the back doors. Cam didn't even bother to take his feet off the table. Coop's surprised face at seeing me there seemed almost amusing to him. So Coop, who supposedly knew everything about this place, didn't know Cam could get in here? Cam smirked. "I let James in here to research since their guide is scared of dark corners. Sue me." Umm, why did he just use a random pronoun? "Their" instead of saying "his." Coop didn't seem to catch it, but I most definitely did. Coop was nearly fuming. "How could you get in here in the first place?" "Perhaps you should be a little more concerned about who you give keys to," Cam replied smoothly. Coop continued to look at Cam, his eyes narrowing. "James... head to the rink." "Rink?" I echoed, caught off guard. "Yeah, the coach wanted to call a last-minute team-building session to address any underlying issues within the team. But I'm honestly doubting if we need it, seeing you two in a restricted area, breaking
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76. Pawns in a Much Larger Game
We ran around the corner and ducked behind the dumpster. Moments later, an old man still wearing a three-piece suit walked by despite it being so late and messy outside. "Quiet, he likes to find ways to give double demerits," Jules whispered. I whispered, "Is that why you're panicking?" He shook his head. "No...It's Alec. Something's wrong. He's... he's not himself."I started panicking instantly. "Where is he?"Jules pointed towards the locker room. "He's in there. But be careful, James. He's acting... strange."I nodded, taking a deep breath to steady myself. "Stay here. I'll go check on him."Pushing open the locker room door, I called out, "Alec? You in here?"The only response was the echo of my voice. I moved further inside, the dim light casting long shadows on the walls. My heart pounded in my chest, the silence unnerving.I found Alec sitting on a bench, staring blankly at the floor. Relief washed over me momentarily, but I quickly became concerned as I noticed his vacant
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77. Drugged and Manipulated
Wanda took one last look at Alec before addressing the rest of us. "You all stay with him while I go run some tests on this," she said, holding up the small vial. "He seems to be okay otherwise, just keep an eye on him. And boys... stop taking random things you don’t know what are!"With that, she left. Kris and Jules jumped up, grabbed the beanbags from the common area, and dragged them into the room. They settled in, made themselves comfortable, and pulled out a chessboard. It was their way of passing the time, a distraction from the worry gnawing at all of us.Alec was in and out, sometimes completely passed out, other times awake but disoriented. I stayed by his side, sitting on the edge of his bed to ensure he didn't fall off. Occasionally, he’d mumble something unintelligible, his eyes fluttering open briefly before he drifted off again.Trying to take my mind off the unease, I started talking more to myself than anyone else. “I still don’t know much about the end-of-year test,
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